What was the first movie that genuinely disappointed you?
What was the first movie that genuinely disappointed you?
Ur mums sex tape
Cheaper by the Dozen 2. It's a stupid answer, but the original was kid me's first introduction to the comedy genre and I loved it. The second was awful. For actual kid's stuff that I watched, I didn't know better. But I knew this movie didn't make me laugh.
Batman and Robin
Spiderman 3
Iron Man 2.
Same. My love for Batman made me want to think it was a good movie at the time. But over time I realized how much the movie disappointed me.
Blade Runner 2049
Pokemon movie
I'm sure there are others, but TPM required a paradigm shift in the way I thought about movies and their creators.
>movie has scene where people use smartphones and laptops
Well, we've had crybaby bitch Batman ever since, so cheers for shitting on the one that actually felt like a comic book
Jesus fucking christ that's the one where they go to the lake house and participate on games and shit right? Fucking terrible stuff. Not ot mention that focusing most of it on the tomboy girl having a crush was retarded.
Why do i remember all of this.
Yep. Awful film by all accounts.
Then later
M knight shmalanalanololngdingdongs avatar
The Big Lebowski
This one. I actually didn't mind Revenge Of Diaboromon.
I don't remember Batman having his own credit card in the comics.
are you 14?
Earliest I remember is Nightmare before Christmas. I was pretty young, but I knew it was supposed to be a really good movie but it felt like it was way too short for me and that the ending just kind of "happened".
Prince of Persia. I took off work for that movie, I was a huge fan of the games. It had big names attached, they wanted to make it the next Pirates so I figured they'd at least do good on the first one if not the sequels.
What a shit show.
I don't think I knew the feeling of disappointment as a kid, but I know that I fell asleep in the theater to Small Soldiers.
I saw Phantom Menace in theater but I was too young/stupid to be disappointed or really think anything about it. I think it may have been End of Days. I grew up watching Schwarzenegger films and I remember End of Days just being depressing, Schwarzenegger had no energy and the whole movie was no fun at all.
The Boondock Saints
So many people would get excited when someone would mention it, but it was so corny. It probably would have been more enjoyable if it weren't made out to be intense gangster movie. The only parts that I can remember enough is some cat getting shot, Ron Jeremy showing up and how they sprayed something over where they got shot so the police couldn't identity them.
Started off solid but by the time it got to ostrich races it was officially dead
Really not sure how a comic relief ostrich race made it into something that was supposed to be a grimdark fantasy about time bending parkour.
I fell asleep in the theatre when Anakin was talking about sand.
Bravo George Lucas.
this is the only one I can think of I've seen in theaters and I'm 21
Pokemon the First Movie. I was 13
This. The only reason I went was because they gave out free Mew cards which of course my cinema had run out of
>his older sister didn't work at his local cinema where she could nab a bunch and give them to you
poor kid
Matrix Revolutions
Matrix 3
I was wearing a matrix t shirt and i felt so embarrassed and so ashamed and angry that i quickly went to the bathroom and turned the shirt inside out to wear
first Bayformers, I think. As a retarded middle schooler I was super hyped for what the trailers seemed to imply was TRANSFORMERS, EXCEPT REALISTIC AND GRIMDARK.
Basically I hated it for the wrong reasons.
Went to the midnight screening, left on a high thinking how awesome it was. Woke up the next morning going "what the fuck was that!?"
Although it's grown on me with time. Not great by any means but certainly not as shit as people say. IMO if you pretend Jar Jar doesn't exist I think it's the most solid of the prequels.
this is the correct opinion. anyone who thinks that 2 isn't the worst prequel by a fucking lightyear needs to watch them all again.
I think TPM is comfy but I was also 6 years old when it came out, and it's better than a lot of the garbage I liked back then.
I didn’t get one either. Just those stupid Burger King gold plated cards...
Agreed. Everything but NO is great. Great pacing , good writing, lovely new locations, easy to understand plot, McGregor and Neeson are GOAT, podracing is still.awesome as fuck, last 30mins of action is great. Even the child actor is tolerable imo.
If there was no JJ in this film rhen i think it would be fondly looked on.
Idk if it was the first but holy shit what a let down. I was like 12yo and had been counting the days since the first rumors of its production. I was so amped to see it but after it was over I felt like something was massively different from the first 2 but could not figure out what it was. I mean the movie had big awesome dinosaurs and a lot of action sequences just like I wanted but it just didn't feel right.
That was probably the first time I realized that, even in action sci-fi blockbusters, movies require more substance than just millions of $s in special affects to worth be the price of a movie ticket. Sadly, based on movie trends since 2001, it appears most people haven't and won't come to that realization.
The original JP was one of the first movies I remember seeing in theaters and the sequel was satisfactory for me when it came out. JP3 was just a fucking waste. JW was absolutely terrible as well.
Everyone saw the trailer and waited for months in anticipation. We even named our football team for that year after the film.
In the aftermath we all spoke quietly: "it wasn't very good, was it?"
We stopped going to footie because we were embarrassed and were kicked out for too many no-shows.
This was 1983 and I was 11.
I was young af when it came out but it was so shitty I could tell back then