The second I heard it I knew his time was up and was really pleased it wasn't on the nose like making it rain in the scene or something.
So who else cried when Tears In Rain played at the end?
the tears welled up
I left the cinema shaking and on the verge of tears from the whole amazing ending, if that counts
I thought the ending was rushed and sucked. Especially how it didn't end with k.
>Especially how it didn't end with K
How in the fuck did you manage to miss the most hamfisted message in the entire movie?
Which is?
I shat myself, bro. It was beautiful.
There's nothing more human than sacrificing yourself for someone else.
Wow so deep. Still didn't need to end with Deckard to convey that. Leafie played it too safe for the uninitiated and it sours it in spots.
My doggo sacrificed himself for me :( doggos are the most human thing after humans
Nobody claimed it was deep (although it was apparently too deep for you to even be aware of it) but the end with Deckard is absolutely needed to convey that. Because Deckard's ending is K's ending.
>you are not a super-special snowflake and you don't get to have your own movie
But seriously, if the movie ended on K dying alone in the snow it would be kind of a downer but showing the scene of Deckard reuniting with his daughter last leaves you with the far more positive feeling that his existence at least made a difference for someone.
Fuck you
Thats not even the message I got from it. Thats a tired too obvious allegory and if that is what he got from the first movie and book its wrong.
Are you disabled? They outright say that to be human is to sacrifice oneself for a greater goal. Like it is actual fucking dialogue, both explicit and implicit at several points throughout the film. Hence it being the most hamfisted message of the film. If you didn't get that message from the film, then you might be actually disabled. Especially if you're talking about the book for fuck knows what reason.
>They outright say that to be human is to sacrifice oneself for a greater goal.
If you actually believe that you are the one who is mentally ill in some way.
>They don't say that in the film
Confirmed for never even watching BR2049.
Well if that was the message it was lost on me. I thought it was something like memories being superficial so live in the reality of the moment. Who says self sacrifice is the most human thing? The resistance group?
Are you so brainless that you take everything you hear in movies literally? I bet you believe everything people say on the internet is true.
I believe the resistance leader says it explicitly. Batista says it implicitly with the "you haven't witnessed a miracle" line.
>Do you take the words "to be human is to sacrifice yourself for a greater cause" literally when the main character of the film who the words are spoken to proceeds to literally sacrifice himself for a greater cause after finding out he isn't as human as he thought he was?
This is getting embarrassing.
uh the arc is that gosling is trapped in a solipsistic ultra-hedonist world where you are told constantly that you are the special person and the only one that matters, then he learns that he isn't.
I got chills several times through out. I knew it was going to be something special from what everyone was saying, it stayed very closed to the original in terms of the atmosphere and style.
Are you literally retarded. In the beginning of the movie K is firmly established as the lowest of the low. Everybody hates him, he clearly knows he is not even a real person and that the only creature that is interesting in him is not a real person either. That is the sorriest existence imaginable.He has no purpose whatsoever and it's all the same to him if he lives or dies. How exactly was he made to feel he is special?
>This is getting embarrassing.
Yes, your stupidity is.
Jesus fuck, did you even watch the film?
its ok for people to find different meanings in something. a good film should do that to some extent
Horsefuckers out.
I am just not brainless like you are. You can't even understand very basic storytelling. You can only mechanically parrot lines you've heard without bothering to connect them in a coherent unity.
did the love-hologram and the subtext of him believing himself to be the "miracle child" somehow slip your mind?
Did the entire first half of the movie slip your mind? There is no subtext whatsoever. The storytelling is clear as day. WTF is wrong with all of you?
I thought that was a hopeful delusion to some extent trying to find meaning that wasn't there after the fact
K is not real and laying on the stairs feeling real snow falling on him.
Deckard's child is real and sitting in her bubble feeling fake snow falling on her.
thats what sort of confused me. was she telepathically experiencing his experience or recreating it or it was all in his head and he was deaming the whole time.
how did he?
I don't think she has any telephatic connection to K. She only creates the memories that the Tyrell Corporation can use and that's it. That both of them feel snow at the end of the film is just poetry included by based Denis.
explain the end to me.
did they die in the water? or did they survive?
