Baby Blues needed about 3 more seasons to really satisfy me
Baby Blues needed about 3 more seasons to really satisfy me
you know what would satisfy me?
some porn
Didn't they make a second season but it never got aired?
you just want more lewds of wanda's fat ass, huh?
The babysitter or the happy birthday girl are my favorites.
so many shows should've had a longer run
wander over yonder
one season on abc and one season on fox
it had alot of potential
>Baby Blues
>Season 2
>A second season of 13 episodes was produced but never aired
its out there user
>inb4 Dustin
This was a good show
>off the shoulder
every time
Oh no
Oh noooo
Sup Forums why? Why do you delight in tormenting me? Wanda is literally a newspaper doodle, there shouldn't be anything sexy about her.
haha so true
this is my fetish
More please
Adult Swim aired it. They do that with every cancelled show they acquire.
Your fetish is unborn babies getting crushed?
Are there any uploads?
It's a cute show! I just wish it had SOME sort of DVD release. The comic is one of the few newspaper comics that's pretty alright, too.
Wanda's fucking adorable and needs more art.
>you will never have a wife and children
feels good
Definitely Sup Forums's most frumpiest milf
I wouldn't have it any other way.
>when you're waifu is a cheating minx
No they didn't.
I loved all these shows.