Why was anakin such an autismo creep?
Why was anakin such an autismo creep?
what the fuck is this shit. is form a movie? looks like a literal soap opera.
It's George's favorite "Place each camera behind the actors' backs" technique.
Was he going to rape her? Why was Anal King such an autism?
He looks like a child
I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be like 16
>muh sand
the midichlorian shot he got from palpatine had too much aluminium in it
He was George's self insert
>never interacted with girls because slavery
>first women he meets he falls in love with
>doesn't see her again for about a decade
>in that time he has been trained by an ancient order to suppress his emotions because otherwise he could become evil
it's like the people responsible for new star wars playing it too safe never actually pay attention.
He was raised by a cult that teaches emotions are evil and must be suppressed.
This. Anakin's story is absolutely heart-breaking.
shot, reverse shot
.t RLM
Gay actor playing a straight character
Why does Anakin look part African-American?
Because the force is black
Total blink count: 0. He doesn't blink ONCE, how's this possible?
The laughs this scene gave me, redeemed the rest of the shit movie for me when I watched it. I rewound this scene several times.
He does blink at the end once.
that's cgi
What's wrong with this? Only sub tropical niggers like sand
Hershlags portruding nips really help
Anakin's autism is clearly a deviation from the usual Jedi, considering how charming Obi-wan was.
@0:24 please notice how his right hand changes
I don't see anything?
>shot, reverse shot is an RLM concept
This is what happens when you let the internet educate your children. They become human vomit.
basically they put together two different cuts and you see his right hand morphing if you look very closely, unfortunately those subtitles don't help
Yeah I kinda notice it. The webm's quality is pretty shit. I can't seem to figure out how to change the resolution which it encodes in though.
Also told the whole time he was super special and amazing and it was backed up by his skills.
Basically he was the beta that tried to step into Chadhood a bit fast and didn't know the ways of it.
He learned.
i would be an autismo creepy too around herschlag
Shit look at that fat arm at least Daisy is thin, beautiful and aryan unlike this overweight jewish hack
>beautiful and aryan
I mean when I noticed all these techniques at first I was like "Shit man Lucas really went overboard with CGI, morphing and god knows what" but you know what? If you see that it's because he's such a perfectionist he had to sit down with the editor and edit the shot to change such a miniscule detail, I mean that's real passion and commitment. God bless Georgie.
lucas describes his movies as mainly a soap opera with a space backdrop
Yeah but it still looks like shit. Though I do really like how the final battle on geonosis looks, seems like a lot of the budget went into that.
I would have raped her tbqh
I genuinely feel bad the actor, I mean I don't think his acting was great or anything but fuck the guy's gotten so much hate that should have been directed at lucas instead
Poor kid just wanted to be in star wars