Is our favorite Jewish dude weed XD bro also a groper of underage female flesh?
Do you think it is true?
wtf I hate rich, Seth now!
>barely touch sidetit
big if true
Dana Jade is a fake account, not even a real person.
Stop posting this bullshit. Its obviously fake.
Rogen was railing against Trump for sex assault allegations. Well he's got some of his own now.
He touched and did multiple times.
OK Seth's PR guy.
She was suspended by Twitter!
It’s a polbaby with a fake account who already got suspended. He did it because Rogen said something mean about daddy Drumpf
Just stop
>Some Sup Forumstard made an obvious sock puppet account to smear Seth
>People actually think it's real
feminists: "women never lie about sexual assaults" "false accusations are immaterial" "rape survivors must always be believed" "sexual assault is rampant" "we live in a rape culture"
Their own piety is coming back to bite them in the ass. Male feminists always get BTFO.
Nobody thinks it’s real. It’s all Sup Forumstards circle jerking nothing more
Jews make me sick these days, they were given star wars and ruined it. They took over our news and banks to run our lives and ruined them. Seems like Jews ruin just about everything but have the clout to cover it all up.
>le muh jews boogeyman
Star Wars was never good.
>the father fetishist is back
Hey Reddit, stop being so obvious.
not an argument
Hey pol, please stay on your containment board, thx
Go back.
>le molymeme school of retards valedictorian
Literally braindead
Of course you’re an underage magapede frogposter from t_d, who woulda thunk...
>inb4 we won
>inb4 8years
Go back.
>caring about reality or facts
a female said a male raped her, just listen and believe
>hur hur hur hur hur
>stop that!
>hur hur hur hur hur
>hur hur hur hur hur
>dude wild unprovable accusations lmao
>a female
More like a Sup Forums neck beard.
Sup Forumstards are creating a bubble where this fake reality where straight white men are oppressed is real. It's fucking sad.
Go back to your oven, Seth.
Reddit is making a fierce attempt to colonize Sup Forums.
>if someone says something I don't like, they don't really exist!
I was in the Sup Forums thread when the sock puppet acount was made.
>guy that complains about Sup Forums invading Sup Forums is actually a Sup Forums invader himself
what a twist
Fuck off. Now every men is a rapist. Hope Obama is next.
pure kino
>no one is calling out the fact that it's been one guy spamming this all day
>posting the same tweets which only have like 2 favorites
>acting like it's a big thing
What did Dude Weed LMAO do to you that you're trying to create fake news over it? Did he shove you in a locker and fuck your mom or something?
What's the story here
>everyone in jewllywood are denegerates
Wow, who knew.
Why are you protecting a rapist?
>every famous male feminist is a hypocritical perv
Unsurprised desu
How much of a fucking autistic do you have to be to dummy up a twitter account and make false accusations about an actor you like in order so you can screenshot it for the amusement of autists on a Equatorial Guinea recipe sharing forum?
>defending a rapist