What the fuck are they thinking?

What the fuck are they thinking?

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"how can we make bank off of the nostalgia of losers some more?"

please tell me this is a fan made picture or something jfc

pretty much. I went to TFA and will never see another Di$ney SW film again.

but they could do this a thousand different ways but they chose to do a story that literally nobody asked for.
No Boba Fett movie?
No Obi Wan movie?
No fucking Old Republic movie?
But we get a fucking Han Solo movie.
Fucking genius

What will be the cute meme animal in this movie (besides Chewie)?

Will Han have a Porg?

Should I give a shit now that they changed his name from Hands Ollo?

>What the fuck are they thinking?
usual answer to this is "money and juice"


I think their mind set went something like this
>Disney won't allow us to make any movie that humanise the bad guys too much
>Han Solo is the most popular good guy in the OT
>Lets make a movie about him

I hope that's not the official casting. Looks terrible

but why not Obi Wan?
because of Ewan McGregor?
the Prequal hate has gotten to the point that it's damaging the brand more than the actual Prequels

I don't get why people think Han Solo isn't a movie people want to see. I mean I won't because it's Disney Wars shit, but still. Yeah there's better ideas but he's still an iconic character

Yeah, an Obi-Wan movie would be to heavily tied to the Prequels. And the suits clearly think that prequel stuff won't sell


I won't see it without Ewan though


>Disney won't allow us to make any movie that humanise the bad guys too much
Why do they have this philosophy? There is such a good movie that could be made about the Imperials fighting Hutt criminals or something. Stormtroopers with families or just guys doing a job because they had no other opportunities. Why just continue to have them be essentially evil robots in white armor?

>Implying based Ewan wouldn't get every girls butt planted in a seat

It's even worse than we could have possibly imagined.

I see nothing wrong in that picture.

The thing that's really starting to get to me in these movies is the lack of loose ends.
I know that every single thing we know about Han's backstory is going to be shown here. And we're going to meet a couple of characters we recognise from one of the other films and everyone's going to be like "haha look it's that guy from that other film haha" and I'm going to die a little inside.

So Han Solo looks like Leo DiCaprio's younger brother strung out on opiods according to Disney execs?

I would distance from the prequels, too. They’re just that damn bad. TFA delivers in a fan service sort of way that I found incredibly disappointing, especially in the treatment of Han, but the prequels simply do not work.

>And the suits clearly think that prequel stuff won't sell
the PT made bank though and the Clone Wars show has made that era extremely popular with kids.
There's a reason there was so much demand for the PT era to be brought into Battlefront II

then you're dumb. He's ugly as shit and so is that hair

>Han Solo
>good guy
tell that to Greedo

they already brought Jimmy Smits back for his role in Rogue One but getting Ewan to play his same character would be too far?


Prepare for Star Wars: Leia Organa, Star Wars: Chewbacca, and every other character, rinse and repeat

haha the movie is going to fucking suck. It's going to be glorious

I'm not dumb i'm just not gay i guess

Once the character was killed I lost interest in general. Why should I give a shit about some contrived backstory of Solo when I know his later life went nowhere and culminated in getting stabbed by his emo kid?

Is Kelly C still getting acting lessons on set?

good god it's going to be more awful than anyone could imagine isn't it?

This will be the final nail in star wars. Even normies will see how much they're whoring the franchise out with these "x character" movies. This also doesn't have the weight of being one of the new trilogy movies, so the critics will be more honest with it.

Its probably more profitable because normals will flock to it because theres no real way to screw it up

>it gets worse ratings then the PT
>they're forced to bring George back as a creative consultant

Is this a Porn parody poster?

>because theres no real way to screw it up
look at the casting

omfg it's daenerys yasss queen slay *holds up spork* already pre-ordered tickets xD

You will pay fiat money to watch it.
That is all

not if it looks like shit
there's only so much a trailer can do to hide bad acting

Has anyone here read the Han Solo backstory trilogy of novels? I'm sure Disney would ignore it, but I remember it being pretty good.

I liked them. Marathoned them on audiobook back in the day

>Harrison Ford 6'2 light brown hair
>nu-Solo 5'8 black hair

why tho?

Reminder they literally had to get an acting coach in his performance was so bad.

