She did nothing wrong

she did nothing wrong
not until after she got robbed, at least. maybe after that there might've been a better way to do things, but she was still in the right

>he cheated on me, he deserves the death penalty
oh ok

what about slitting that innocent guy's throat with a boxcutter though

She's the anti nu-male. Of course Sup Forums hates her.

Woman detected

Wrong, she's probably the most sinister antagonist of all major movies this decade.

Even worse than Clara?


Betas detected

>facebook memes

>tfw I actually think she was in the right
What's wrong with me?

Name one thing she did wrong that's not rooted in "s-she might do that to me I'm s-scared!"


what the fuck man

Killed NPH for no good reason

Autistic creepers won't be missed.



I agree. First watch I thought Amy was a psychotic villain, second time round she's just an autistic mastermind, and nick paid the price for underestimating her

>I had to drink cans of beer and watch dumb fucking adam sandler movies
Any other examples of movies taking shots at other movies?

>unable to predict his wife would orchestrate an elaborate scheme to frame him for murder
>lol what a dum dum

He raped her ("I'm not going to force you"), and was creepy and manipulative as fuck.
She didn't plan to kill him initially, he walked into it

>Moved his wife to the middle of nowhere where she has no friends
>Cheated on her
>Constant threat of physical violence
>Ignores her physically and emotionally
He couldn't have know how much of a psycho powder keg she was, but he was a bit of a dum dum if he didn't expect consequences

This. He was a cunt and him being dead made the world better.

What the fuck did she do wrong? She was willing to go to the extreme for Ben. She was willing to do anything and everything. She is perfect. A woman willing to destroy lives and careers for you=perfection.

>placing her in the context of yourself instead of herself
someone's gonna get framed for murder lol

she's pro nu-male. she literally needs a beta to dominate and control. when they cheat on her (act out in alpha male ways) then she pulls some bullshit and ruins their lives. she was hot as fuck in both this and doom though.

>wife had at least 3 previous boyfriends
He did deserve it for being that dumb

Thats' why Sup Forums's afraid of her.

Is that implying that Sup Forums is full of alphas?

No, that it's full of nu males who would be dominated by her. An alpha would smell her stuff from miles away and she wouldn't even want to be associated with them.

She tried to frame Nick for a murder he didn't commit, she killed a guy who had committed no crime, she framed another guy for rape and she let her family think she was dead just to get one over Nick who she just could've left. She was the villian and those actions above should be enough but not for you autists