About to experience this kino, what should I expect Sup Forums?
About to experience this kino, what should I expect Sup Forums?
Just get the Director's Cut in Blu-Ray. It has all the same material added as the Final Cut, only without Ridley's fucking teal filter.
You should expect maximum noir feels.
A movie with some of the best set design and lighting ever made, with acting and writing that are passable enough that they don't get in the way.
rubbish plot
rubbish acting
looks pretty
has good musical cues
has a moving death scene
sci-fi nerd shit, basically
>doesn't even mention DAT ATMOSPHERE
Fuck you, you didn't even watch it
can't find a torrent of that anywhere
You can't appreciate it on your first viewing
To fall in love with Rachel
directors cut or bust
the premise itself is massively stupid and doesn't make sense but if you can get over that it's fun schlock with some poetic moments
It's a very slow paced "show don't tell" noir film. Be patient, and enjoy the music, spectacle and themes.
>show don't tell
categorically untrue, it is very blatant thematically and there isn't much nuance
Style over substance, be prepared to doze off.
Good visuals and sound but not much else.
Harrison fords worst performance ever, watch out for his rubber face "acting" when he's in pain
would you a replicant?
Nothing is worse than an itch you can never scratch.
>rubber face
Haha - I too like to watch RedLetterMedia!
You forgot to talk about how footage of the unicorn is from Ridley Scott's other film (Legend)!
watch the original theatrical version without the "greedo shot first" bullshit
its a bit clunky but you may get something of a revelation about existence and who or what is in control
What premise was that, user?
The best movie visually in a long time.
what teal filter?
I fucking lost it at this line. Leon is comedy genius.
Humans use bio-robotic slave labor. They implanted fake memories in them to give them an identity and stabilize their personalities. As an added measure of precaution, they have a lifetime of 4 years. Of course, even an artificial being doesn't like to be a slave and sometimes rebel. Harrison Ford is a Blade Runner, a detective-executioner whose job is to "retire" them. Existentialism galore.
A decent prequel
I watched it for the first time the other week in preparation for the sequel. You should expect:
>beautiful, comfy immersive world
>great music and effects
>medicore acting
>mediocre plot
>shit character development
I really was expecting something great, afterall it was supposed to be a classic. Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful film and had great parts to it, but the story and characters were not. I think it's one of those things people accept as being good because it's a 'classic' and don't question it
Luckily, 2049 retains what made the original beautiful and expands on it by giving it a fucking decent plot and character development
Amazing practical effects
World that feels genuine
Great music and atmosphere
Lackluster plot
Barely decent acting
RLM is my favourite friend simulator but I couldn't finish that re-view.
the unicorn scene is literally the best part of the film and only philistines disagree
humans make interplanetary invasion/colonising machines that replicate themselves exactly for some reason, to the extent that the seem to develop consciousness
also the interesting part of the film is that these robots are indistinguishable from humans yet they all have wacky superhuman strength, destroying that notion very quickly
It's because Earth is literally death or dying. Humans are leaving the Earth in droves, animal life and plants are going extinct. Anything alive is a luxury, as many died out or became extinct due to fallout from World War Terminus. This results in owning an animal/plant being a sign of wealth or status, which in turn means people buy fake, robotic animals to make themselves look more important.
Collective guilt over the nuclear war is implied to be why humanity loves and cherishes animals, even artificial ones, yet consigns artificial humans to slave labor and kills them without a shred of empathy.
It has a good atmosphere, cinematography and a great soundtrack but I'd say it's overall average. Apart from Rutger Hauer every other actor's performance is mediocre and the plot isn't that promising either.
that doesn't explain why they mode worker-machines that replicate humans exactly
as speculative sci-fi is sucks ass but as metaphor it's fine