Ok, instead of reeeing at me Can someone actually tell me in what way the Joi/ K relationship was fundamentally different than a typical irl bf/gf husband/wife relationship?
Is it the fact that Joi doesn't have a physical form, because then I suppose that means online relationships aren't real either.
Is it that Joi can't have his children, I guess infertile women aren't real either then.
Is it that she was programmed to love him, I guess your parents don't really love you then.
Is it that she doesn't have a "soul", because neither does he, they were both created in a factory.
No one has actually answered this, they either deflect and say you're only invested in this discussion because you yourself want a Joifu (irrelevant) or focus on the fact that you could buy another Joi which is also irrelevant.
Newsflash, you can also have more than one relationship in your life, and yes each Joi will be different because they clearly have a memory function and express personal tastes and interests.
Daniel Wood
Suddenly no one cares about this film anymore? We had threads hitting bump limit all day yesterday where did you all go?
Gabriel Cook
Why did deckard stop fighting K just because a song came up?
Why couldn't K just buy another joi?
What was the point of Jared Leto's character?
Why did Luv kiss him when he stabbed her?
Why didnt K realise they could find him because I dunno... he's a replicant and they can locate him from anywhere?
so many questions
Mason Bennett
Jayden Martin
>Why did deckard stop fighting K just because a song came up? He realized he was beaten you dumbass, he took his gun away and didn't have the strength to throw any more punches at the superhuman. If he wasn't going to get killed he might as well see what this guy wants
Gavin Lewis
>I guess your parents don't really love you then aside from the fact that lots of parents don't love their children, you literally weren't even talking about parent relationships in the start of your post so that's not even close to an actual rebuttal
Chase Ramirez
See how OP struggles to affirm a sense of authenticity in a way that fascinatingly reflects the movie's bleak themes. Truly this shows that you can either appreciate the kino or BECOME the kino
K didn't buy another joi because it wouldn't be the same joi, she doesn't have the memories of the original, and if you don't know your past are you even the same person? Identity is formed by experience.
Jose Reyes
>Can someone actually tell me in what way the Joi/ K relationship was fundamentally different than a typical irl bf/gf husband/wife relationship?
stopped reading there. the movie flew over your head.
Jason Lewis
Austin Wright
Stop forcing the general, we had nice talks about this film but this is no longer necessary, most of us have seen it and discussed it, let the movie sink in a bit.
Chase Ward
Oh wow, Villenueve I didn't realise you browsed Sup Forums
Luis Stewart
>Why couldn't K just buy another joi? because he immediately went to save Deckard and died. >What was the point of Jared Leto's character? He was the villain. >Why did Luv kiss him when he stabbed her? Because she was off-baseline from the fighting and she saw Wallace do it to a replicant that he killed. >Why didnt K realise they could find him because I dunno... he's a replicant and they can locate him from anywhere? They can't. What they tracked was his police car.
Daniel Kelly
Aside from being an antagonist, wallace wanted to find deckards daughter so he could dissect her and find out what makes her tick. There's probably some philosophical reason for him to be there too but im not well read enough to know what that'd be.
Tyler Ross
nah real people get divorced
Christian Campbell
Came back from a 2nd viewing. >mfw it was a different movie knowing about it! >tfw you can't believe how you didn't see who they were looking for, it was all there >mfw might go a 3rd time
>I knew you were special >snowflakes melt in his palm
>all her good memories are hers >what am I to you? >a good memory
This is a kino even though kino has lost it's weight.
Why was Sean Young the rebel hag? I am still confused about her. Why cast someone that looks like an old hag Rachel?
Michael Turner
She is incapable of doing anything she does not think he wants
She has no autonomy
Adam Davis
>when Leto thought he would be the real shit in the movie and even a newbie dutch lady btfo-ed his acting
Benjamin Parker
she has only a few degrees less of free will compared to you or i.
Jaxon Morris
It is Saturday. Sup Forums is in parties out smarting hipsters about film and impressing art hoes with their wits and intelligence. Sup Forums is getting laid tonight.
Evan Foster
Nah m8. You're confusing "lack of free will" with "unemployed and poor".
Leo Kelly
Could you explain this unit for measuring free will that you've conjured up
Lincoln Lewis
>Deckard's daughter first appearance its while playing with a vivid green scenery (some sort of forest) she was constructing >K wears a dark green jacket that's so dark you dont realize its green until one of the prostitutes point it out STOP IT VILLANUEVE MY BRAIN WILL EXPLODE WITH ALL THOSE SYNAPSES
David Campbell
IRL bf/gfs fight and argue. Joi would never disobey K.
