Star Trek general. Keep your shitposting out.
Star Trek general. Keep your shitposting out
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Orville < STD
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Into Darkness is the best of the Kelvin timeline movies?
Oh boy this kind of behavior will totally convince me to like The Orville.
The Orville is the third best Trek series ever, not even kidding. I don't care if you nerds disagree, kill yourselves.
Your Chief Pikey is currently scrubbing the plasma conduits on my galor class ship for absolutely no pay. The Federation will have to deal with this measure for as long as necessary.
And send some more Kanar!
At least the Orville creator LIKES Star Trek.
STD is created by people who mock the fanbase and actively go out of their way to do things that go against Gene's vision. FUCK THEM!
I hate Seth Mcfarlane and even I can't help but appreciate that Orville is more Star Trek than Star Trek: Discovery.
Hey guys.
I like STD and The Orville.
I want those arms wrapped around my neck.
Go write about on your Tumblr blog, snowflake. The Orville is here to stay.
i like romulans more than vulcans fight me
Are we allowed to talk about both ?
Just what are the rules here ?
Why is the Orville fandom based in disliking STD instead of liking the Orville?
Yes. Don't let Sup Forumseddit try to tell you otherwise.
the rules are cheese pizza with extra memes
This. As a hardcore Trekker I would never watch that STD shit. It's insulting to everything Trek.
I'm #TeamOrville
>liking the Orville
I don't think that's possible.
We can do both. We're not simpletons like you who need MORE SPLOSHINZ in our tranny propaganda.
We intercepted this transmission from outpost 61 and find this gross violation of time inexcusable.
Your vacation time has been rescinded, your overtime revoked, and your sub-space communications terminated for 72 hours.
All you can do now is sit back and think of all the Kanar you could've enjoyed!
You're in the library chatting too loudly with your friends when this librarian comes up and shushes you.
What do you do?
>hardcore Trekker
Unbelievably obvious false-flag but people will fall for it, good work.
I'm at a complete loss of words. Very confused. Can't tell who's a shill and who's actually a /trek/ regular.
Can't tell which /trek/ regulars are being serious or ironic.
This thread is baffling. Strange. Absurd. And trifling.
Please go on.
*gets jiggy with it*
*burns your house*
*warps back to Qo'nos*
*evolves from Targh meat*
yes i'm beginning to see the light now i like this and hate it at the same time however the only bad part is people talking alot about 1 topic there has to be more topics like this thread for example
Say "EFF YOU SPACE N*GGER, BUILD THE INTERGALACTIC WALL!" then put my MAGA hat on and watch all the hot babes soak their panties as I turn 360 degrees and teleport out of the room.
a daring synthesis indeed
I'm a professional shitposter that has been arguing on both sides and sometimes a third side. I also made this thread. I'm playing 4D chess here. Don't try to understand it, just enjoy the ride.
I like them both.
Orville is a cheap half-comedy traditional ST, not really incredible but quite comfy to watch.
STD is a reboot, there is nothing wrong after so many years to try new directions.
Think of it as a parallel universe if that can help.
Do you think The Orville will do a mirror universe episode?
Someone please burn these two disgusting infidels that enjoy things.
I liked the show but the main character is a cuck...
Nothings perfect I guess.
stewart and the enterprise captain is coming on the show
STD is fine. Episodes 3 and 4 set the series back on track.
Am I a shill? Well, consider the following: The New Essentialists did nothing wrong. Their hands are clean because they ARE clean.
Hoping The Orville will do a "Pedophiles are people too" episode.
Will continue the progressive push MacFarlane began with the male only species.
>Hoping The Orville will do a "Pedophiles are people too" episode.
We already had 7 years of Voyager for that.
He's literally a cuckold
>he thinks getting gonorrhea is better than Orville.
Boy you liberals love loosing sanity.
>4d chess
what a fuckin pleb, he hasn't even upgraded to 5d+ chess
It's like you're playing dominoes while I'm running simulations of borg invasions of the andromeda galaxy
What I find appalling is that they admitted it on screen and spelled the whole thing out.
Looks like the Orshills are spamming the poll.
Daily Reminder that the Borg are a necessary deterrent to keep the Yuuzhan Vong from entering our galaxy.
