What happens if you shut your brain off for a film, and then aren't able to turn it back again?

what happens if you shut your brain off for a film, and then aren't able to turn it back again?

You start posting here.

Revived movie franchises.

then you're in good company

You start browsing Sup Forums

are you afraid of putting your mind in absolute blank? because that's what meditating is

helllllloooo reddit

You stop browsing Sup Forums


Just start saying DUH ENDING about every movie you see.



This desu

You start browsing /lit/


any more input on this

You become a lefty

You see a thread, see the first post is a joke and then just post an uninspired, unfunny variation on the same joke.

If you're able to shut your brain off in the first place you're already part of the idiot masses, nobody who isn't inherently an pleb can actually do that

I'm a CUNT

you go out, become sociable, acquire a group of friends, date qts, have sex

it's tragic really

What do you think happened to those hunchbacked monsters that deliver the post-movie towelettes and mints?

i on wath 4 fen

You look forward to the next Marvel movie.

Then we win, goyanon.

It happened very early in your life and yet you took no notice.

Do you remember dreaming as a child? You are no longer able to do so naturally. The (((structure))) has been irrevocably altered.


t. schlomo


I don't use Sup Forums and think kekistani shit is retarded so this is a very inoffensive image to me my large nosed friend


I dont like trump either, nosy nose.

This is why they make capeshit.


You but porg and phasma merchandise

you need new images you fat nigger the level of reposts with you is worse than Sup Forums in 2006

>implying you're not Sup Forumseddit underage cancer

I'm not, I was browsing Sup Forums before you had even heard of Sup Forums.



You turn into one of those meme spouting retards that have been plaguing this board for years.






where can i buy that meme spinner


>newfags can't blankpost

But what was Hiroyuki's tax policy?


I don't know ask this guy
