How did I get meme'd into watching this piece of trash?
How did I get meme'd into watching this piece of trash?
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This was like the last old Hollywood style movie ever made. It's so good. The swordfight at the top of the cliff always makes me smile.
kys you worthless gen-z piece of shit.
You're trying to hurt me.
It's working.
You've gone too far this time shitlord. Even in this cesspool some things are still taboo, get out.
People did you a favour and assumed you weren't a disgusting pleb.
You have to be innocent of the heart to like this.
I agree.
Watch Stardust instead
They're both great.
I agree. Like Big Lebowski this is a reddit filter.
MomAnon here.
>inb4 tits or gtfo
Been on near-obsessively since the Boston Bombings. Yes, I'm an INTJ. I get some good, honest laughs from Sup Forums, love the white knight raids (Jerkin' Joes and the kid who didntknooooo) and think that what was done for Dusty the Cat was an extremely proud moment in the history of Sup Forums.
Only rarely do I identify myself. It's simply not necessary most of the time. Also don't want to be called attention whore, be flooded with tits or gtfo, or other summer-level bullshit.
I also lurk in Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Might have to head over to /fit/ one day, stretch my cables and this movie is pretty overrated.
Get out.
You ain't getting a (You) from me you stale shitter
this guy gets it.
Should have read the book instead. It dicks on the film.
user, the movie literally had a scene explaining this very type of ruse
Fucking kek
Prepare to die.
Its great and incredibly meme worth
Has one of the best movie sword fights too
Comfiest movie of all time
Please post a list of films that you consider good so that we may all laugh at your shit taste.
I was pretty surprised fater watching this, thought it was some princess tale but it's actually pretty funny.
Cary Elwes had that comedic vibe that worked pretty well, later I know he was Robin Hood in the parody who is also pretty good.