I want to see House Ordos.
Because fuck you.
I want to see House Ordos.
Because fuck you.
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Lots of explosions and a bitching soundtrack. And make them not talk too much between action scenes.
a two part movie that accurately adapts the book
Cool designs
People shit on the Lynch adaptation but the sets were awesome
The guild navigator is probably the best depiction out there
the Lynch movie is just frustrating. there were parts that I fucking loved like the navigator scene, the scene where the Baron flies around and kills a servant and shit, but it was clear that they had to completely gut the story just to get all the important events into a single movie. I don't really care about the changes he made to the story, they were inoffensive at their worst.
Not a lot of focus on action, but what is shown (a few duels, and the large battle at the end) should be well choreographed and brutal (similar to BR 2049)
Faithful portrayal of prescience, mentat abilities, the voice, genetic memory, all the weird stuff
Good casting
>Faithful portrayal of prescience, mentat abilities, the voice, genetic memory, all the weird stuff
never going to happen sadly
See, that's one of the things that I found pointlessly indulgent. Sure, it looks cool for its own sage but in the book there was nothing to indicate that the navigators looked just like humans, only with the unnaturally blue eyes.
There not being any aliens was one of the more appealing aspects of the book and making the navigators weird, fleshy creatures in tanks... again, it's cool but it doesn't fit. Same with how cartoony they made Baron Harkonnen.
The Navigators are huge bloated manatee things, but only when they're fully mutated by the spice. Dune Messiah has a navigator character like that, but in Dune we only see the navigator apprentices, who only look a little fishy and are still mostly human.
I want someone competent to direct it, and for Denis Villeneuve to fuck off.
James Cameron's Dune
>Dune Messiah has a navigator character like that
Oh, okay, I never read the sequels. I assumed it was something Lynch came up with.
Never heard of the guy before the new bladerunner but now I really have hope he could make something nice out of it.
I don't think Lynch read anything but the original
>didn't see Sicario or Enemy
what i DON'T want to see is two thousand Harkonnen extras taking a shit on the Arrakeen landing stage.
The book is Fist of the North Star meets Lawrence of Arabia in space with a lot of drugs and rightist rhetoric.
No chance it would be faithfull to the source, they would hire a very good screenwriter to represent in the right way how fundamental is the role of the Spice and the other drugs in that universe, philosophies, religion and politics evolved and modeled around their use, in the book they all look like in their early twenties, because spice slows aging, just for an example lady Jessica and duke Leto looks like kids but they're 80.
Including a late-stage Guild Navigator is definitely a studio decision for needing something that looks like an alien since people want that stuff in their sci-fi movies, but at the very least it does take a concept in the books sequels and just inserts it into the narrative without causing any problems.
My understanding was that the spice only slows your aging noticeably if you use a lot of it. The effect isn't that pronounced even on native Fremen, I don't think the Atriedes or other offworlders (aside from Navigators and Mentats) used it much otherwise they'd have the blue eyes.
i never hear anyone complaining about the visuals in that movie
its always people who didnt read the books complaining the plot's inscrutablity (morons mostly since i figured out the plot at like age 10), or people who did read the books complaining about how the plot was gutted
the art direction, sets, costumes, etc, are usually praised
Who else here has just folded space from Ix?
were there machines?
i dunno, that sounds like something they might do
i get a lot of homo vibes from them in the book
more life than in his other works
A battle scene between Atreides and Harkonnens that is correct per the setting: ie, 500 dudes with force fields rapier and knife duelling each other and shooting spring-powered poison darts and all that weird shit.
I don't want to see space-Apaches duking it out with lasers and guided missiles.
It's gotta be sword fights. Maybe there should be some sort of vehicle with a gun on it and then a crazy Atreides does a flip jump onto it and knifes 5 guys and blows it up a la Skywalker on a Tatooine skiff. This will make it clear to viewers that what they want to see isn't going to happen and that they should feel ashamed of themselves.
You're correct, that user was full of shit.
I want to see the prequels. Ajax and Agamemnon stomping shit. Erasmus dissecting meatbags. etc. They may be shitty books, but they would make better movies than the original books.
I want them to not chicken out and have the weird shit. And the psychedelic shit. And not be total fucking cowards and call it a jihad.
ornithopters had guided missiles.
>I don't want to see space-Apaches duking it out with lasers and guided missiles.
Speaking of space Apaches, is there ever of detailed description of how the ornithopters look? I always imagined them as being a cross between a Huey and a dragonfly, but I never thought about it much.
>You're correct, that user was full of shit.
I think he's talking about lore from the Brian Herbert novels, which is indeed shit.
I want to cry at Leto's death like I did when I was a kid.
Also this is really cute for Dune fans.
>is there ever of detailed description of
no, it's left vague, because
>how the ornithopters look?
is going to be fucking retarded no matter how you twist them
Shit did they?
First time I read Dune it had a picture of a dragonfly-looking bubble-cockpit type contraption on the cover, so my idea of an ornithopter was influenced by that.
I reread it a couple years ago after having consumed a lot of sci fi media and I kept imagining it as a regular looking plane fuselage with the metallic feathers that all moved independently as well as as a whole wing unit.
That's a fucking weird sentence but I think it's correct.
>Huey and a dragonfly
come to think of it, it must be like a dragonfly, with two pairs of wings going in opposite directions
otherwise it would be the shakiest fucking ride ever
That's pretty similar to what I was thinking of. More organically shaped wings though
It will squash you with alternating positive-negative g's every time it flops its giant fucking wings
Sting's crotch, I guess
Chair dogs
But actually, the butlerian jhad
I was under the impression birds use the same method to fly.