>not if it looks like shit
Yeah, you keep telling yourself that, until the pemiere weekend, and your wallet suddenly starts vibrating and getting hot.

do you have so little impulse control that you actually pay for literal shit just because it has a Star Wars sticker on it?
I don't know why you need to project this on me

this is the only SW film I'm interested in

No, see, I was making the implication than you do.

I didn't even see rogue one, I saw ep7 and I'm done, Legends is the true canon, even with all it's flaws, it's better than this.

there's literally zero draw here, buddy

Why do they keep making the main character weird looking British brunettes? Why couldn't they make Emilia Clarke an alien at least or dye her hair red?

>literally zero draw here
Obviously there is, or you wouldn't feel compelled to reply.

>What the fuck are (((they))) thinking?
been asking that for a long time

because spielberg met (((him)) at a bar mitzvah

not even meming

oh so you're just a retard

lol whatever you say kike. I'm not seeing paying to see this. But don't worry, if I feel like wasting my time on a shit movie, I'll make sure to use the highest quality camrip I can find :)

He also grew four inches between this prequel and the movies, as well as turning from a dork-faced dickweed into Harrison Ford. Also, is he seriously wearing the same fucking outfit he did in Star Wars? Fucking hell the lack of creative vision is unbelievable.

they are thinking this is great halloween costume packaging

>I'm not seeing paying to see this.
You what now?

Meanwhile in Dougville...

Ford shows in The Conversation - coppola's film. years later he's Han Solo
That jew fuck shows up in Twixt/Tetro - coppola's films. Years later, he's Han Solo

that's so obvious it's not even funny.

Adam Driver looks more like fucking Han Solo than this asshole.

This is my time to shine

As if the very mention of "screwball comedy" weren't enough, the source went on to say that Lord and Miller's portrayal of young Han Solo was like Jim Carrey's Ace Ventura at times.


dat Gif is kino.
I will download it.
I've read some. Shit was recycled garbage.

>What the fuck are they thinking?
we like money

Greedo shot at Han first dumbass.

>I will download it.
You should.
If Disney has shown eything up to this point, it is that they don't care about canon, and Han Solo will end up being some kind of feminist who smuggles tampons to female incarceration stations around the galaxy.


We need new origin stories and backgrounds for the characters so we can give them that clean disney slate!

After the embarrassing Terminator movie why the fuck did they bring Emilia Clarke into Star Wars?

I downloaded the last 2 Disney abominations, i will do so with the next 2.
Last movie i saw in cinema was Mad Max, next will be Blade Runner (and then there will be nothing for a while).

"those morons will watch anything"
alternatively, this:

Because she's the only girl in her 20's other than that mongoloid maisie that appeals to nerds of all ages now. Disney realized that hiring nobodies is a worn out tradition in SW and isn't economically feasible anymore.

>"how can we make bank off of the nostalgia of losers some more?"
The Millennium Falcon, that is all.
Please hire me.

You'll know in a couple of months if it's him. we can pretty much guarantee Ben's ghost is in TLJ. Three options are Ewen, cgi Guinness with sound alike, cgi Guinness voiced by ewan. Two of those three options would pretty much solidify him being on board

yeah, no

the twist about how the real han was a black dude is still in?

God what an unlikable dick

I doubt they were that stupid, just disney PR bullshit. What we know for sure is that lord and miller weren't following Kasdan's script and based off TFA that was probably a good thing.

that art looks like a parody shot by a shopping mall photo studio. what the fuck

bob iger said that this movie is going actually explain how he got the name han solo so this is unironically a possibility

Stupid fucking millennial

>make something new
>rely on nostalgia
Choose one, shitdick. You can't be nostalgic for a movie with a new story and a new actor. If they had cast Ford, you'd have an argument but they didn't.

>Han solo

cant have blondes or redheads they are too white

More like

>"tfa is trending hard we need ideas for movies expanding the star wars universe"
>"actually bill put everything we have into a young han solo film"
>"but kk"
>"Goddamn it I am star wars make my fucking movie!!!"

I'm pretty sure a young han solo is who she imagined was nailing her when George would bang her.

The problem is that Han was only a part of a bigger story. He can't carry a movie on his own. Also Harrison Ford's looks and acting are what made Han a likable character. This will flop as much as a Disney hyped movie can.

I still can't believe that was real

>tfw this was never confirmed by Disney

I miss when people didn't inject politics into everything