I get rhymes. very convenient
>Did the entire first half of the movie slip your mind?
No. K is persecuted, yes, but that doesn't change the fact that the JOI hologram (a central plot device of the film) is an ego-stroking pleasure machine that ties directly into another plot device where gosling finds himself elevated from his previous thoughts of himself as a slave and instead has the hope of being a creature with a soul through his implanted memories. Ultimately he learns he is not but finds a sense of peace in it.
>There is no subtext whatsoever
So you didn't see any kind of satire of mass-entertainments in the "chosen one" narrative being subverted and the love interest being revealed as a tool specifically designed to fulfill the base desires of the lowest-common-denominator?
>Take some qt on a date to watch this (she's the LOLSONERDY type so why not)
>Makes dumb comments during it
>Is convinced that Babygoose is alive at the end because "he's too famous" despite the music cue playing
Normies are trash.
It's not a matter of finding different meanings. There are several themes to the film and several messages throughout it. You can even find meaning that wasn't explicitly intended. The retardation comes from outright pretending that a huge theme of the movie simply doesn't exist.
You are disabled.
Fuck me, I'm in the middle of existential dread myself. That movie has been quite therapeutic so far.
i didnt see K die so why would you think hes dead?
I'm not going to discuss this further with someone so crude and hostile.
>the storytelling is clear as day
>btw characters outright stating that humanity is found in self-sacrifice isn't a message of the movie
oh look another viral marketing thread
Not that guy but he was heavily bleeding and had this 'well this is a nice place to die' moment.
Quick reminder that if you wish you had your own personal JOI, you are objectivying women.
Did you miss the part where he was crushingly aware that his "ego-stroking pleasure machine" was not even real and that he desperately longed for a genuine human relationship and that he was thought that his life has no meaning.
He didn't believe he was "the super special chosen one".He was just looking for anything, anything at all to make his existence look meaningful but you just HAVE to make it about how everyone but you is so stupid and shallow and self-absorbed, don't you?
>>btw characters outright stating that humanity is found in self-sacrifice isn't a message of the movie
>Lets just ignore all other parts of the movie because of that one part that I am fixated on.
Name one other part of the movie that contradicts that theme. I'll wait.
well she is artificial and a hologram so that makes it ok
>Waifu's name is JOI
>Never at any stage instructs K to jack off
Is Ridley Scott a hack?
meh... i'm waiting for the CEI model
Do you remember how the movie was about a guy helping the robot resistance save the robot revolution?
Oh, wait, it was not. It was about a guy helping another guy find his daughter.
How about the part where all of the movie was about that being human means finding a personal meaning, forming personal bonds and doing stuff for your personal reasons? I guess basic existentialism is too complicated to you.
Are you under the impression that helping a man see his daughter for the first time is not a greater cause? Were you under the impression that the "greater cause" I was referring to was the revolution?
You're even more disabled than I thought.
I know you're being a ha ha funny man right now but it is to the film's credit that K is very conflicted and cynical about the whole thing. He is a noir detective archetype after all so he has to be. But that doesn't somehow invalidate the main narrative push of the film - is K the chosen one or isn't he? And he finds humanity in his not being so.
Yes, it is not a greater cause. It is something that is personally important for K. That is why it is meaningful enough to die for.
All I remember from the soundtrack was BRMMMMMMM and a few splashes of vangelis
>It is not a greater cause
>It's just a greater cause in K's eyes.
you're a britfag aren't you
Well, he felt like shit at first being treated like subhuman trash, then thought he was some amazing replicant-born child only to realize he was just another shitty replicant, but at this point he found strenght and purpose in helping the actual amazing replicant-born child and her father, ultimately ending in acceptance and self-sacrifice. It is in no way complicated.
You are making it sound as if he had some sort of delusions of grandeur and that this was in some way a commentary of how modern culture lets us exist in our personal bubble of self-absorbed superiority. That is not it at all.
No. Telling that you equate intelligence with people that aren't of your own stock though.
