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>3. Cinder is the greatest
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Rules of RWBY/RT General:
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>3. Cinder is the greatest
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Do you think Misa is going to have a mental breakdown when Cinder dies that somehow managers to equip the salt level of every arkos/pyrrha-fag combined?
Trips of truth
Misa x Cinder will be Cannon
Also depression on losing her Waifu
Well she's bipolar so that's a big possibility. She may just pretend that Cinder is still is still alive and just igore what happens in the rest of the show until she fucks off entirely and drops it
>Cinder dies that somehow managers to equip
Wow. What the flying fuck auto correct?
"Manages to eclipse"
It's nice that Misa can share her waifu.
Tear them apart.
Say, gay guy standing between Cinder and Mercury looks interesting. I wonder if he would make a good villain in RWBY?
Oh gosh. For some reason, "that" corrected to "gay". How unfortunate.
>How unfortunate.
Fuck off Qrow
Those poses look somehow very aristocratic
>Tally ho, a Geist over yonder
>Right you are old chap
Well, Ruby and Nora are very aristocratic people. Rarely have I seen such refined and elegant women.
That reminds me how 6 years ago everyone wanted to draw in the dot eyes adventure time art style
Daily reminder that the show never ends and we are here forever.
Daily reminder that the show never ends and we are here forever again because I didn't do it yesterday.
Well that was easier than I thought
Yeah, it was easy for me too
I didn't even notice Ruby holding the tea cup at first. This is fucking great.
I have a sudden need for a team of four gentlemen Hunters
Oh wait I just realised that there were two different wheels, so I rerolled.
Top quality lad
>Team POSH with the temleader's first name being Percival
That's all I've got. I'm not good with names
There is already an Oscar.
Maybe an Oliver or Olivia?
Do you always forget to link the previous thread when ever I'm gone and the other user isn't around?
Well we are talking about gentlemen so Oliver
Well we could have Oliver, we could also have Odwyn, Otis and so on,
Look how excited Ruby is!
Their weapons are
>a cane like Roman's but fancier
>a hunting rifle or a blunderbuss similiar to Port's but with better placement for the blades.
>a rapier that has either a hidden gun or uses dust
>a pistol that looks like and old flintlock form the outside but more modern in the inside like the gun from Dishonored
Excessive smug
The smug will be destroyed forever in the name of justice.
>Fancier cane.
Alright but then it needs a decorative handle.
>Hunting Rifle.
Rapiers are shit, a proper dueling sword would be much more distinguished.
>A flintlock looking pistol
Again acceptable.
look at this cunt
Shit! I just spilled grape soda all over my favorite shirt, it's not coming out. Ruby do you remember to pack laundry detergent?
I only have this Uncle Qrow
>"user come eat my diaper!"
I don't think it's a good idea
Of course Ruby still wears a diaper. Yet more proof that she simply isn't ready to be a real huntress.
Ruby needs to step back and let the adults handle things. She and diaper shouldn't have left Patch so early.
Welp, I told Ozpin we needed a Innawoods teacher for Beacon but he insists on that students have the faunus revolution drilled into the their heads instead.
Can we, for just a moment, discuss how cool it is when Qrow starts fighting Tyrian unarmed?
Not only is it fun in itself to see him punch Tyrian in the face, it ties in nicely with the point about how Ruby is overly reliant on Crescent Rose. We actually see that a trained hunter can do without their weapon, whereas Ruby (so far) invariably flounders without hers.
Yeah I have to agree. My favorite part about that is when he cracks his knuckles and kind of shrugs. Like it obviously wasn't his first choice, but whateves.
I want to squeeze Yang's tummy
It's cool if you wanted a 'Qrow is cool' moment other than that it breaks the pace of the fight and is awkward as shit otherwise.
Yang has no tummy. Her belly is flawless! Flawless!
>Some tummy
>A flaw
I like the idea, but the execution was a bit off. Tyrian was just kinda standing there while Qrow wailed on him.
You do know that tummy and belly are synonyms?
It was stupid. Tyrian showed agaisnt both RNJR and Qrow that he's very fast, has great awareness, and can even dodge and parry strikes without even looking at them. But he can't notice Qrow throw a slow punch at him. Even after getting punched, he looked at Qrow and allowed him to get his sword back. The fights in RWBy have issues with stupid pauses like that.
>No six-pack
Canon is what it is.
So user you want your aura unlocked ?
Can we all agree Serpico turned out ot be a disappointment? I mean, I wouldn't have minded him losing but he lost pretty badly. And the punching thing didn't help with matters.
This was a guy who is supposed to be one of Salem's trusted.
Should have even be equal to Cinder with newly-aquired non-mastered Maiden powers.
Agreed. If a woman doesn't have at least a six pack and large biceps, she is not worth looking at. Hideous, disgusting unfits.
Cinder casually blasted Ozpin hard enough in the bunker to make the entire citadel shake.
Don't be stupid.
He dominated RNJR (though they are of course only students) and fought Qrow until they both lost their Aura. That's pretty impressive. Qrow is no pushover himself.
I do not agree.
What if you were a young boy again in the world of RWBY?
In theory, Qrow is one of the very best fighters to heroes have. Fighting him to a sort-of draw is indeed still very impressive.
Yang's tummy is cute! Cute!
He shat on RNJR and fought Qrow equally, who himself is a top-tier Huntsman.
The punching thing is straight baffling and makes little sense, and he didn't get btfo anymore than Qrow did.
All in all he did pretty well and it was 5 v 1.
If Qrow's the best they got they're screwed.
Did... did Roman just possess Ruby, and then use her soul to make her body's ass bigger?
I don't know, man, I think that the power of teamwork could win it for the good guys.
They can't always rely on being able to gang up. If Salem's guys are outright stronger they're screwed.
Cinder was also part of her elite, so that means they should be roughly on the same level before maiden powers get thrown in.
Though, anime rules require one of them be much stronger than the others, which will likly be Cinder affter she masters her maiden powers.
>What if you were a young boy again in the world of RWBY?
I would impregnate my "Entire Team"
Btw is there a sauce for that pic ?
Tyrian's really got something with that venom of his... If he could just remove the lethal aspect of it, he could make a killing selling it to people who want purple blood.
Yeah and Cinder probably could have been a bunch of useful society contributing things with all her skills, but Salem seems to have a bunch of people that are highly skilled and would be valued but are instead helping her wreck the world for some reason.
Possessed Ruby looks a lot like Cinder.
>Not immediately stabbing Ruby to avenge Roman, thus killing him again in a twist of dramatic irony
Such a waste.
>If Salem's guys are outright stronger they're screwed.
One of Ruby's powers is literally Smite Evil, I think they're fine.
Cinder wanted to be powerful and feared. Her current career path is perfect for what she wanted out of life. Although a more standard job would've put her less at odds with society, it just wouldn't have satisfied her.
And that's why she needs to die.
Salem's guys? More like Salem's gays lol.
I'm going to laugh when the Cinderella thing turns out to be a ruse and Cinder has no tragic backstory.
Damn, we really are the /d/ of Sup Forums
You will have to go through Misa and Emerald to kill Cinder.
They will die as well. All for the sake of justice and humanity.
Yeah, it felt like he was just thinking "ah shit, how did Tai explain this again?"
I think they showed it badly (surprise sur-fucking-prise) but Tyrians semblance seems to have something to do with weapons and auras. Note how he only attacked Qrow again the second Qrow put his hand on his sword, as if Tyrian was having trouble seeing him until he touched his sword, then Tyrian was back to normal.