Is this the best movie in the last 10 years?
Is this the best movie in the last 10 years?
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It’s top 10 of the last 10
It was absolute fucking garbage. kys.
most overrated movie of the last 10 years definitely
You guys should make out
I personally didn't like it and I don't think it has very much merit artistically. So for me, no, probably not.
you belong in a garbage can
>excessive faggotree
go back
>Is this the best movie in the last 10 years.
Probably not.
>Is this the most well made movie in the last 10 years?
not even close
>ywn be in a warrig with your warbros,
>ywn witness a warbro
>ywn cover yourself in chrome before being witnessed
>ywn ride eternal into Valhalla
>ywn live, die and live again
Why live, bros?
What is so special about this movie? Sure it was shot well and has some nice visuals? But one of the best movies of all time? The characters were forgettable and the narrative basic.
There’s this scrap yard on my way to work and out in the front they have a jet engine all tied up in chains, makes me feel like I live in a real mad max world every time I pass it.
I just lived the obsurdity of it The bikers had to do jumps to throw a grenade, the fucking guys on poles... I mean if you weren’t laughing your ass off when the guys on poles came out, you just have no sense of humor at all. Plus the fact that it was basically almost a 2 hour long action scene. Also it felt like the game Twisted Metal made into a movie.
The Host
There Will Be Blood
In Bruges
The Lobster
Nocturnal Animals
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
The Hunt
Under the Skin
Are all movies that have come out in the last 10 years, that I have seen that are an order of magnitude better than that garbage. Nothing personnel, kid.
>epic quips
Typical mad furiosa fangirl
One of the best in last 10 years, probably best in last 5 years.
>invincible Mary Sue Furiosa
>Mad Max is a background character
Fucking LAWL
how could it be if Blade Runner was the best movie of the last 150 years? Checkmate atheists.
This is fucking awful. 4/10 at max
Nah I don't think so, but it was extremely good and satisfying.
Well the director actually wanted the movie to be named after her but the studio insisted on calling it Mad Max
I like Star Trek 2009 and B2049 more but as far as Hollywood movies go its up there.
Definitely best action movie. Storyfags would argue for the general category, although i cant really think of a standout in that department.
>off by one
I was really underwhelmed watching this for the first time a few months ago. It was just ok
>Is this the most mediocre meme movie in the last 10 years?
>can't into math
>watched on laptop
wut a fag
one of the best shot and edited films of all time. great story presentation, and the non-stop action keeps you invested from beginning to end.
unlike meme letter media says, action is thrilling because editing makes you feel like you're a part of the action, not because of muh characters or muh stakes. that's just icing on the cake. in fury road you meet the characters through action, follow the characters through action, and pray for the success of these characters in the ending action sequences
movie is a 10/10 and there's nothing else anybody can say about it
>the lobster
some of the only legitimately pretentious movies to come out in the last few years
M is that you?
If you're a low test nu-male, I suppose.
if you say so. They didn't strike me that way. The Lobster just seemed like a deadpan dark comedy whose ambience worked well for it. Birdman had a weird ending but I enjoyed watching it and I was glad I did. Unlike Mad Max which i saw in the theater and was disappointed for doing so. I felt like I had been tricked into seeing a kid's movie.
Who is M?
nvm, just someone I thought you might be whose name starts with M
Yeah, sure, whatever.
Great movie, prob best action movie of all time.
But Blade Runner 2049 is the best.
Would you speak that highly of The Raid or Aliens? What other movies do you give a pass on characters and story?
That's not BLADERUNNER 2049
The title character is not even who or what the movie is about though. And the main character is 'strong independent woman #38156' on a fucking mission to save the oppressed. 8/10.
No this is.
2049 is better than Fury Road
Its good, not special. Its somewhere in lower half of top 100 maybe.
One of the worst movies to come out in the last decade easily
>b-but muh fuggen epic spikes, chains, heavy metal guitar guy and antagonist whose design is ripped straight out of Twisted Metal
my name starts with M
Definitely has one of the best soundtracks in cinema
lol, okay, if you're my "friend" M then I hope things are going well
>Mad Max thread
You're the ogre who lives in that basement, aren't you?
If I ever get around to doing a supercut and removing all the pants on retarded scenes, maybe.
No, but it probably was the best action movie of the last 10 years.
i actually watched this earlier today, i wouldnt say its the best but its pretty good 7.5/10
No that would be blade runner 2049
As far as big budget movies go... Yes.
For you haha
hwo do people not get bored during this flick? the first half is pretty fun but when they do the same thing in reverse it's boring no?
well i guess everyone is different. i've watched it twice and got bored each time for the same reasons as letter media
Blade Runner 2049 just topped it.
>it's an "I don't have anything relevant to say so I'll revert to le fuggen epic win straw man for teh lulz xPPP xDD deRrRrPppP" post
>Hey pickles, what you thinks of that mad max movie
Exactly what a redditor would say.
I don't get the hate this film gets, really
Can someone who doesn't like it explain why exactly is it a bad movie?
>Can someone who doesn't like it explain why exactly is it a bad movie?
It's popular.
Makes sense
It is but not because this is a really great movie, it's a great action movie. There has been a drought, movies have been garbage for a long time.
No, it's not BR2049
>le facebook maymay
>iphone poster
Fuck off
>The title character is not even who or what the movie is about though
literal underaged detected
>And the main character is 'strong independent woman #38156' on a fucking mission to save the oppressed
shes hardly independent at all and wouldn't have gotten anywhere without max
Now someone is going to PORG that image, I swear!
I'm sorry, I see you are triggered so I will delete my post and make sure to post only non-triggering material from now on, for you own personal enjoyment
-It could be a 1 hour movie
-OST is noise over noise
-Max isn't mad
Wasn't he in the first mad max movie, like the actor was one of gang members in the first movie.
its up there
you used the wrong image
repetetive scenery
plot dumb enough for sub 80 iq americans to understand
minimal character development
I liked the movie, but those are some valid criticisms.
So what if it's longer than needed? The entire time the atmosphere of tension is there and the fight sequence are cool
OST is good for hyping up the action
And Max wasn't really mad in and of the other movies except 1
Halp tayvay. I don't know if all these posters propping up Blade Runner are real people. Is this being shilled that hard? I d-don't w-want to be tricked into watching a shitty movie by you guys again desu
a response isn't being triggered, seeking to change an entire establishment so you won't see the ever so often responses that you don't like is being triggered.
Again, I'm sorry I have triggered you with my horribly insensitive image, I apologize
>And Max wasn't really mad in and of the other movies except 1
>Max not mad about losing his car and dog in The Road Warrior
Then he was mad about losing his car in fury road, mad that he got used as a bloodbag and mad when he killed that judge guy