Who would play her in the inevitable Hollyjew remake?
Misato san
I assume we're done whitewashing?
The japs dont give a fuck about whitewashing, they love it, stop projecting your bullshit insaneity onto it
No, some hot actress in her 30s I presume.
Hollywood wants SJW acceptance now more than ever.
She can't be replaced
Lupita Nicongo
but she's 29
Stop making these threads.
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Yeah but you gotta sell the milfy vibe, you know why.
>blacks are appropriating white characters all over the fucking place
Just shut the fuck up.
Who the fuck are you talking to, autism boy?
>Doesn't know how to cook
>Daddy issues
Why are Misatofags such losers?
Would Hollywood show a late 20's/early 30's hottie making out with a teenage boy?
Idris Elba
In all seriousness probably JLaw
i'll do it
>Knows how to cook
>Only dates Chads
Hikari is the best waifu bar none.
They're people who can't handle asuka, but aren't beta enough to like rei.
>Can't handle Asuka
Asuka was all over Shinji's dick when he was a better pilot. Shinji was too much of a betafag to understand the signs.
>died childless and alone
I loved Eva it showed truthfully what a woman has to give up to have a good career. And even then Misato didn't even enjoy her promotions once she realised how empty those things are for a woman.
>not being man enough to help her overcome her traumas
Stick to your fleshlight, user.
go2bed Kaji
Misato had legit issues, pretty sure she broke it off with Kaji because of typical female irrationality. Hes probably the all round best guy in the show.
Although Hideaki Anno has always been known for being a tough director, not much can compare to Yuko Miyamura’s experience doing her voice for Asuka Langley Soryu. Most specifically during her time working on the final instalment of the series “The End of Evangelion”.
Once all of the lines for the film were recorded, Anno was dissatisfied with her performance and summoned Miyamura to the studio to revise her final line. Seeing as the scene was between both Asuka and Shinji, Megumi Ogata was brought to the studio as well (despite it was only Miyamura’s line Anno had problems with).
In the original script Asuka’s finale line was “Anta nankani korosareru nowa mappira yo!” which can be translated to “I’d hate to be killed by a bastard like you!” But no matter what Miyamura tried, Anno remained unsatisfied with her, leaving both Miyamura and Ogata at a complete loss as to what needed to be done.
Anno then had Ogata straddle and choke Miyamura just as Shinji did to Asuka during the final scene in the film. It was so rough that Miyamura had difficulty speaking for the rest of the day. In Miyamura’s 2005 Anime Yawa interview she told the story of what Anno said to her after the choking idea failed.
“‘At last Anno asked me ‘Miyamura, just imagine you are sleeping in your bed and a stranger sneaks into your room. He can rape you anytime as you are asleep but he doesn’t. Instead, he masturbates looking at you, when you wake up and know what he did to you. What do you think you would say?’ I had been thinking he was a strange* man, but at that moment I felt disgusting. So I told him that I thought 'Disgusting.’ And then he sighed and said, 'I thought as much.’”
Shigeru Aoba is /ourguy/
>Never loved anyone
>Willing to kill people
>tfw kaji and misato couldn't be shinji's adoptive parents
>even though she tried fucking him
Definitely /ourguy/
>tfw you don't love anyone so instrumentality scares you
Instrumentality was designed for the fucks who don't love anyone. Gendo was into it because he had lost his loved one.
>Based Shinji refusing a rebound fuck
More like Chad Ikari
she's cute but doesn't look like a alcoholic hiding her depression behind work
>you will never be this alpha
feels bad
Daily reminder if you support Human Instrumentality you are a cuck
>Everyone shares their bodies and mind
>Wanting to share a woman you love with everyone
based anno has good taste
Anne Hathaway
a man of taste