After the success of IT, what can we expect to see next from Sophia Lillis' acting career?
After the success of IT, what can we expect to see next from Sophia Lillis' acting career?
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a call from a fat jew and an oscar
hopefully roles requiring her to have long hair
So can we all agree that the tastefully semi-nude photo of her from yesterday was fake?
I want to see her more and more in many movies so I can judge her acting range.
Tasteful yet erotic panty scenes?
Depends how far she's willing to go with fat, rich producers/directors.
>Lilly will never take a hot, wet shit on your chest as she burns you with a cigarrete.
Why live?
He'll be a good leading man when he grows up
She's not. Her skills and looks are enough to become the next shining star.
What's her step-father end game?
>her stepfather
Imagine being that man. Just... Imagine it
To ensure Sophia has a successful career and life.
I had my first Sophia dream last night.
I never expected it to happen,
and I could have never known how much it would hurt.
Nice nips.
hopefully her feet.
I had two up until now. It's really depressing to wake up. Hope I won't wake up next time. It's a nice way to die. Nothing to really live for.
What about her feet?
Marry the mother to get access to the loli!
ha ha ha
Aww her face is so cute. I want to marry her so bad.
classic humbert humbert move
I wish I was Sophia's friend :(
I want to suck her nipples and kiss her everywhere desu.
Is she a dyke or lesbian?
She looks like a little boy with short hair
I laughed.
I never realized how much I want to suck her nipples. Do you think she would get embarrassed and tell you to stop?
Post Sophias.
>disdain for plebs.jpg
a wild sophia thread appears
You look like a flaming homosexual lol
LOL gay
I know right
Where's the long hair sophia? I loved her long hair in IT.
Sophia hardly ever has long hair in real life.
They were extensions in the movie.
Awful feet. Dropped.
>I'll never play Cuphead with Sophia
This hurts more than anything
what a bummer. That long curl-wave stuff is my thing
Redditors, Sophia is an old hag already
Cartoon Sophia!
the man who married the mother had access to lolilillis
>ywn go to school with her
>ywn have a real crush on her
>ywn try to be her friend only to come out awkward
>ywn stutter around her
>ywn try to fap thinking of her only to feel guilty for ruining her purity with your despicable, filthy masturbation
This I can get behind
>you will never be her chad brother
>filthy spic
Based cheev
imaging a threesome with sophia lillis and her hypothetical twin......
literal heaven
She would look good on my di- I mean Nick.
She's going to come out as gay or as a transman.
I'd rather she just came out as a trap tbqh