This image. Where the fuck do I even begin?

This image. Where the fuck do I even begin?

I've been searching near and far for the past 2 YEARS to find the perfect specimen in order to enrage Sup Forumsddit; to achieve maximum booty-bothering, and I think I've done just that. After sifting through well over 20,000 images that could potentially give Sup Forumsgag the heebie jeebies, or in this case the wagie ragies, I think I've finally found it. The One. And I'm posting it, right here, right now, for all of Sup Forumssenet to see.

Well, Sup Forumsumblr? Take a peek at this pic. Are you frustrated? Steamed? Peeved? Flustered? You should be, because I've found your Kryptonite.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh my god it's real

I guess killing all Jews is one way to prevent Jews sexually abusing people. Good job Islam

no it isn't

This is the funniest thing ever

You stone the women before they have a chance to tell

But it is

This. A thousand times this.

You are a lazy piece of shit.
This is fucking peak Indy, holy shit

>The Independent

Tip kok
Literally one of the most pants on head retarded clickbait "journalism" websited around
Worse than Buzzfeed, at least they don't pretend to deliver real news

Why would my booty be bothered? It's funny.

Someone archive it

>you see, kuffar, no jew no problem

>wanting to be fracked

many comments Attacking Islam here
but if want to know how the islam protect woman from abusing
you should know
under islamic law The minimum penalty for a rapist is 100 lashes if he is asingle
but if he married it will be Execution
if the assault is proven.

author is pretty much right on the money.
it could've been solved in one of these ways:
- killing all the jews
- him forcefully taking the women as his wifes
- not letting women audition for anything ever, because those whores shouldn't be show on tv

He's right because if this happened in somewhere like Saudi Arabia there'd be no scandal because the possibility of punishment of the victims for getting raped would dissaude them from coming forwards

I don't know man, I think this picture would have a more powerful effect on Sup Forums, it's just too juicy.

What kind of world did the Jews create for themselves and for us?

How do we dial it back nonviolently? And by nonviolently I mean extremely violently.

Yeah but you should also mention that if it is a woman's word against a man's word, then no rape occured unless she can produce at least 1 male eye-witness or 4 female eye witnesses.

>Qasim Rashid is an attorney, author, and national spokesperson for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA.
>Ahmadiyya Muslim
kek this guy should be grateful that he can even live in peace in a Western nation because he and his community would be genocided for heresy in almost every Islamic country

Damn White Sharia was actually a good meme after all

And therein lies the problem in the west. Freedom of religion was a mistake, made when it meant you can pick a flavor of Jesus.

If every woman was a practicing Muslim, whore culture would instantly be dead. No sex outside marriage, no adultery, no selling yourself for film roles. Kikestein couldn't have gotten a single poon. Best case scenario for him he would have several wife's that he has to split his wealth with though and everyone would know if you're forcing your own wife into roles.

Notice im saying practicing, not because of any law or societal pressure. Prove me wrong.

Kek. Funniest thing I've seen all week. And the brits should know better t b h...

>Prove me wrong.
muslims exist

Everyone knows fruity Jesus is best Jesus

But seriously can Sup Forums stop being right already? This shit is depressing.

Is the tweet gone?

I mean they are defending him so yes.

All fucking journalists must fucking hang


Wtf I love Sharia law now

Those people need to be shot

That's not real. Fuck you

Jews are lucky muslims exist, because I'll take jews over muslims any day and thats what their entire race is banking on. Muslims are the disney evil villains that give the world an enemy to fight and distract from jewish control of western countries, I'm willing to work with a jew that understands that putting aside their petty differences with whitey is necessary to eliminate the threat of the muhammad autists, so as lomg as they exist, jews are the lesser evil

It's real and it's filled with hypocrisy by the author who calls others for their hypocrisy.

The Indy isn't a British, its owned by a Saudi and sold here as pro Muslim propaganda. Literally nobody takes it seriously except ultra left leaning morons


I have to say, the Independent has really outdone themselves.

Not even peak-guardian can compete with that.

This is the greatest headline from the Independent I've seen. The article claims that Allah created men and women as equals, most people know this isn't true. It also states that physically abusing women is forbidden in Islam when it literally isn't. If I recall, the Quran says you can yell at your wife, beat them or lock them in their room but not combinations thereof.

why did this make me feel some kinda way

Feel what?

The article literally is real, copy and paste the title and Google it. Tweet is probably deleted.

No shit. You think Israel is where it is because the higher-ups care that strongly for holy reasons? Of course not. Literally everything Israel has done from it's post-WW2 creation until the foreseeable future is simply to stir the mudslime pot.

ridiculous, muslims were a non-entity in the western world until retarded hippies and guilt tripping whites and jews started importing them en masse

the guardian, Salon, the independent, huffingtonpost, vice.
Are all examples of retarded leftist news source.

What are some right wing ones? I know breitbart is one.

