Why are all the batsuits in movies since 1989 so uncomfortable and impractical?
Why not just give batman a spandex-type suit like MoS or Captain America instead of torturing actors with tight plastic armor that also heavily restricts movement (hence the infamous TDK trilogy fight scenes)?
Why are all the batsuits in movies since 1989 so uncomfortable and impractical?
>Why are all the batsuits in movies since 1989 so uncomfortable and impractical?
>referring to a 2012 article
>zero complaints about current Batsuit
>OP literally making a big deal over fucking nothing
These people get paid millions, fucking deal with it crybaby
They need to give Flash a suit made of what the MoS suit is made of.
>zero complaints about current Batsuit
his suit following JL will probably look a lot better, some of the BTS stuff mentions Ezra's JL suit is basically cobbled together from stolen space shuttle parts
>I can't direct and act as Batman at the same time
Well good news Benny, you only got one of those jobs to fulfill now, so quit bellyaching.
The question is 'why does batman have a weird ass suit in the first place?' The entire point of batman was that he sort of just showed up and attacked people but I guess at some people they went 'oh shit people have guns and stuff' which is fine but the solution to that isn't 'make batman bulletproof' it should be 'make batman smart enough to not stand in front of someone with a fucking gun unless he has a clear advantage'
>it should be 'make batman smart enough to not stand in front of someone with a fucking gun unless he has a clear advantage'
True but at the same time it makes sense for him to have some kind of armor if you want to go the "gritty" "realistic" route. If you're doing something a bit goofier like Captain America or the Clooney Batman it doesn't matter as much.
>' it should be 'make batman smart enough to not stand in front of someone with a fucking gun unless he has a clear advantage'
which is clearly demonstrated in BvS, at the same time there's no harm in also having extra protection anyway.
>>zero complaints about current Batsuit
because Bale talked with Affleck and said they made sure he could pee in that suit before taking the role.
okay but we have Kevlar vests right now that double suit vests which is what all the Secret Service have and they're easy to wear and batman is supposed to be a genius he could probably improve on a design like that. Then you could even have a whole scene about how he was shot but in the arm and not his chest.
>(hence the infamous TDK trilogy fight scenes)?
they look like shit because Nolan knows fuck all about choreography or shooting good fight scenes.
I had the idea that they should fill the muscle pockets with helium instead of them being solid heavy rubber. So it's mostly a hollow suit.
>Doesn't stand in front of someone with a gun
>They shoot around corners instead.
they get paid enough
Feels like this thread has gone off the rails from 'the batsuit is hard to move in behind the scenes' to 'the batsuit in the movies should look like it's easy to move in while still providing protection' .
in BvS Batman is presented at his most agile in decades since Adam West, and his suit while not looking like the tact vest from Nolan's movies still provides more than adequate protection.
Did he just get shot in the head twice and nothing happened? what the fuck. Also isn't Bruce Wayne like a martial artist expert? the hell is going on
This little act of yours? It doesn't impress anybody.
>Kevlar vests
he's wearing something a lot stronger than kevlar, at least for his cowl and gauntlets
only good scene is this whole fucking movie.
Hundreds of milions just for that
i heard in the RLM episode on this that there is a scene in BvS where superman throws a toilet on batman. Is that true? Does someone have this as a webm?
Batman smashes a sink in Superman's head.