Easton Nguyen
How intelligent is Joi? Can she hold a conversation or is she just like a dumb lovesick teenager?
Dylan Howard
>Why didnt K realise they could find him because I dunno... he's a replicant and they can locate him from anywhere? wait... what? where do you get unsupported assumptions like this?
Liam Cox
you believe in free will? that's Dan Dennetts response to determinism, not mine.
Lucas Thomas
>it's another imperfections are necessary and a good thing ep
Matthew Lewis
>you believe in free will? I used to before I started watching Rick & Morty
Zachary Wilson
Joi = Joy? Joe = Male version... also illusion of "average Joe etc. mundane, nothing special"
Joi = jerkoffinstructions Joi= waifu this was intentional, right?
Blake Butler
Caleb Reed
Cells bro.
Brandon Evans
Levi Nguyen
So "real" love is better because it's also shit sometimes? Really makes you think
Cameron Powell
Within the framework of the movie, yes. Deckard chose to come out of hiding to meet his child. K chose to disobey both the LAPD and the underground.
Joi, on the other hand, could never have said "Look, K, it's not working out. I'm going to go back to the cloud and give you a little space."
Alexander Myers
There is no point in arguing about JOi, we won;'t change anyone's mind. If you are a nihilist, atheist, millenian you will probably say she was %100 fake jerk off fantasy If you are a robot, have existential crises, want to explore the possibilities of what is a soul and generally wear a fedora you will say she became real after a point.
Very strong opinions both, can't change.
Michael Rivera
She tells you what you want to hear. >WAKE UP >ESCAPE >I LOVE YOU >YOU ARE SPECIAL TO ME
Brayden Torres
Joi is literally just a more advanced SIRI. She's designed to look like how you want her to look, she's designed to say what you want her to say. K has had Joi for so long that she "seems" real, because K wants her to be real and her AI has adapted to him. For other people she's just a glorified desktop virtual stripper.
Asher Perez
The real question is, w2c K's jacket?
Wyatt Morgan
to be honest I was a little disappointed and hurt (not upset with the filmmakers or their decision) but I mean to say that I imagined Joi as being a unique version for Joe when she appears as Ana de Armas.
and then when you see the big holographic version that is like a distorted Ana it hits you... it hits you like a ton of fucking bricks user. Lost like tears in the rain..
Jayden Kelly
Jeremiah Cruz
Bump. Who was the Rebel hag? was she an Easter egg?
Xavier Foster
A champion's trophy is worth more than a participation trophy, isn't it?
Jonathan Hughes
found £3.90 screenings of 2049 and I'm gonna rape the shit out of it
Joshua Martin
the same could be said about replicants they could easily just be remade as well, like Joi same baselines, same implanted past memories, but not the same experiences that made K eventually different (as well as Joi)
Daniel Brooks
Are cinemas in the UK dying? I watched it for £6 on Thursday which is not bad.
Juan Perez
>Shhhhh >K is sleeping
Eli Wood
>i didn't read any of posts, so I'll just put a strawman: the OP
Also, humans are conditioned to breed and take care of the offspring -> which is sex drive, present in barren secimen too. Actual "love" as living your life together, sharing emotions in joy and sorrow etc is a matter of independent decision. That's why long term happy couples are so rare.
And Joi had no choice about it, she was hard programmed to do anything that pleases K, or any other customer. It had nothing to do with love.
Ryder Powell
My London screenings always have a decent attendance, I don't know about the rest of the country
Nathaniel Rogers
i guess we just have different views on what constitutes free will. it didn't have all that much to do with the movie anyhow.
Owen Ramirez
An Ice-Cream is better if it gets up and finds you.
Sure, it pleases some animal instinct to know you're capable of acquiring a mate, but a holowaifu/ robowaifu is an improvement in so many ways I think I'd get over it.
Ok, so I'm not as attractive, or confident or rich or whatever is necessary to get the "champions trophy" (and yet I'll be seen as the one objectifying women amusingly) but the participation trophy is like a 100,000$ prize and the champions trophy is a book voucher
William Green
$20 per ticket in Australia, and I've seen it three times.
Henry Hughes
what rebel hag? You mean the one-eyed replicant leader? She didn't look like Sean Young to me
Caleb Brown
>So "real" love is better because it's also shit sometimes?
Exactly. It's real, therefore imperfect.
Austin Gomez
Today Imax was full of normies. I didn't feel comfy enough. I think I will go a 3rd time on IMAX a dead time to just chill.
