>4 Bedrooms
>3 living rooms
>3 Bathrooms
>Huge Garden
How did Homer afford this place?
>4 Bedrooms
>3 living rooms
>3 Bathrooms
>Huge Garden
How did Homer afford this place?
He works at a nuclear power plant?
he received it as a gift from the previous owner
you guessed it, chuck
Holy shit, i never noticed 3 living rooms, i thought it was one.
The 3rd one only shows up in one episode, so you're not that blind for missing it.
I remember the living room on the front left from the pictionary dignity scene but when does the one at the back right appear?
1 living room
1 parlor
1 den
the episode where bart and milhouse get the radioactive man #1 and fight over it in the treehouse
Didn't he inherit it from his father?
living rooms
Living Room with fireplace
Den with a TV
Playroom for the kids.
>1 den
its called a rumpus room YOU FUCK
Springfield is probably in the midwest, where you can get a place like this for like 5k.
He bought it in 1989...
What about the other one?
I'm remembering it from the one where homer needed triple bypass surgery. I assumed that it was the same as the TV one. But the why would the staircase be in the background?
Abe sold his house and gave Homer the money for the deposit. Assuming that he used all of it to pay the deposit, then any remaining mortgage payments should be low enough for Homer to pay by himself.
I thought the door in the kitchen leads to the basement.
It's the rumpus room.
>Nuclear safety inspector
That's how.
is this the ony time it appears?
Big house
Stable job
Wife Kids
Am i to believe that Homer is a loser? lmao
he borrowed money from his friend Chuck, who had to sell his store for it.
deepest lore!
>works in a nuclear power plant
>in bum fuck nowhere
I've only ever seen seasons 1-12, so it might be in more recent episodes i couldnt say
houses in america aren't as expensive as europe, what might be considered middle class in some white suburb is definitely upper-middle class in nordic europe for example.
none of my friends had houses with basements / cellars or big garages. i know a lot folks who have lived their entire lives since childhood in small apartments
same way al bundy did
same way your last creation of this fucking thread did
That's the rumpus room you fuck.
>Skilled position in a small town
>How did Homer afford this place?
He bought it when the market was cheap?
The one with the fireplace is in heaps of episodes, like the ep where homer travels to the 3rd dimension
The one with the piano is in the b sharps episode
well, in the '80s and into the '90s, America had a middle class
the real hilarious one to look at now is Al Bundy
Fucking hell m8 I'm laffin', I wish I could buy a house for 5k
This scene does not fit in, the TV should be under the window.
The sad part about this is that you're so poor, you don't realize how hilariously cheap houses in the midwest are.
>furniture can't be rearranged
they may be, but how long you'd have to commute to get to an area with reasonable job prospects. Or emergency health issue
Im pretty sure they havnt used the room in like 500 episodes anyway. The writers basically use the same 10 locations for every episode now
>that hallway connecting the kitchen to the garage
Show me 1 (one) episode where this exists.
Wait, in the opening doesnt the garage door lead to the main living room with the tv?
>front parlor
>morning room
>rumpus room
>formal dining room
>mfw the simpsons live like upper-middle class British people
I blame Tracey Ullman
>europeans think this is huge
Big payout when Chuck sold his business.
This is the right answer. With the money from the house plus this being bought in an 80s market means that Homer could probably be paying a mortgage of about 400 to 500 dollars a month which in todays economy is dirt fucking cheap.
Oh yeah, I'd take living near a major city. I just have a hard time sympathizing with people complaining about 125k 3000sqft houses when there isn't even a small semi in my entire city for less than 450k.
The real question is what is that crawlspace room in the topright corner by bart's room for? The walls are painted even. It can't be for his evil twin, that dude was living in the attic and using the vents.
The Simpsons house is so cozy, I wish the open concept meme would die so we could go back to divided living spaces that serve unique purposes.
But the market has been through ups and downs since then.
A deposit vanishes into thin air if the interest is hiked high enough.
>tfw when bout to drop $310k on a 3 bedroom 2 bath condo...
Middle class. My family was middle class. Our house had 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, garage, attic. No basement though.
>why can this man who was in the Beatles, Nirvana,a prime-time heavyweight championship boxing match and ran illegal goods smuggling operations several times afford a nice house
idk desu senpai it's a mystery
Oh La La a garage!
i grew up in a series of dense cube bungalows, in the city and the country. I can't believe how fucking big burger houses are
I think its storage, pretty sure there's a door in bart's room with a bunch of board games inside
source, one of those old simpsons games where you kind of explore springfield and i think there were cards to collect
As for where it appears in the show? No idea
Are we sure that main floor toilet exists? I seem to remember multiple times when there were people waiting to use the upstairs toilet.
yeh it is totally different. like just the design of houses too, where i come from having a big enough garage to actually fit a car and small wood workshop or whatever means you are 100% rich.
pools are also exclusive to the upper-middle class, whereas some "normal" households in the u.s. might just have them indoors.
anyone got the floorplan for sneeds?
Not very far. I live in northern ohio, you can find houses in places like Akron for around 5k, but those are crackhouse tier. 30k or so can get you a ok house.
>How did Homer afford this place?
It was back in the 80's when baby boomers can afford to buy a very nice home and only 1 person in the household had to work and you can buy groceries for just $20 the entire week
But over the past 30 years baby boomers decided to throw all of that away and force their children into multiculturalism and diversity, pay higher taxes and b work longer hours for less pay
>Wife Kids
I thought they closed that place down
Bundy's "loser" house was hilarious back then.
>american houses
such a thing would be made illegal under fire hazard rules in central europe, i mean thats basically all wood and drywall right? And they just put the cables inside them?
Whatever balance he had left he refinances every few years to keep the monthly payments low and the interest low.
People forget the Baby Boomers were the hippy generation. Hippies ruined the economy
>Or emergency health issue
what? do you think every house is surrounded by 12 miles of corn fields or something?
But Homer's on like his eighth mortgage.
>>i-it's tha boomers' fault!
BTW Homer likes hippies or not?
Some chapter he seems to be pretty right wing but some others he is plainly hippie.