Why THE FUCK did you cunts not tell me that Mad Men is the fucking GOAT?
I haven't binge-watched a show this hard in a fucking decade.
Shame on you.
Why THE FUCK did you cunts not tell me that Mad Men is the fucking GOAT?
I haven't binge-watched a show this hard in a fucking decade.
Shame on you.
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Its a lame soap opera for brainlets
wait til you see The Sopranos
post you're Mad waifu
My favorite arc of the series desu
so did Pete or Kenny win Mad Men
why do women pretend they don't want men to act like this anymore?
truly the best waifu, they should have made her into don's wife ffs
depressed emotionally distant alcoholics that ignore there family?
>Its a lame soap opera for brainlets
also women
Pete is probably miserable in Kansas, he loves the city too much. Ken has a cushy job and gets to write on the side.
i just realized she's Chris moltisantis wife
it's not
Ken had already won even before the show started. Pete won it during the show
Good discipline
Meh, i dumped at episode 2, too boring.
yeah, why are women so stupid?
Don't blame me. You wouldn't listen.
Literally the greatest television drama of all time
Yes, better than the Sopranos
best girl
the way son treated Faye was the most unforgivable thing he ever did desu
It’s literally the only thing anyone has ever said about it.
Which is weird because it’s not true, it’s actually the most boring piece of shit that was ever shat.
I'm sorry but your opinion is incorrect, please report to the popcorn mines for reeducation plebeian
also Mike and Nancy's mom on Stranger Things
literally just go watch any soap opera ever
It sure is
Sopranos is a 9.99/10 and mad men is 10/10. No shame in second place
I was just thinking about how depressing of an ending the series has. Spoilers for OP if you haven’t finished it yet.
>Cooper’s dead
>Pete leaves
>Ken fired and then fires McCann
>Ted stuck doing something he doesn’t really want to do
>Roger probably going to live in France with Marie
>Joan leaves and forms her own business
>Don finally forced into working at an agency he hates
I mean sure, at least the series ended on high notes for the individual characters and they all ended up happy, but in the grand scheme of things the people who worked with each other for 10+ years won’t be seeing each other anymore, and McCann Erickson won in the end. Given what Ken said about how horrible the agency was to work at, I don’t see it ending well for Don, Peggy, Roger, and Ted.
But at least Don found peace and got over his past.
i think they're both the greatest
Alright, I'll play. List some bullet points as to why Mad Men is slightly better and why Sopranos is slightly not better.
Sopranos is one of the most overrated shows in the history of television, along with Breaking Bad and The Wire.
>make a thread and post correct opinion
>no one to refute it except a few straggling contrarians, thread dies in minutes
>make a thread and post contrarian opinion
>bump limit every time
You should watch Mad Men and learn how advertisements work.
the only reason mad men exists is because of sopranos you stupid fuck
>I don’t see it ending well for Roger
Dude, he finally found a suitable partner that will make him happy. For a while.
Nah I mean in McCann. I’m sure he hates the agency as much as Don does.
>mCCain paid him a huge load of money for Sterling Cooper, he will be retired soon and has a new wife
I'm sure it didn't end up bad for him
It's not like he did much other than drink at work anyways.
she was mine too until 4th season
im ok with this
Blew my mind
>blonde hair
>brown eyes
>average face
This is the god-tier combo
>not binge drinking and smoking cigarettes whilst watching Mad Men™
You're missing out. I've never felt more immersed in a show.
Are you me?
>average face
where the fuck do you live lol elena is a 10-10 anywhere
In a Nordic country
I feel sorry for you.
>punished Ken
Confirm holy trinity
Patrician's choice
That doesn't make it good, just influential.
Every fucking time... ;-;
arr rook the same
Real talk better than Breaking Bad.
Here's the second greatest, any guesses as to the GOAT of all time?
mad men is up there with the wire and sopranos as actual GOAT contenders, breaking bad doesn't come close.
The actress is 10/10
>"I’ve always said this is a show about becoming white. That’s the definition of success in America—becoming a WASP. A WASP male."
Much better in Arrow. She was a cunt towards the end of Mad Men
none of them are even that cute