>not good, but comfy
Not good is not good.this comfy meme is cancer, it doesn't apply to shows that aren't good. Breaking bad, comfy, tremors the movie, comfy, game of thrones, comfy, so stop calling cuckville comfy
Oh no! Not an additional vowel! Somewhere someone has lost an o!
>liberal show
>you liberals
What did he mean by this?
I like both and I voted for Orville just because as a Star Trek homage I think it has a rightful place in these threads. Handle it my friend.
I liked that Star Trek introduced a new alien race with the Krill, but they really should have got the design department to go beyond simply putting a half moon on the jem hadar's chins. If they're gonna do that why not put goatee beards on the vulcans and pretend they're a new race too.
The Orville has gained 20+ votes in the past 5 minutes or so.
Hey guys, I always wondered something and maybe you can help me out.
What DID God need with a starship?
Yeah some shitlord posted it in our general. I think we can all get along lets be friends /trek/ we love you.
well as you can formally tell Picard had a interesting way of thinking about life and species ingeneral thats why Q liked him then he found out humans do the same thing as picard and well idk guess we will never know
I mean they are equally bullshit you vapid moron.
i lvoe me some blackhatter
Are those some kind of third genders?
Can we pin this post?
Absolutely amazing the way it flows off and hasn't a single punctuation mark.
I'll pin your mom to the floor of the holodeck and shove dilithium crystals up her cooter until she's got enough energy up her box to fly around Qo'noS twice you Romulan whore.
>post an actress from trek
>says shes better than another actress from trek
>poster doesn't agree with me and says she is shit
>feel sad
why does this happen
I don't know who you're talking about but she fucking sucks.
*unleashes bbc*
DS9 pretends to be a highly diverse show about a highly alien space station.
If you think that, you must be a high whitey because it felt like watching the whitest version of a black lead show.
your waifu a shit. SHIT!
Orville episode 6..
Sup Forums's thoughts on it?
Bretty gud
aside from visually recycling the jem'hadar it was good. A decent intro to antagonistic race, even if the religious comparisons were a little heavy handed.
Still not a fan of all the 20th century references.
The opening with the officers was trekino, the whole infiltration was really dumb, would have been salvaged if it had been funny. How did they go on a car rental joke tangent and not mention Enterprise?
>Still not a fan of all the 20th century references.
Yeah, they're here to stay though since the show doesn't take itself seriously. Orville is a Trek homage for people who don't watch Trek, yet made by people who love Trek.
Damn I don't remember trek being this racist before
>being a bartender is racist now
Yeah ok.
I like the orville and oddly hate STD.
take off the insignia on STD and its not even recognizable as star trek. Now put those insignia on Orville and you got some based trek
I love this show
7 seasons please
Is Orville actually good or is that a hot new meme?
it's so good I forgot I don't like Seth MacFarlane and Family Guy
If you like low budget sci-fi: good.
If you feel spoiled by Dark Matter and The Expanse: hot new meme.
It introduced itself as a sci-fi spoof, the comedy toned down, now it's just an episodic sci-fi with characters who can't take their job seriously to save their lives but aren't funny enough to make you laugh, a very VERY simplistic plot every episode designed for brainlets to relax and have a good time with.
I fucking hate all the drama on STD but still wish Orville would take itself more seriously.
>I wish a comedy would take itself more seriously
glad you aren't in charge of the show
>still thinks Orville is a comedy
the orville is trash its literally the worst show on TV and everyone hates it. Every single critic hates Orville because it doesnt have diversity like the new star trek series which has the first show about a black person in star trek history since there is no previous trek about a black character because Roddenberry was a raging nazi like all old trek fans as the cast said.
It's pretty good.
it's pretty good besides the fact that Seth MacFarlane can't do scifi, something that became painfully obvious in the latest episode that was just a total cringefest. Really shows the limits of the directors imaginations when the unexplainable aliens are basically suburban americans that have no moral quarrels about murdering innocents to achieve their own goals. It shows a complete lack of understanding of the complex nature of religion. MacFarlane probably thinks that the reason muslims attack americans is because the koran tells them to.
Eh it's okay for what it is
>blue alien CUM all over my wifes face while I watch