The scary thing is that at least the guardian and huffington post are mainstream.

is that the starwars review slut

And they wonder why Sup Forums believes every crazy screenshot they see. "Real" news are just as retarded as fake Sup Forums screenshots these days

Pol believes bullshit because of redditor newfaggots

You shouldn't be reading Opinion sections in any news paper, it's retarded flamebait

Pol believes bullshit because it's retarded

what do you think you're doing user

You mean until whites and jews invaded and ravaged their countries


No, user was right.

It's simple.

>muslims were a non-entity in the western world

lol see: ottoman empire, umayaad caliphate, etc maybe pick up a history book before making yourself look stupid

Whenever people talk about supposed Western colonisation and ravaging of the Muslim world, it's safe to ignore them as they've shown themselves to be completely ignorant of history.

That doesnt suggest to me they were nonentities

Dumbest post in the thread.

If you're going to be disingenuous try posting like this guy

Weird how muslim slave trading and imperialism doesnt matter even though slavery was legal until the 60s, and only bc the west pressured them

What does that have to do with the Western world? They were often enemies, but they never got further than Vienna, and were definitively kicked out of Iberia in the 15th century. My point is that there were virtually no Muslims in the West in the last 500 years, until leftards started importing them in droves.

this article dumbfounded me and I'm a liberal

Not a scandal if it's legal


>mortal enemy of the western world for a thousand years, just barely put down last century in WW1 and the current middle eastern problem is a result of the dismantling of the ottoman empire

Sup Forums shouldnt try to argue with /his/ about shit they dont understand.

Brietbart and infowars are the big ones.

>college freshman, europa enthusiast calls himself "/his/"
the arrogance

Fucking hilarious coming from the country known for its muslim rape gangs aka Britain.

i have my bachelors actually and Im going for my masters.

Go on, tell me how muslim conquests are irrelevant to european history, i'd love to hear your thoughts.

You still haven't explained what that has to do with the West internally. These are all foreign policy issues. Also, the idea that the current conflicts are due to the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire is an obnoxious oversimplification. The Shia/Sunni divide has existed since the very beginning of Islam, for example, and all the current tribal conflicts aren't new. These tribes are all centuries old.



If that's what it takes to beat feminism

like the other poster said you're being intentionally disingenuous. muslims have long been adversaries to the west, but have never been welcomed into western culture except when they conquered their way into it. i don't think you're an idiot, so i think you damn well understand that's what the original post was saying. why are you pretending otherwise?

you try way too fucking hard and get far too many (you)s worth your credit

the tribal conflicts arent new, but the majority/minority divides in those countries exist because the entente forces drew arbitrary lines through the territory and carved it up like a cake, isolating small portions of ethnic groups in majority "nations" of the other tribe, nations that didnt exist before WW1, so there is no history or reason for thek to exist beyond weakening the middle east on purpose, which backfired and created the dynamic we have today. How does it affect internal european politics? Oh idk, ask the people in greece and spain who were "probably" affected politically when their entire socio-political structure was overthrown and replaced. Oh idk, because the ottoman empire was a huge existential threat to the european mindset, directly inspired their desire to go west and begin colonization in order to bypass the ottomans, and set the stage for a thousand years of geopolitics, oh idk they affected internal european politics more than any outside for ever has in the history of the world, but no biggie

There's literally nothing wrong with this.

based Sup Forumsacks
based mods
based board
based chan


*than any outsider ever has

>The Independent tries way too fucking hard and get far too many (you)s worth their credit


Yes, in the teachings of Islam the woman is always quilty, so this would prevent men from getting accused.

Yes, they were an external threat, as I've already said, but there were still no actual Muslims in the West. It's a completely different situation to suddenly have them entering Western Europe by the millions and creating enclaves that fracture and destabilise societies from within.

I honestly don't care anymore. How much worse can a caliphate be than current Western culture?

Based sandy-vagina nu-male

now we know why lads

Well I would likely die because I wouldn't denounce my faith.


I know that feel. I'm in shock that it's actually real, it's bad enough that some idiot actually has that opinion, but the fact that the Independent actually published it?

Man alive.

nice shop, where is bert

Oh God, I haven't laughed so much in a long time


>kike molests actresses
>it comes out in national news that this is how hollywood works
>Islamic invader op ed says "save yourselves convert to islam"
>Sup Forums libsihits still defend kikes and muds

I guess there's no hope. We're just going to have to kill you people too.
At least you'll make it easy.

Lmao how can the middle East ever recover


>muslims were a non-entity in the western world
i referenced two nations in europe that would disagree with you considering they were under muslim rule, so youre already wrong JUST by that standard, thats not even getting into how ridiculous it is to claim that the main inspiration for european colonization somehow made them a "nonentity" in europe when they were physically IN europe AND mentally in the hearts of every european, they were a huge influence on europe, and the nations they controlled in europe are still hea ily influenced by them to this day. Youre just a dumb faggot trying to use semantics and nonarguments to dance around the fact that I have a degree in this shit and youre just some idiot.

>tfw I'm a classical liberal but now considering that some temporary fascism might be needed to clean up house

But because nobody in the islamic world want to marry a non-virgin women if a rape occur most of the time the girl end up married to the rappist.

Ouch user, try not to BTFO them too hard, Sup Forums is super sensitive.