>For Phil...your destiny
Who the fuck is Phil?
>For Phil...your destiny
Who the fuck is Phil?
memes aside if this is mocap then im impressed
It is. Andy Serkis, the goat.
Snoke is Gollum confirmed
yeah, the cgi actually looks fucking stunning
Is he about to grab Rey's flat chest?
Snoke is probably the only good thing about the ST
No he's trying to git pusi
Phil of the Future
Darkside Phil of course
He looks so pleasantly crusty
Amazing what two years can do.
Starkiller base just had poor resolution holograms all this time.
Did anyone notice that his face is misaligned like Elle Fanning's face?
I got nothing against Andy Serkis but he's almost monotone in his acting. It's the same raspy voice he's done ever since he was given lines.
I read somewhere that he fed on deaths, and that it was the reason for death star 3 destroying 5 planets in TFA. Like death heals him or something.
Nu wars is utter shit regardless
>I saw raw untamed power, and Bee Yondat...something truly special.
Who is Bee Yondat?
He's also regenerating, so that adds to it
The brother of Will, the guy the emperor had the death star fire it's laser on in RotJ
formerly Chuck