Ryan Ward
>Who was the rebel hag In the photos it looks like she helped raise the child with Sapper, Sapper of course delivered the baby(saw a miracle) and then in the photo Freysa is holding the newborn in arms near sappers tree
Kayden Brown
hobo with a shotgun is also canon in the blade runner universe
Jonathan Stewart
What does Luv killing Joi represent? It feels too obvious but I can't place it. What is he trying to say about the differences between love and happiness?
Adam Carter
>£3.90 Fucking where in the UK
Kayden Wilson
i watched it today in imax. tickets were fifteen quid and it was more than half full
William Parker
>Why couldn't K just buy another joi? there easily could have been backups. You know, like they have NOW. stupid movie
Jeremiah Cruz
Love hurts Joy is ignorance
Dylan Roberts
Empire Walthamstow, they have 'saverdays' on tuesdays which may be across the country too, I'm not sure, have a look
Angel Peterson
Luv crushed Joi's emanator strictly to hurt K, in part because K rejected Luv's advances.
Love denied turns to cruelty. the internet's grotesque misogyny is pretty much proof positive of this.
Juan Cooper
Joy is something like entertainment it comes and goes without much loss, Love is much more powerful, real in that world as a person and hurts.
My basic take on it but some autist could probably go deeper
Jaxon Price
Picked up these battle rifles recently, glad Sup Forums has a /brg/ now too
Tyler Wilson
Why can't more movies like this come out
Save us Villeneuve
Levi Phillips
Why do the foreign box office stats take so long to update reeee
Jonathan Robinson
I can get behind this: spurned love destroys joy
Jace Ward
Blake Martin
How's she so perfect bros? cells.
Gabriel Williams
Wallace's company made Joi. she was reminding him that Joi was a product that she made and had control over.
also drives home that in order to feel things the way a human would feel, an ephemerality is necessary.
the fact that their relationship has to end, and that she has to die, only confirms their love.
Jayden Sullivan
>You're human
Ryder Diaz
I don't see anything appealing about her
Jackson Kelly
Nice, found some for 4/6 quid and its kinda close to me but seems like a shithole.
Is the cinema actually any good sound wise?
Kayden Watson
>no luv dominatrix gf
Kayden Robinson
>Is it that she was programmed to love him, I guess your parents don't really love you then.
Bingo. Also, you equating familial love to romantic love is disingenuous. Joi was pure wish fulfillment. She played into every one of K's fantasies. When K thought he was born, she played into it. When K wanted to go on the run, she played into his plan. She didn't have a single opinion of her own or any drive to be an individual. You might enjoy that clingy, co-dependent shit, but I don't.
Luv, on the other hand...
Brody Sanchez
Joi is best girl. Interlinked
Samuel Garcia
>Why did Luv kiss him when he stabbed her? Luv is emotionally unstable and only even tries to hide it in front of Wallace. She flirts with K when she's first introduced, cries in half the scenes she shows up in and lies to Joshi, despite emotions and lying supposedly being impossible for replicants.
Jack Gutierrez
because you're not human. replicants just don't understand.
Jayden Gray
Finally, a feminist who actually seems to understand the movie
Daniel Rogers
haven't got a clue, will be trying it for the first time are you nearby?
Camden Brooks
>we're going to have to wait at least 2 years for Villeneuve's Dune
Don't think I can make it lads.
Lucas Nguyen
Their relationship was as real as it gets. Especially when Tyrell's slogan is "More human than human".
Kayden Gray
Nathan Jones
He deleted the backups
Julian Foster
I want to be Sonya Bladed to death by her.
Jason Robinson
>2049 doesn't appeal to normies, and probably won't even make enough money to have them fund his Dune adaptation
The world is wrong
Jackson Peterson
>because then I suppose that means online relationships aren't real either.
but they really aren't
Logan Wright
The closest cinema to me is the holloway one but ive only viewed this three times, one at curzon bloomsbury and twice at cineworld leicester square.
Got a good seat booked at BFI Imax for monday at the moment.
Jordan King
why didn't he take them?
Jacob Price
literal retard
It wasn't
Henry Rogers
she looks like some hyper stuckup home-schooled catholic girl
Gabriel Reyes
Tfw they cut this scene out of the movie and just had them cleaning up the blood she left
Liam Hernandez
>The closest cinema to me is the holloway one wow, same spooky
Caleb Rodriguez
Ah right, I can't stand the BFI one, I can never ever book seats at the back and if I'm too far forward then I can't see a thing. Did you watch it in 3D IMAX in leicester square or just 2D?
I always have bad experiences with holloway
Adrian Allen
Why don't people talk about how fucking cool the action scenes were? I always hear normies complain that the action was too short and there wasn't enough of it but I think all the action scenes were fantastic