How did Disney get away with this?
How did Disney get away with this?
Did Raimi ghost-write TLJ?
They think they can just sneak these things in there.
'Twas a different time, I suppose
This is funny
most forced and cringiest meme since pest posting and I LIKED pestposting.
you just hate that your marketing scheme is getting crashed with no survivors
I know, its hilarious.
Imagine being so useless and lonely that you spent an afternoon making these.
Forced memes are just embarrassing.
Imagine being triggered by this
Reminder that newfags from the election destroyed this site
>If it makes money, it's never wrong
This nazi porg shit is the funniest thing to come out of Sup Forums in a long time
this one is brilliant
I like it, niche boards like /ck/ are actually usable now.
wtf I love Porgs now
Go cry about it in whatever safe space you hail from
I greatly appreciate the effort.
Sup Forums was a mistake.
You really do sound triggered
calm down
edit this one to gestapo SS hat and miliraty orders, the way how he's holding his 'arms' behind is so arian
KEK! well memed :^) you got that Drumpfag praise KEK
What's the point of posting them on Sup Forums? Pepe became and alt-right symbol because he spreaded outside Sup Forums.
Nazi porgs must be extracted into other mediums and sources
you really told him
Just sharing what i got.
This "le porgs are le nazis" meme is just inorganic viral marketing.
This place is infested with redditors now so you don't need to make a genuine effort to spread it because they will do it for you.
well, Sup Forums to share pictures, later it must spread somehow, also create more 'fake articles' from non-exsistent webpages to be more believable
Cringey meme, almost suspiciously forced. Notice how all the edits are done cleanly and professionally, obviously using the same program? I really get a strong feeling that Disney is behind it.
>people are saying our characters are too safe and focus-tested and they don't like us forcing women and non-whites into our movies, let's start a counter-meme that purports to turn our product into an alt-right symbol like that pepe frog so that we can get young right-wing males who wouldn't have seen our movies to watch them but ''ironically''
Fuck off and die you sad Disney intern sacks of shit
those are some interesting leaps
>cleanly and professionally
Damn, thanks!
It's all over Facebook too.
>I really get a strong feeling that Disney is behind it.
Fucking this. They all came about in such a short time too. Expect to see post like, "My fellow white supremacists, we should all buy porg plushies and alarm clocks to further our cause and trigger liberals!"
What? No way would Disney do that. It's pure coincidence. This is purely the alt-right making things into nazis, and not a bored intern viral marketing.
How the fuck would making shit into nazis made money for disney? Was mountain dew behind "hitler did nothing wrong" too?
>How the fuck would making shit into nazis made money for disney?
The memes are posted in places where only nazi-leaning folk will see them.
Jews control both sides.
Retards believe these so-called alt-right neo-nazis will start buying the dolls or some shit because some memers put it in pictures of nazi germany? it doesn't make sense.
Because it's cool to be a Nazi now. It's the edgy thing to be a Nazi, like how it was cool to be bisexual in like 2006
Because it's encouraging people who are averse to the brand to become engaged with it
because disney is pushing porg merchandise HARD and they know kids will buy it ironically because LEL HITLER PORG
I'm a leftist and I think it's funny. Don't be so paranoid, it's just a stupid joke. Depicting cute furry critters as nazis is amusing and that's all there is to that.
I like this
it's really not
>haha these porgs are cute lil nazis
>I dont like star wars, but I do like nazis
>I'll buy a plush to be an epic neo-nazi
Basic psychological conditioning. It's stupid, but it works.
No that's extremely fucking stupid
He says as he posts an example of a company doing exactly that.
Welcome to marketing.
You mean avian.
Yes Mcdonalds really caved in to the alt-right neo-nazi pickle morty fans
that's not marketing it's just wrong
Love how every time someone spells it out you just say "Nuh-uh!"
Because it's fucking dumb.
There it is again. No counter-argument, just "YOU'RE STUPID!"
Because you are if you actually believe this shit
It took a while but i got it.
You're actually autistic.
Fucking delusional dweeb they're not even hard to make, just get some Nazi uniform decorations pngs
Was raimiposting just a marketing stunt for new spiderman?
Disney doesn't even know this website exists
It's amazing that this already shitty site got even worse after "alt-right" kiddies flooded Sup Forums.
It's amazing that you're still whining about it
thats what been talking about, add as orders pinned to his chest, also maybe change background, this with graffiti walls and modern windows seems way off
Man, I love how Sup Forums is so self-important they think someone would actually put real effort just into discrediting them when their very existence discredits them. Those are basic photoshops that anyone could do, it's not the work of ILM you fucking mung.
5/10 bait, faggot. I replied.
if the guy making these is still here please but a porg face on hitler's face.
Why are leftists like this faggot such bitches?
>I'm a leftist
there is similar one with porg hailing along with fuhrer
Okay. Tell me, what about is stupid? What is so stupid about believing companies would try to get people who don't want their product to buy it?
That's a false equivalence. Raimiposting didn't just pop up overnight like this did and Disney had nothing to gain from it. When it started, Homecoming was still roughly two years away and it was small thing that slowly got bigger. This showed up immediately after a glut of porg merchandise was revealed and shipped to stores.
He belongs here more than Sup Forums does.