ITT: "Villians" who did nothing wrong.
ITT: "Villians" who did nothing wrong
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why, my peanus weenus of course :)
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)
ITT: "Villians" who did nothing wrong - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D
Reminder that this meme is shit
Why did they make him a manlet?
It just kind of felt mean
Get out Irish mother fucker.
Nigga be creating swol machines, while his bitch ass brother let some kike nosed, weak chinned cucks destroy property.
Ive only wondered why they do this
Villians or People you are meant to hatet/laugh at are often depicted as midgets in cartoons and they ALWAYS point it out
Im 1.90 m and I mostly just find it disturbing and weird. Should midgets feel bad for being Short ?
Cartoons do this to remind viewers not to be a manlet.
If you already are then it's too late for you.
Thats just some stupid theory and just makes it to a stereotype. It would be like when Tintin put black people in their comics and their only goal was to serve the White man
it's a two prong attack
>if you don't eat your vegetables you won't grow up big and strong
>look at this person who isn't big and strong. he sucks and everyone hates him
it's genetics
Y'know, when the spaniards met the indians, the indians made fun of the spanish man's short height. So the Spanish man killed them and raped their women
I'll just leave this here
I think you just proved his point.
shit i had forgotten about this pasta, thanks for the laugh mate
Why is the Lorax hated? It's a bretty gud flick.
>bretty gud
Not saying what she has done is right, but shes not purely evil and is consumed by grief
you got a problem faggot?
I am going to call it now and say that yellow diamond is gonna get died in the end, and blue diamond will turn good.
no one
No one in Steven Universe is inherently evil. Well, except for Kevin & maybe Lars.
It misses the point of the book entirely and cut the rock opera song for a shitty pop song.
Except while she is truly saddened and depressed form Pink Diamond's death, she is still exerting her will and robbing those 'beneath her' of the freedom of choice. Instead of trying to empathize with Greg or learn anything from meeting somebody else who's lost a loved one, she just chucks him into a space zoo. Didn't even ask him if he wanted to go. (To be fair, she was entirely under the impression that the earth was gonna go kablooey, but still. All the Diamonds are doing, and still doing is imposing their will on millions, billions of other sentient beings."
I don't get how so many people like Lars. Every episode he's in he seems to learn some lesson and make progress as a character, and then in the next he's back to being a huge piece of shit. Like, why are people still expecting him to change?
Was she ever really a villain?
Also, sauce?
What kind of name is Toffee?
Evil is a silly trope which is why no one Sugar rights is wholly bad.
That is super stupid, user.
How is capturing Pokemon any worse than beating the shit out of them and shoving them into small metal balls to be brainwashed into becoming your personal slaves and fight for your amusement?
Tried to murder the entire royal family of a small kingdom just to be in charge or something and his only excuse is being the thirteenth brother so no crown for him
He really was right that the only way you could deal with Gotham criminals was by murdering them into line
Well it was either him or an ice witch who nearly doomed an entire kingdom to eternal winter due to her throwing a temper tantrum and her childish sister.
Meanwhile Hans was busy giving out blankets to all the people suffering from Elsa's rampage.
At this meme is based around a movie that actually does suck.
Napoleon wasn't short tho
>implying that's not an entirely valid thing to do in light of the circumstances
He's lucky his dad even gave him the chance to secure his own kingdom. Usually he'd just be a backup child to one of his more important older brothers, and maybe get a ceremonial title or two.
>haha pokemon is cockfighting woah totally not for kids am I right
Tell us about how bowser is a good guy because he's defending his property from drug addicted hallucinating immigrants
At least Bowser actually encourages working and getting along with other species for a common goal, while all Peach cares about are her mushroom midgets.
>MFW we live in a world where the better Dr. Suess movie hasn't become a meme.
I fucking hate this planet.
Also Alec Baldwin did nothing wrong in this movie.
Would the girls/guys have empathized with Kylo Ren/Bad girl from Akame Ga Kill if they were short as shit?
It's actually all about proportions. Satsuki from KLK is a freaking 1.7 meters with heels, but the animation makes it look like she has legs for days.
Don't tell me Loki would be more sympathetic to fans in the movies if he wasn't tall or at least well proportioned.
It's been established that trainers and Pokemon form a bond upon capture based off respect and trust (Happiness value), and Pokemon will become unruly if they don't respect their trainers (like Ash's Charizard was initially, and any traded Pokemon without the right Badges). Which puts the Team Rocket duo in a hypocritical light, since they themselves have formed these bonds with their Pokemons, yet they want to just steal from the others, and with the exception of Arbok, Victrebeel and Weezing, they relinquish their legit captures to the Boss and the Organization whenever they travel to a new region.
A lot of Ash's "captures" are by befriending like Charmander and Rowlet or by a honest 1v1 like Bulbasaur and Snivy.
IIRC there's even a NPC in the games that theorizes wild Pokemon get jealous of trained Pokemon.
Pokemon have higher level of cognition than animals do, which is why the Shadow Pokemon from the Gamecube games was a sinister plot point, they were forced to fight and had to be cured.
Not really.
Gotham is universally required to be shit. Gotham literally has a magical entity that is a monster.
It can always get worse, but there's a resting point of better. Once you try to go past that it really will make you into a villain.
Had Batman allowed Jason to continue on he'd have eventually started disappearing reporters and killing hookers and such. Just like Reaper did.
1) Its been established that you literally cannot force them into doing anything. They do what they do because they want to. That's what the badge system was, its literally them not respecting you enough to do anything. There's no magical compulsory component of that.
2) Its been established via word of god that the inside of a Pokeball is a self-sustaining environment. Its lonely, but not uncomfortable.
3) There's evidence that Pokemon who REALLY don't want to be captured can't without use of a Master Ball.
Also, its worse because they just want to sell them.
>Meth addict that can't give an industrial superpower an economy that functions on anything but plunder
>Only capable of appointing people to positions to get shit done, incapable of actually getting anything done himself
This arc was so asinine and they just kept bringing it up
how did they get away with it?
He fought for the rights of licorice in Candy Land. The licorice got treated like shit for no reason yet they were portrayed as the villains.
At least it's not Hub city
Feel kinda bad about midgets. For every Peter Dinklage, there are at least 5 Mini Me.
essentially the best answer
He's a villain?