Sup Forums
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Comics #890
So someone mistook lewd EE&E art as offical artwork and bootlegged it on a backpack
Sup Sup Forums I'm probably gonna kill myself before the year is over. Got any recommendations based on this feel?
ITT: 10/10 Sup Forums monsters
A bird swears at Heathcliff
Earth-3 Teen Titans/YJ/Sidekicks
Supergirl or Batgirl
Moon Knight Thread
SU parody
Disney Resorts and
What superpower would be perfect for Batman
Just finished Avatar the Last Airbender and i really enjoyed it. Don't have much free time...
Atomica (a Hispanic female character) was crushed to death by Lex Luthor's foot
This is Toni Ho
How does Wolverine move his wrist when his claws are retracted?
So according to Wikipedia, he is human and is a cyborg. So what's his backstory...
Red Sonja #1 Storytime
Why does this guy get so much hate?
/QCG/ "I hate myself why can't I get off this ride" edition
Would you?
ITT Sup Forums meets /x/
What do you think is going to happen?
Pitch your comic/cartoon idea. Make it concise. Judge others
Official Win-O'-Thread
I know this chart is bullshit with regards to the Ultimate universe...
What's this?
Who is the most handsome comic writer?
Characters you want to like, but just can't get into for whatever reason
How high are your hopes for this?
What's the real loss of the mutant race?
Sup Forums,which actor has played their superhero role the best?
Post the manliest moment from a comic that you can possibly find
I fucking hate valentines day
SVTFOE: Deep Trouble #2 Storytime
He-Man/Thundercats #4 Preview!!!
What fucking answers, Sup Forums?
ITT: Obscure Shows
The Dark Tower Pt. 2
It's a not believing in super natural bullshit without evidence and wanting a rational explanation makes you closed...
Robin OYL + Teen Titans East Storytime
ITT: Characters you want to see suffer
Underrated DC Rebirth titles
Redhead girls thread
I'm sure this question has been asked, but do you think a human military force exists in this world...
Is she the best mom?
She did a number of things wrong
I think this series had the best use of defeating a villain through the power of friendship
Show me your O-face, Sup Forums
What's he saying, Sup Forums?
RWBY/RT General #1125: Smug Bug Edition
Did the comics have an annual for 2016? If not, why didn't they?
Best predictions for Rick and Morty season 3
Post favorite iron man suits
Green Lantern Corps 2020
X-Men General
ITT: shitty villains
What's the coolest but dumbest thing you've ever seen in a comic book?
Not A Clone, Not From Another Dimension - [REDACTED] Is Back In AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #23 SPOILERS
Blonde girls thread
Cheesecake Thread
Sup Forums Wallpaper Thread
Storytime: Blast
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Pixar, or Dreamworks?
Literally CWC
ITT: Characters that could lift the mjolnir
Is this any good?
Claim your evil waifus
DC Superhero Girls thread
Let's have a cringe art thread
Yo Sup Forums, Sup Forumsnonymous here
Superman: American Alien Storytime
Sup Forums phrases you use in real life
Simpsons scripts that were never used
What did Cyclops do?
The MC's love interest is based on someone the creator knew
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Rugrats Go Wild?
Y The Last Man on FX getting picked up for series
I'm off to the middle east and I'm collecting completed series of cartoons that were either great or I've never seen...
Its a better concept as a webcomic
Name one superhero who can defeat a 1000 degree knife
Why is Sup Forums so buttmad about this show? I really like it, but I understand when one doesn't like it...
Sources say Justice League is a mess. Welp here we go again...
Now that it's back, what do you think will happen next?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?
Godzilla Comic Marathon 2017 - #2
Storytime of memories:GLA 1-4+Special
Green Lantern reboot officially announced
Given how the DCEU turned out, would you have preferred a Singerverse over a Snyderverse?
Each board is allowed a single meta thread. How can Sup Forums be improved?
Do you guys like Fem Thor now?
The main characters of the last cartoon/anime you watched now have to kill The Plutonian or their world will be...
