Why did she make many shitty movies in 90s
Why is she so perfect
Jennifer connelly
Shit agent.
Dark City is kino. The love subplot involving Connelly is kino.
You shut your whore mouth! I really enjoyed that movie with Don Johnson
Do you think she sleep with producers to get roles like that?
Why did she change her screen image in that way from pure tire little girl to boob showing mature women
She's hot as fuck in the rocketeer
How do I find a woman like that
You will never lick her pure push at age 16
you misspelled shittiestest
>you will never fuck Rocketeer era Jennifer Connelly
She's pure. PURE.
Her peak beauty and also her best film is Waking The Dead.
Why do you give me this feel
good Christ
Who was in the wrong here?
i want to say 'dropped', but i can't
>Got her fucking huge tits reduced so people would regard her as a 'serious' actress.
Why does looking at her make me want to cry?
I even own Career Opportunities just because she looks so perfect in it.
Are Jewish women good or bad?
They're fine as long as they're not a part of the ZOG machine.
I always imagine that she has a little bit of facial hair, like a hard to see mustache and has to take it off almost daily
She's very smart. Got them removed before they started to sag. Older women look better with smaller non-saggy tits.
What makes you think that she "takes it off"? She's the kind of woman who would embrace her natural beauty.
>Jennifer connelly
>Me and Art Teacher love this movie
>He shows it at school at the end of the year
>Everyone else says it's just and it's a matrix rip off
>Want to watch Family Guy instead
Fuckin cunts
>he doesn't like MILFs with cowtits
get a load of this faggot
>maintains appropriate distance but still willing to take photos with the creep to keep those roles coming
The chad Connelly
she was a very cute loli
Pls tell me she's into water sports
Good for breeding and good mothers. Downside is your kids will be Jewish.
I saw a movie with adult Jennifer Connely, some sort of horror or thriller film. She got plastic surgery as an adult. Kind of ruined her face.
I fell in love with her in every movie she is in
What us my problem
My heart hnnnnnnnnggggggggg
You have taste
I've literally never seen a girl of this beauty in real life