>Brilliant game of cat and mouse building up to a possibly thrilling climax of protagonist vs antagonist >protagonist is pathetically killed off screen and we see a glimpse of the body for a few seconds, barely recognizing what has just happened >"Dude turn your brain on! It's MEANT to be bad! It's a subversion of a tried and trusted defining trope!" >"It's too deep for you. NO, deconstruction is not a filmmaking cop out SHUT UP"
Remind me why this crap ending was good again?
Brody Bell
>built up to be a master hitman >a master hitman that kills his own clients
So how did he become a master hitman in the first place?
Sebastian Cook
>thinks llewelyn is the protagonist
Robert Russell
stick to capeshit
Jackson Smith
Clearly not a movie for you, old man
Wyatt Diaz
Was the business man in the office really his direct client though? I thought he worked for the cartel and that guy was just some middle man who happened to be his contact state-side. Haven't read the book, is that ever expanded upon?
Jaxon Jackson
I kinda agree. I still loved the overall atmosphere of the film, but it was a time when people pretended the Coen-brothers were god's gift to this world and anything they made was 10/10.
Sebastian Nelson
Is OP a woman because that would explain everything
Elijah Cruz
>already knows why ending was good >ridicules it like a three-year-old >"tell me why it was good"
Remind me why OP made this thread again?
Andrew Sullivan
you're absolutely right. Plus Llewelyn was a great character. The coens can create great characters and expectations and like to sabotage it all halfway through for some reason. they did the same in Burn after reading. Maybe they have no idea how to solve a story? or they think an actual climax is too dumb for them? Maybe disappointing the the audience is a form of superior art for them, I don't know but it's sad
Landon Wilson
I sometimes make assertive posts about things I want to discuss in a way to bait legitimate discussion. It usually works better than simply asking, that's how bad Sup Forums is.
James Watson
This is more OP bait right samefagging? This is worded so nicely to outline what the cohen brothers do and holding the opposite pleb opinion.
Joshua Rogers
It's a Cormac McCarthy thing. His protagonists have a habit of dying in inglorious/underwhelming circumstances. The Road. All the Pretty Horses, so on.
Isaiah Butler
>intelligent people couldn't possibly disagree with me the absolute state of liberals, Sup Forums
Wyatt Murphy
Yeah It was shit. 2deep4u crap
John Howard
real lives rarely end in "ultimate showdowns" between 2 people. life is not a video game or anime
Cameron Ward
For starters there is true grit, hail caesar and barton fink which are actually nothing like you describe and are very cohesive stories from beginning to end. What you're describing is just them subverting your expectations, which is in no way inherently bad. Their absolute most common theme is that real life is meaningless, we don't get neat close ended stories.
Evan Robinson
Shit just happens, not everything is Marvel trash.
Colton Garcia
I'm not at liberty to give out that information
Camden Ward
>llewelyn's death >ending if you stopped watching then, it's no wonder you thought the movie was shit
Michael Perez
I kinda dig it though, it emphasizes inevitability of death, no 10 min standoff scene, not culmination, just killed off screen like it's something completely mundane which it is.