Storytime: Tony Millionare's Sock Monkey
Batman #15 Preview
How did this fly past the drawing board?
All I ever did, I did to make you proud!
Captain HYDRA replacing Kamala as the Champions leader
Post yfw they got sand in the potato salad
December comic sales
What is Sup Forums opinion about RedPanels?
So I have just finished Batman Arkham Knight and... what the fuck was THAT?
Why is DC so, Alpha?
What are some of the girliest cartoons ever made? Stuff like the original My Little Pony
My exactly thoughts after being away from comics for a while
I'm beginning to feel bad on Peter's behalf...
Best Sup Forums fight scenes
Daily reminder that Patti broke Doug's self confidence to the point that he became bald and gay
Godzilla Comic Marathon 2017 - #1
Created a fanbase so bad that it's banned from Sup Forums
Mutantt hate thread
Thoughts on It Hurts!!?
Friendly reminder that John K never got to hit that and he never will
Twisted Toyfare Theater Storytime
Claim your waifu Sup Forums
You wouldn't sexualize a Burnbot would you, Sup Forums?
Bart and Lisa being written as a couple
So this is one step closer of coming true, right?
Want to create show based off of childhood memories with her brother
If he actually cares about the people of Gotham...
GL Wrath of the First Lantern
In your opinion, which was Craig's best work?
Get a call from DC
Nobody gives a fuck about Superman. You don't give a fuck about Superman. Even if you think you do
Your dream Marvel comic
Rudi and Trudi
RWBY/RT General #1124: Scorp Edition
So for someone not too familiar with the Black Mask, if he's supposed to be the king of Gotham's underworld...
Justice league action
How come we havent gotten a live action Carmen Sandiego movie yet?
Which old cartoons would you like to see re-released in 16:9 & 1080p?
Oh god why did I start writing a Shadowrun plot in my slice of life robots webcomic this was a mistake
I just read O'Neil's The Question and I have to say I never realized just how huge a change in character Justice League...
“I’m gonna direct the next Batman, we’re working on it,” Affleck confirmed...
Remember U.S. War Machine 2.0?
Hey Sup Forums let's read I Kill Giants
Well lookie lookie here
Heathcliff sits by the fire
Would Superman Lives have been a good movie?
The fictional Sup Forums body
You cried
To explain another way — there are kids with deadly peanut allergies...
Green Valley #4 Storytime
Show originally started about a boy and his lighthearted adventures in a world created by a war long ago
The Mighty Captain Marvel #1 Lettered Preview + PREVIEWSworld Interview
Classic Cartoon Network or Classic Nickelodeon?
Pitch me your animated tv show concepts, but in only two sentences...
ITT: Hot Hanna Barbra girls
Sup Forums women that would be horrific mothers
What are some cartoons with good musics?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Spider-Man/Deadpool #13 Storytime
Who is the scariest villain in DC and why is it Professor Zoom?
Danny Phantom Thread
Deadpool #24 Storytime
What the fuck was his problem?
Star vs the Bomb
Hey there Sup Forums
Ever After High/Monster High
How did Zim manage to be an invader for Operation Impending Doom I if he was so shit?
All-New Wolverine #16 Storytime
Sup Forums please, redpill me about Toot (((Braunstein))) !
Great Lakes Avengers™ #4 Storytime
Who did it better?
Who would win?
RWBY/RT General #1123: Cinder Best Villain Edition
And then I saw her face!
ITT:Post cool Sup Forums characters themes
How did he become the Mary Sue that he is today? Who is to blame for all this? Miller?
How do you think comics, mainly the big 2, are going to handle talking about Trump as president in the upcoming future...
French Snake Movie!
New Rosianna Rabbit. I swear her gut gets bigger every issue
The Dark Tower Pt. 1
Post Sup Forums characters havin fun in their free time
/slug/ - Steven x Lapis Universe General
Describe actual Jimmy Neutron episodes in the most fucked up way possible
JSA Storytime: Majestic
Ghost/Batgirl The Resurrection Engine Storytime
Can Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson save the DCEU?
