Why can't marvel nail CGI
Why can't marvel nail CGI
Both look retarded/
why is the metal placed over cyborgs hair as opposed to being his scalp?
he was supposed to be bald
cyborgs design is awful, fuck snyder
Why does it look like shit?
why cant the manbabies go back to Sup Forums
Why can't Marvel into color grading? That's the thing I wanna know.
You do realise that's an actual suit that RDJ is in, right?
your rip looks like shit indeed
Compared to civil war or AoU, Homecoming is orders of magnitude better
What PS1 game is this?
For iron man 1, I'd believe that.
for the last 2 or 3 films...nah
I hate how the Iron Man's suit became more and more over designed with each fucking movie.
MK3 was literal perfection.
Iron man was completely CGI in civil war, you fucking moron
Iron man 1 (and a bit of 2) were the only ones to have practical suits, idiot
It's from the bluray dude.
What the fuck went so wrong??
Nice try, shill.
I don't care what you dolts think, Spider-Man Homecoming had tremendously worse CGI than W.W.
Looks pretty good what's the problem?
bad cgi for the most part, still one of the best mcu movies.
>shoot with practical armor costuming
>replace entirely with CGI
>lighting and angles don't even fucking match
Why can't DC?
>b-but DC!
Kek I didn't even realize they made Tony taller than the black guy
Given the OP image, your post is especially ironic.
The top pic looks just as bad if not worse
That's intentional. Kind of like how Tom Cruise gains 9 inches in every shot
>robo nigger still looks like hes sagging his pants
>this post
Yeah this looks 100x worse than anything you can post of Iron man
What the fuck where they thinking
>Hey director we had to skimp on the mo-cap it's kinda choppy
>Ok lets make the camera jump with the skips
>Uhhh no that will make it more noticeable
>Do it anyways LMAO
Tbqh DC's CGI isn't any better.
They both look bad, but Civil War looks tons better.
There aren't really any problems with the rendering of Iron Man, things with shiny surfaces were pretty much the first thing to achieve realism in CGI. The issue is that Downey's head doesn't look like it belongs. I can't really explain why (outside of us knowing it's the only physically real thing in the image), but judging by how it was pre-vfx, I would hazard a guess at it being the compositing around his collar. It looks to me that here, if you compare the collar to the original shot, it's much bulkier around his neck, but despite the lighting being overcast and indirect, it doesn't look like they've added any extra shadow to his neck that it might need, just a touch more of it. That's just a guess though, I'm not saying it's definitive.
For a long time it's seemed to me one thing digital effects artists have rarely been able to ever do convincingly is have CGI objects cast shadows on footage of real people (see that terrible dinosaur scene in King Kong). So any required extra shadow here would be so minimal it looks like they didn't bother.
The Justice League shot looks fucking terrible, that matte metallic armour doesn't remotely look real, almost to the point I'd rather imagine it's meant to be a hologram around his shoulders.
Actor had another role and refused to shave his head
Wonder woman also had an airport finale
>The issue is that Downey's head doesn't look like it belongs. I can't really explain why
Shit photo-compositing is the term you're looking for here. If you look at the end credits in civil war, you'll be stunned by the sheer number of them. High standards are hard to maintain when you have more than 60 people doing the same job divided in many shops across the globe.
Why dont DCcucks just off themselves? They are not wanted here. All they want is to turn Sup Forums into Sup Forums. Sad fuckers.
>judging kinography based on stills
This didnt make the final cut
this did
>the absolute and undeniable state of DCcucks
>Shit photo-compositing is the term you're looking for here.
Did you stop reading my post after the first couple sentences? I'm attempting to SPECIFY why, not just stop at "they did it badly"
I actually think it's because they want all there movies tonhave the same color grading cause muh interconnected universe. Looks like they're throwing that out the window with Thor ragnarok
Thor has the same color grading as Guardians.
Earth = gray
Space = rainbow
>actually wants to see webms of Marvel's trash videography
Looks worse in motion senpai
they should had gotten another actor then
maybe a bigger and buffier one
One toys with the Mouse at one's risk, OP.
no, iron man 1 was ALL cgi, they did test footage with the armor but they did no use it in the end movie.
lets give then the until the movie is out.
We need to create some kind of Marvel task force on here. I would love to keep a record of the phone numbers and shit of people who post these threads.
No man. You are confusing Civil War with the footage(real footage) of cyborg.
There's no wearing a suit in that thing.
pretty sure the suit is a hologram and he just is naked all the time
The dude is decently ripped. It's cyborg's actual design that's slimmed down on joints and abs.
To look like modern prostetics, I'd guess. Too bad it looks like shit.
modern prostetics don't look anything like that at all. If they wanted a ""realistic""" look then they should have gone with something like this
That looks like a human built it. Cyborg is an alien supercomputer that's combined with his disembodied torso.
well then why the fuck did you say it was designed to look like human prosthetics you loopy cunt?
For starters, the guy falling in the last frame looks like it's a shitty ragdoll effect in a video game.
For the umpteenth fucking time, the new Justice League looks like shit, and so do Marvel movies. Damn, who the fuck keep making threads like these as if the merits of capeshit was worth debating?
Sad days, anons...sad days
>trailer footage
>final cut
That's from a months old trailer.
This is from the Blu-Ray.
Why do you guys stare at CGI stills until you can't stand it?