How is she getting chosen for roles in big budget blockbusters over more talented actresses?
How is she getting chosen for roles in big budget blockbusters over more talented actresses?
She's like the female Jared Leto. Shit makes no sense.
Jared Leto is a good actor though.
Pushing the androgynous agenda
>those eyebrows
>that belly button
>that monkey nose
>those """hips"""
carafags are weirdos
Look up who her parents are.
she's just perfect
>this is a 10/10 in bongland
He was a very convincing Steve Prefontaine.
Her best performances are on the casting couch.
The real answer is absurd nepotism. She is descended from British nobility. Her godparents are Joan Collins and Nicholas Coleridge, the chairman of Condé Nast Britain (i.e., the company that runs basically every fashion and pop culture magazine on the planet).
To say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth doesn't even scratch the surface.
She appeals to 2 of the most influential Hollywood executive demographics. First, she has the face of boy, no tits, and no woman hips, so she appeals to all the Hollywood faggots. Second, she's young enough to appeal to all the Hollywood pedophiles. When you can appeal to faggots AND pedophiles, you're going to get work in Hollywood.
Nepotism, she has connects that go all the way to the top. Just like the Maras.
I like her she looks so euro. I love euro chicks.
It's a testament to bong genes when she and her sister look completely unalike.
yeah pretty much
It has nothing to do with sex or hollywood appeal or any of that shit. Her family is insanely filthy rich and can pay their way to get her anywhere.
>To say she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth doesn't even scratch the surface.
it ain't me
She looks like a qt trad girl here. Too bad she delves into thottery.
cutie patootie here she should've never made instagram
nepotism, but there's a silver lining to it
if she's in a movie then you know that the director didn't care and that the movie sucks
She has a nice plant pot at her house user.
She's like cute and ugly at the same time, it's weird but I like it
>Sup Forums making fun of your waifu again
>cant even defend her because i know theyre right
She smells like cat piss and a lot of people are into that get over it
I like her lips though. and her voice can be very sexy.
She looks like a little boy and a girl so the Hollyjew execs go crazy over her
She's a filthy Jewess
i understand why she's pretty user, but her personality is revolting to me
Cus dude eyebrows!
dude her body is fucking square
>went up to Harvey's room after he bragged about fucking actresses and making their career
You tell me
What are those underpants called and where can I find pictures of attractive women wearing them?
this. also i'm pretty sure she's blood related to a bunch of influential british jews
that's not harv. that's that actor from the Goldbergs
How do I meat rich white society girls like Cara Delevingne?
She's probably among the few who were immune to the Combine Harveyster.
Her relatives would send him straight to the showers if he tried anything
That's Jeff Green you dumb fuck.
How much is he paying you, you son of a bitch?
>quit buying dvd's!
You don't
not enough
Become a crack dealer
Become a rich white society boy.