Plum Thread
What the actual fuck
Is this true?
What did Mr. Krabs see in her?
Write an episode centered around pic related
Peter Dinklage in talks for major "Avengers: Infinity War" role
President-Elect Trump Appoints Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter As VA Aide
The Bellybuttons Update Storytime: Savage AF Edition
Voltron Thread: Haxus is played like a damn fiddle thread
Daredevil #15 Story Time, because why the hell not
DC Comics Cancels Vigilante: Southland Halfway Through, But Will Collect Unpublished Issues In TPB
All new Wolverine
Which is the better cartoon, in your opinion? Clone Wars or Rebels?
How can the flash compete?
RWBY/RT General #1122: The True Schnee heir Edition
Gotham Academy: Second Semester #5
Where do I start with WW? I was rewatching JL recently and I want to read some more stuff about her
Tony Rosato is Dead
Silk #16 storytime
Earth 2 - Society #20 STORYTIME
Superwoman #6 Storytime
I'm gonna get you, Leni
There's a new TF2 comic. What does Sup Forums think of the way they scroll through pages? A gimmick, or pretty cool...
New TV Spot Reveals That The Dark Knight Will Romance Barbara Gordon In THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE
Who is the best boy?
What's your opinion on his "no killing" policy?
Now that the dust has settled, who was the best Korra villain?
Will Smith Will Star In Tim Burton's Live-Action 'Dumbo' Remake
The marvel universe is so concerned with being more grounded to reality it makes everything so bleak restricted
Now that the dust has settled, can Sup Forums admit that he was the only good thing about Korra?
Costumes in X-Men
ITT: wikis
How's Your Webcomic? #340
Vixen Rebirth #1 Storytime
Why is everyone always leaving me behind?
BASED superhero uniforms
Sup Forums just made a comic series in order to compete with the apparently liberal comic industry
It says we are going to fuck
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Would you rather read a comic with shit writing but good art or a comic with good writing but shit art?
Marvel's 'Inhumans' casting call announced
Find a flaw
Ant-Man & Wasp expectations
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Uncanny X-men 17
Deathstroke #10 Storytime
Can we have a cringe fanart thread?
Villains who did nothing wrong
2000ad - Prog 2013 - Dredd Storytime
Why was scrappy doo so angry and aggressive? was there something he was compensating for?
Funko Sales Nearly as Much as Entire Comics Business
So adult swim is getting kidrobot mini figs again for the first time in, what, a decade...
Marvel Announces New Defenders Title By Bendis & Marquez
In the months since rebirth started what books have you dropped...
"I wanted to do a sprawling, 'Godfather'-like epic at the street level of the Marvel Universe," says Bendis...
Imaginary Mary
Oink oink oink oink oink
Dumbing of Age General: /doag/ Abusive Relationships Edition
Miss Dynamite
Supergirl #5 Storytime
Mrs Monarch
Storytime: Guardians of the Galaxy #16
Titans #7 Storytime
Suicide Squad #9 storytime
Sonic Universe #94 Storytime
The original and greatest Arch-Enemy in comics, from which all Nemesis relationships are derived
Jessica Jones #4 storytime
Cheerleader Thread
Endtown: this protection plan edition
What is Sup Forums's thoughts on Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi?
I Dare you to Recast them!!!
Justice League/MM Power Rangers #1 STORYTIME
Foolkiller #3
How does it feel that this is getting its second season before F is for Family?
What the actual fuck
Lexi & Lottie - Trusty Twin Detectives
This comic triggers me
Completing collections
Batman '66/Wonder Woman '77 Chapter 04 storytime
WTF is Falcap doing on this cover
Power man and iron fist #12 storytime
Story time
Character gets cut from the show because the VA quit / died / got fired
Captain america steve rogers #9 storytime
Fusion Crossover Thread
Uncanny Avengers storytime, in which Red Skull fucks everyone's shit up
Our valued customer
Red Hood and the Outlaws #6 Storytime
Suddenly, thomas the tank engine is infront of you, what do?
