Is Kylo Ren the Good Guy?

If they make it so Kylo Ren is actually the good guy, and Rey is the bad guy, this could not only completely redeem every part of TFA, but actually make the new trilogy pretty amazing.

So, we know that Kylo used to train under Luke with a bunch of other students, and it's implied that Kylo betrayed Luke, killed the other students, and defected to the First Order. However, none of that is explicitly shown, it's merely alluded to. This will be important a little later.

The big complaint of TFA was that Rey is a Mary Sue who just happens to be amazing at everything for no reason at all. What if She isn't just some random orphan from Jakku, but one of Luke's students. In fact, what if she was the one that betrayed Luke and slaughtered the young Jedi trainees?

We know for a fact from TFA that Kylo has the ability to pull information from people's minds with the force, it's really not a big stretch to ask: what if he also has the ability to suppress it, or wipe it? Kylo, being one of the older students of Luke's could have viewed Rey as a little sister, and in an attempt to save her life, stopped her, wiped her mind, and hid her on the desert of Jakku, just like he must have heard about Obi-Wan doing with Luke in stories.

With Rey hidden, and the young Jedi all dead, Kylo concocts a plan - to take credit for the betrayal, and defect to the First Order in an attempt to gain Snoke's trust, kill him, and finish what Vader started by finally destroying the Sith. This theory works whether Luke was in on it or not, but it works even better if he was, but we'll assume that he was for this.


Edgy emo kid.

Throughout the movie Kylo is depicted as being extremely conflicted, and seeking the strength to finish what Vader started. It's painted in such a way to trick the audience into thinking he's resisting the light, but it works exactly the same if he was actually trying to resist the dark side, and was conflicted over doing horrible things for the long-con of destroying the Sith. The death scene of Han makes so much more sense when watched from this perspective as well, as Kylo knows that killing is father is the only way to earn Snoke's trust and fulfill his long plan. The way Kylo acts in that scene is not that of someone evil who hates his father, it's that of someone who loves his father, but knows that he has to make a gargantuan sacrifice for the greater good. In fact, if this theory is proven true, it makes this whole scene amazing - and the whole scene (actually, all of TFA) works completely within the confines of this theory as is.

After hearing that there was a girl on Jakku giving them trouble, Kylo immediately gets super surprised and agitated. If this theory is false, then that scene doesn't really make any sense, and would have to be chalked up to with bad direction and/or acting. But, if it's true, this makes perfect sense, as Kylo asks "What Girl!?" because he's afraid it might in fact be Rey.

At the end of the movie, the look that Luke gives Rey isn't one of someone happy to see Rey, or even that of one meeting a stranger, it's one of disappointment and sadness. Whether he thought Kylo killed her, and was unaware that he hid her on Jakku, or knew that she was still alive, and helped hide her - he clearly recognizes her, and is not happy.

Assume that this theory is true and re-watch TFA, it makes it really good. Whether or not JJ Abrams has actually been setting the plot up for this the whole time or not (It is exactly something that JJ would do though), it works 100% within the continuity of TFA. There's a good chance of happening.

Literally no one gives a shit

no matter what happens youre still a manchild excited about a movie targeted to sell to tweens
your mother is ashamef of you

Shut up nerd

$0.02 have been deposited in your account

is Vader a bad guy? he saved Lukes life and killed the emperor. The ambiguity of light v dark is at the subconscious heart of the entire narrative

Am I the only one who felt nothing when he stabbed Han Solo? It just doesn't really feel heavy, emotional, or dark. It feels artificial. I should've been moved by the scene but Jar Jar and his team are that incompetent.

>Is Kylo Ren the Good Guy?
does anyone care at this point

Nobody cares because nobody (IE the movie-going masses) expects it. This is going to be proven true, and it's going to be a huge twist that makes people remember the new trilogy as amazing.

kylo ren will just end up being like another vader - initially the bad guy, but ultimately redeems himself by doing good in the end. rey won't ever be a "bad guy". the series is literally copying the OT's character development film by film

This. Even if they pull off some masterful and moving character arches the movies are still hot garbage.

The funniest thing about the whole "The empire is a white supremacist patriarchy" is that they casted the new movies so that both side of the conflict are just as diverse as each other. It makes no sense.

No one's going to give a single shit about these movies when they're over.

The only thing that will keep it afloat will be stale forced Facebook memes and phony inflated ""hype"" and some God awful spin off garbage.

The toys aren't even sellin anymore. People areally losing interest.

I think Rey is obi wan grand daughter

>Carrie Fisher front and center even though her character will surely be extremely minor

Why have they cucked Han Solo's son out of being the leader of a holy order dedicated to Vader? Am I not supposed to remember the scene hey used to get asses in seats?

I want these pajeet shills Disney hires to shitpost about fag wars on Sup Forums to leave

I mean you say that, but my nephew and pretty much every kid at his preschool is obsessed with Star Wars, and when I go to buy him something for Christmas I know for a fact that every store will have Star Wars shit right out front.

Disney doesn't care about making the trilogy coherent they only care that you don't trigger numales.

>blows up half a star system
>a good guy

>implying that Disney or Kennedy would ever let the woman lead become evil
as if, Rey is all about exploiting young girls in the same fashion that young boys have been merchandise suckers

doesn't count!

That fucking poster.

>make luke huge and leia in the center to remind people that yes this is a star wars film and cash in on that nostalgia
>good bb-8 on the left, evil bb-8 on the right
>make it easy for the chinese to shrink finn for their posters later
>make it all bloody looking so people know this one will be darker because the second act is always darker remember empire guys
>speaking of remembering empire guys, remember empire guys well we got at-ats and there's gonna be a fight like the hoth one
>captain phasma isn't lame guys look she has a fucking stick it's gonna be cool we promise

Hey guys! Do you remember that really really old movie called Star Wars Rogue One?!

He's not a "good guy" but he is the protagonist.

make sure to buy him the pegwarming Rose

Her character is actually really prominent in this one. Also they kept every scene with her that was in the script instead of cutting for length so that's why this is the longest one.

>make luke huge and leia in the center to remind people that yes this is a star wars film and cash in on that nostalgia
I know right. They even titled it Star Wars. How much more of cash grab could it be.

That would mean somehow Kylo Ren has more knowledge about everything than anyone else, but I don't see any evidence for that.
But, you're not exactly wrong...TFA was so ambiguous and poor in conveying its story that we have gaps that need to be filled, and they are so large that we can fill them in your way

Star wars posters always have the bad guy at the back

Luke is at the back

Think about it