>no black people
>no homos/dykes
>no Chads
>no SJW themes
>promotes science and marriage
Is this /ourshow/?
No black people
Other urls found in this thread:
>literal pajeet in the cast
>not to mention a closet faggot which is played unironically in the latest seasons
The jew takes pictures of Penny's vagina and then gets her to apologize to him. Based show.
Which one?
I think he means the fact the Pajeet and Jew characters were acting like homos for several seasons. It went nowhere and both of them were confirmed straight
the pajeet
in the beginning his faggot behavior was played for laughs but now he straight up acts like a faggot in every scene and no laugh track plays
the only reason they haven't retconned his character into a full blown faggot is because pajeets in India will stop watching since they're not as (((progressive))) as Americans
is it?
Howard is like a jew caricature with bog schnoz and terrible fashion style, and the fact that lived with his mommy until she died. Pajeet is the most pathetic character constantly made fun of by everyone else. Manlet scored the hottest chick on the show (before Kaley Cuoco got fucking fat)
> Manlet scored the hottest chick on the show
U foking wot, m8
The guys' superior at the university is a black woman and Penny's exes are all chads.
4 jews
1 poo
1 blonde roastie
1 bazinga
No thanks
>Hey Sheldon, what are you doing ?
>Just like Game of Thrones
>Game Boy, Pokemon, Overwatch, Avengers, Batman, Super Mario
>Sonic, Walking Dead X-box, Star Wars
What's funny is she's 6 years older and still looks younger and hotter than Kaley Cuoco
>hey penni what is 1+1
>umm me no science
>penni penni penni
Sheldon is gay af.
The manlet is a cuckold.
Penny and Amy are closeted dykes.
The jew and the indian love each otrer.
Only Bernadette is normal.
This show made me watch Star Trek
>no sjw themes
>women creep into the show and utterly change the entire lives of the autismal nerdfags just because
>bunch of lonely virginal nerds eventually manage to get girlfriends and fall in love and have sex
how awful
Sheldon was utterly content with his life.
Well now he can altruistically make Amy happy too
Welcome to (((Hollywood))) diversity
>monotone whiteknight nu-male describing a harmless show as "creepy" for being vaguely sexist IN CURRENT YEAR
disliked and closed
Wow... So when you really think about it... TBBT was kino all along..
If I was Indian I would be pretty offended about Raj. He is such a pathetic character
Having spent time at Caltech I can tell you the show is not realistic in terms of demographics.
There should be no blacks, way more awkward autistic Asians and poo-in-loos