Renew Your Vows storytime, in which our hero still doesn't get any
Spider-man #12 storytime
Story time
"How to pander to a TOON fetishist: a guide"
How do we fix Harley Quinn?
"Guardians" russian superheroes trailer
Wonder Woman #14 Storytime
Hello! Winslow the Fucker here!
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #6 Storytime
Story time preview edition
RWBY/RT General #1120: Katt Calling Edition
Injustice storytime
The Flash #14 Storytime
Why do anons like Marco dressed as a girl? Is it a meme or a genuine fetish?
Need recommendations for god-tier stuff that I'm a faggot for not having read yet, please
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider
Best soundtrack of all time
That was just shared by CartoonBrew
What went wrong?
Literally a coal burner
Hal Jordan & the GLC #12 Storytime
All-Star Batman #6 Storytime
DC Essential Graphic Novels 2017
New Super-Man #7 Storytime
Why is it that nobody ever wants to acknowledge the fact that Civil War was a terrible movie...
Justice League VS Suicide Squad #4 Storytime
Action Comics #971 Storytime
Will this ever be surpassed in the medium
Detective Comics #948 Storytime
Post unconventionally attractive girls
Gunnerkrigg Court
Official Win-O'-Thread
To the people of Sup Forums who also watch anime: Do you enjoy Steven Universe? Whenever I watch it...
Was Raimi's Peter the absolute worst at keeping his secret identity?
Heathcliff sprays graffiti on a wall surrounded by cheering children
Totally Awesome Hulk will have an arc featuring Asian superheroes starting issue #15
Who should be replaced and why is it Thor?
Is anyone reading cyborg? cause it's not bad, in fact i would say it's pretty good!
Sentry Thread
I got one of these today to get ready for a trip. Can I get some Sup Forums book recomindations?
Would you want to go through high school at Riverdale?
Oh no, its a combat carl
Pirata & Capitano
Is Wally West currently the most powerful Cape in the post new 52 verse?
Is Randy /ourguy/ Sup Forums?
Rocket Power
Is this the worst relationship in comics currently? It doesn't make sense, it's not entertaining...
List some ACTUAL WAYS that you can kill Deadpool
Literally find a flaw
It's subtle, but does Marge get hotter over time?
DC Rebirth Recommendations
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Can animation be considered off model if it was never on model to begin with?
Voltron Thread: Coran's comedic palace
The comic relief character from the last show/movie you watched wants to fuck you
Kill Six Billion Demons
Anyone else this movie and it's recent spin off tv show?
Characters you want back
What does Sup Forums think of Moomin?
Who's the best Spider-Man, Sup Forums
RWBY/RT General #1119: M&K Edition
Agents of SHIELD Live Talkback
What the fuck is this?
Alright Sup Forums
Filename thread
So, whats the big deal about Moore's Swamp Thing? Its supossedly the best mature capeshit hero run ever and whatnot...
Man, even CBR seems overwhelmingly negative toward a Bendis Fantastic Four. That's harsh
Sup Forums who is the best Superhero and why is it Superman?
Death Of The DCEU?
Is there a better super hero team run than Morrison's JLA? If yes, which one?
What is Sup Forums watching tonight?
Time to check the messages on the ol' answering machine
A judge has been assigned to watch over each board
Why's Emma such a slut?
Batgirl Storytime Part 8
Self deprecating
Why are most MCU villains just evil versions of the hero?
ITT: characters that have become villains
I don't remember this scene
Kelly does it again!
Harley Quinn's rise to hero status is inevitable. She'll be a founding member of the Justice League before you know it
Capeshit is dumb
What were your first memories of this show Sup Forums?
WONDER WOMAN Plot Details Revealed
Tfw to smart to be in the DCEU
ITT Batman TAS Title cards because fuck you I'm bored
Lets have a Disney Parks thread
Why is Evil Deadpool against the real Deadpool if it's just a bunch of his old parts?