It might sound hard to believe but other people don't always think that what is most important for you is actually all that important.
>Oh look, the board for talking about television and film has a thread about a film that recently came out, must be viral marketers at it again
What? You're being retarded. I genuinely can't understand how you read my post and thought that this reply made sense to write.
no its the ideology of the common good I thought you were
Yes, I thought you'd have a hard time telling the difference.
>You are making it sound as if he had some sort of delusions of grandeur
No he wrestles with it. It's the conflict within himself and the conflict of the narrative
>and that this was in some way a commentary of how modern culture lets us exist in our personal bubble of self-absorbed superiority
Well, it was. What did you think that plot-line was about, then?
Again, either you're intentionally misreading my posts to try to save face or you're illiterate. I'm not confused by the words you've used in your post. I'm confused as to why you chose those words in response to mine. "The dog is brown" is coherent but it makes no fucking sense if it's your answer to "what day is it?".
What part of "greater purpose" is not the same as "personally important to me" did you fail to understand?
The part where you imply that "greater purpose" is somehow objective.
>What did you think that plot-line was about, then?
Well, seeing that the thematic core of the movie centers around the portrayal not of a self-absorbed sense of superiority induced by modern society but rather quite the opposite of that - loneliness and desire for human connection resulting from alienation, one could almost think that the movie is about the latter rather than the former.
It is usually used in such context. A personal importance in no way implies greatness.
The scene of the movie you are citing also invokes such associations. As far as I remember the robot-leader lady didn't tell him to just follow his robot-feelsies.
>>Makes dumb comments during it
retire her. I'm serious.
I thought the resistance didn't want deckard and daughter to meet? im so confused. I need to watch it again.
>actually genuinely sincerely believing "greater cause" is ever considered objective ever
Fucking embarrassing.
Not an argument.
K isn't helping the resistance. His cause is not their cause.
Can it not have a nuanced central character that struggles against a system designed to appeal to his baser desires, which is clearly what the JOI character does, and balances it with the pathos of yearning for real connection? Why do you have to reject the idea that JOI is a comment on modern culture in order to have that?
You have to be completely delusional to think that something is "great" just because you consider it personally important.
I didn't know that the desire for human connection was "base".
I just want you to take a moment and read your own post again. Realise what you're saying. Really think about it for a few minutes. If you come back feeling the same way, then I know to ignore you because conversations with the disabled tend not to be very fun.
Retard. At least try saying something of value. It pretty easy to just deny things.
obviously in a lot of circumstances the lines becomes blurred and it can be, particularly the sexual kind. which is why, when JOI is shown being a massive impersonal porn hologram at the end, it's so heart crushing for K. it's the central struggle of the film: is the hologram merely a self indulgent program or is there a genuine connection there?
so basically this is what our argument comes down to: you disagree that JOI is a commentary on modern culture pandering to selfish instincts? correct?
if that is case then you are actually retarded. fuck off you great big ape
>you disagree that JOI is a commentary on modern culture pandering to selfish instincts? correct?
I don't think that those instincts are selfish. At least not in the way you mean it.
Disabled individual it is. Enjoy screeching into the void, I suppose.
See, "greater purpose" implies doing something for someone beyond yourself."Personally important" implies no such thing.
The two concepts bear no relation whatsoever.
I see you have to desire to apply critical thinking to the world around you.Bye.
>doing something for someone beyond yourself
Like say... allowing a man to see his child for the first time?
You're embarrassing yourself. I swear you get off on it.
I didn't say his actions didn't have greater purpose. Just that he didn't do them "because" they had greater purpose but "because" they were personally meaningful for him.
he could have gone to a skin job repair shop and took Deckerd later. he bled out for no reason
I cried as soon as he got into his apartment desu.
>He didn't do the thing for a greater purpose, he just did the thing for what he thinks is a greater purpose
>implying he wanted to keep living
>death gives life meaning!
>death in birth
>death in saving life
>death gives life meaning!
>love gives you a soul!
>death makes you human!
He didn't think it was a greater purpose. Just until now I was explaining to you how "greater purpose" and "personal meaning" are two different things.