Read this
Mmm mmm MMM!
Dan Didiot
We need someone to voice a big, tough guy
Toonami Ratings for 1/7/17
What are the best comic book massacres? The edgier the better
Batgirl Storytime Part 7
Lackadaisy: Back From The Dead Edition
What is your all time favorite comic? Mine is pic related
Bullseye Greatest Hits storytime
Greatest Panels
Should they introduce Sentry into the MCU as a Broly-like villain?
What alien race can defeat the gem matriarchy?
Why isn't there a capeshit novel?
Starbomba in February
Scarlet Spider new series confirmed!
Gravity falls
Spiderman confirmed for Avengers 3
RWBY/RT General #1119: Side Characters edition
So... does her hymen regenerate?
Anyone else feel bad for him?
So why haven't you joined the superior brand yet?
So we're all in agreement that Benfire was Ben's best alien form, right?
Batgirl Storytime part 6
I'm torn between a) finding this to be incredibly cute and b) wondering if this is truly accurate in terms to the power...
Adventure Time: Islands Advance Review
JL8 225
What are Fantagraphics comics worth reading?
How do I practice for making a webcomic other than making a webcomic? I don't want my webcomic to be shit
Does anyone actually like the O5?
Stop watching cartoons and go outside, kids!
Scooby Doo Where Are You? Remastered
Champions #4
Connie is just a kid. Why is she preparing to fight a potential war on behalf of another species...
I watched the movie over the weekend and now I can't get Yzma out of my head
Is Rango the best animated film of the 2010s so far?
Would you watch an Adult Swim "throwback night" with a schedule something like this?
Grieve-tan is cute. CUTE
Why can't this character just be sexy without feeble attempts at justification or being reduced to a walking boob joke?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Starcrushed*, Just Friends*, Starco wrecked?
A Small Killing
Batgirl Storytime Part 5
Top 10 Worst Animated Moments of 2016
Scooby Doo
Expectations for Justice League?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
Robert Crumb thread
Sup Forums couples
Hey Sup Forums. Winslow the Fucker here!
If his cells are constantly regenerating, how come he always remains fucking ugly?
Homer is 36 in the original Simpsons
Will it be good?
Marvel Announces All-New Guardians Of The Galaxy
Is TTS Sup Forums material?I mean if you have RWBY generals
The struggle is daily, and never ending. Will the fight ever be over?
Is there any better example of a movie based on a cartoon ?
‘Aquaman’ & ‘Justice League’ Writer Will Beall Talks Tone Of Both Films
Mighty Magiswords.... I actually like this show, the humor is pretty good, and that grill makes me diamonds
Shows that Didn't Die Quickly Enough
Sup Forums characters you want as your slave/servant
Leave Phase 4 to me
Rock Dog
Goddamn AVClub just ripped Marvel a new one...
So how is this going to do realistically?
Baby Blues needed about 3 more seasons to really satisfy me
SVTFOE: Deep Trouble #1 Storytime
I've started reading DC comics (never read capeshit, really) and I think I understand why you guys hate BvS and MoS
More like cucks, mother
Ultimate Universe
I'm guessing you've all read Holy Terror, so here's a different artist's take on the fallout from 9/11...
ComiXology's Best-Selling Comics for the Week Starting January 4, 2017
When she sees your dick
Ghostbusters with a woman, a black man, a disabled man and a latino gets made
Post objectively best girl from their collective series
Alright, which DCUAO movies should I watch and which ones should I avoid?
DC vs Marvel
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Rugrats?
I don't get Muffinman joke
Reminder that the next X men movie will be set in the 90s
Bravest Warriors Season 3
Doritos or chettos?
RWBY/RT General #1118: OTP edition
W.i.t.c.h thread
Why is John Stewart your favourite co? What makes him interesting? Or is he the most boring of Green Lanterns?
What would the Simpsons have been like if the characters actually aged and developed as the series went on...
Itt: edge
ITT: Terrible fanart
New Scarlet Spider & Nick Fury Jr series have been announced, assuming more is on the way...
Is Sugar Sprinkles the cutest?
ITT: Pitch a family-friendlyish cartoon made out of the last R-rated movie you saw
Sing no Evil Storytime
I don't think I've seen this on Sup Forums yet
Why is Carol in Cancer hair mode part of this shit again?
Me? I'm just a TV! I'm not even human!
It's happening boys
I heard tell that Bart always wore a blue shirt on official Simpsons merch to stop Chinese bootleggers...
SU parody
Ways Sup Forums has affected your lives
Who is this character's fanbase?
How did this show get so many subscribers in such a short time...
Heathcliff knocks over garbage cans
Show me
Is this the best theatrical version of Superman?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Do you read newspaper comics, even if you don't like them?
Why are newspaper comics so consistently unfunny?
Regular Show is wounded.......mortally
Hiya user! Do you like the comics I bought? Pretty geeky huh, teehee!
K'nuckles Thread
Pitch me your comic book
'Cause you had a bad day
Cosplay thread
Star vs New Episodes
Its a
Any fans of 70s/80s/90s Ghost Rider on Sup Forums?
Mr Incredible has blonde hair
How do I write and draw comics? Where do I start? Any youtube channels that will help me?
I'm guessing no one's done the preview yet?
RWBY/RT General #1117: Hottest Ship edition
Batgirl Storytime Part 4
So Sup Forums wtf happened to comic books...
New Cars 3 trailer
Cartoon Waifu Thread
Rate my wife
Hey Sup Forums let's read Miss Don't Touch Me!
What does Sup Forums think of the Simpsons Movie?
So are people finally willing to admit this was a gigantic mistake or are we still stuck in that little circlejerk?
It's Blazing Saddles set in Feudal Japan. Mel, I hate to break it to you, but kids probably won't like it
How would Sup Forums write an animated Metroid show/movie?
Boy's Club
Ever wondered who would win between Marvel and DC characters? I'm posting unbiased bot matches
Be honest
Whatever happened to badass superheroes?
Are you ready for all the development Bryan Singer has put into his X-Men movies to become a playground for Ryan...
Who is your favorite character named Bob?
Is this the biggest shark jumping moment in recent animation history?
Its always buged me little bit
Is there a persona for Sup Forums?
People that only Cartoonfags try to waifu
Rebecca Sugar is great. She's genuine and comfy. Why does Sup Forums pretend she's some evil SJW?
I wanna see her take the BBC
JSA Storytime: Captain Atom
My wants to read comics, but she wants to read about girls...
What Does Sup Forums Think of Mr.Enter
Justice League sucks
Batgirl Storytime Part 3
Will it win the Oscar?
Ben Affleck (Daredevil FAIL) Batman WIN
What does Sup Forums think of her?
They say the User lives outside the Net, and inputs Games for pleasure
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
TF comics #6 coming this week
Adventure Time
Who did it Better?
Apparently, the brakes on the Batmobile have been tapped
Alien fucker
Batgirl Storytime part 2
Raven thread
I'm the music Meister!
Hey, Big Bang's twitter is doing their December sales recap right now...
The MCU has only had six good movies...Cap 1-3 (civil war is debatable as a good movie...
Why are farts depicted as being green?
5 SU threads
Why is there no western equivalent of the doujinshi market?
What would you like to see in Frozen 2 that improves and expands on the original? Be specific with your claims
RWBY/RT General #1116: I am Parade Ready! edition
Sup Forums-related things you're sick of seeing
Voltron: Legendary Defender
I never watched Steven universe before, finally gave it a chance. it's not bad. why do people hate this show?
Sexual Innuendo Thread
Courtesy of Sup Forums take with a grain of salt as always
Just trying to make sure
What is Blue Diamond capable of, in terms of raw power?
Its a good guy/bad girl dynamic
Was it rape?
"Rejected" Nick Animated Shorts Pitch
God, this has aged like milk
He doesn't think Flat Style is the best
Batgirl Storytime Part 1
What does Sup Forums think of Catboy?
Why does nobody talk about this movie?
Thoughts about the new JL photo released?
"Lookin' good you sexy white bitch"
Damn you Vincent Kennnedy McMahon!
New Episodes of The Loud House
Peter "Fuck Gypsies" David
Detective Comics #948 Preview
Craig McCracken
You've really grown up Tai
I'm with her
/bcbg/ Bittersweet Candy Bowl General
Snotgirl Storytime
Sorry I'm late to the party
Tell me about the lieutenant
How do I get into batman?
Marvel Diversity
Redpill me on the X-Men
What do you think would happen if they had landed in each others' places, and switched adoptive parents?
And just like that she went from my favorite VA to my least
What is your favorite Homestuck fan theory?
Also, for some reason, I couldn't post the following as the thread subject:
Give me ONE good reason you don't like shadman
Hey all, today I'm storytiming the Tale of One Bad Rat. A down to earth story about a homeless girl
So is he a virgin?
Who do you think should be replaced in the trinity and why is it Batman?
Avatar Girls
Robert Crumb appreciation thread
Fox Dad
Why is Quagmire so angry now? he never used to be in the earlier seasons
ITT: God tier Sup Forums dads
Trips decides who /ourguy/ is
Why are there so god damned many Tina episodes?
Endtown 1-9-17: Don't Get Attached, Guys
I love how Sup Forums gives criticism to shows like they actually know what they're talking about...
How important is canon/continuity to you?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
HELP! Someone help me!
Avengers Infinity War are start to shooting and Brie Larson didn't win any muscle
Batman as an immortal
Riley has been stunned, dragged into a dark alley and tied to a lamppost
GL Wrath of the first Lantern storytime
He's done it. This is the most confusing comic I have ever read
He did it
ITT: Adaptations of characters that got everything wrong
Why didn't God use his wonders to magic the slaves free himself? Instead of
Who's worse; Shadman or Freako?
Lastman episodes 1-6 english sub on youtube
Who what kyles mom to be killed
Gay OTP thread
Amethyst is just a fucking whore
It's funny
Why does it hurt extra bad to see my white Sup Forums waifus going interracial with black characters...
Discussion boards?
Gunnerkrigg Court
What does "Zagrevev min zlotny dev" mean anyway?
ITT, fill in the blanks
Liv Tyler will reprise the role of Betty Ross in "AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS"
RWBY/RT General #1115: Dust in the Wind edition
Why does he have to be a kid?
Why is Venture Bros still good while Archer basically burned out by Season 3?
Hey Sup Forums let's read Daniel Clowes' new graphic novel Patience!
ITT only the finest of crossovers
Heathcliff discusses jeans with Smokey the Bear
Congrats to Zootopia for winning a Golden Globe!
This was the best issue yet
IT HURTS!! 461: You're Crazy
Rotoscoping was a mistake
So, who's going to be gay?
Why he dropped the shield ?
Why didn't women like him?
So, they're basically just eco-terrorists
I just realised that the only people that hate this guy are noodle arm worshiping, Steven Universe loving...
What's the objectively best Scooby Doo series?
Would you a virgin Peggy?
So, I'm currently planning a cartoon that I've noticed has some similarities to Gravity Falls...
Hey people that still read comics, whatever happened to Cassandra Cain
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Questionable Content
The Simpsons
Star Vs
Tarzan and Jane
CN rushed the final Regular Show season so hard that they haven't even finished the final work on the finale yet
How does it compare to Spider-Verse so far?
When will Bruce Wayne wear advance tech armor to enhance himself?
At what point in the show did she turn bisexual?
It's a "Big strong goofy character who's clumsy...
ITT: "Villians" who did nothing wrong
Which network would you prefer to make your own cartoon for?
UG's last episode is Nick Edwards boarded
How come a TV show made on a shoestring budget consistently does more and looks better than big-budget Hollywood...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...