Heathcliff knocks over garbage cans.
Heathcliff knocks over garbage cans
He sure did knock those garbage cans.
The garbage ape's gonna be pissed.
You can say that those cans got trashed
what does your heathcliff folder look like?
that's legitimately amazing
Lewd and edgy? Please dump.
if this is real please upload it somewhere
Is Heathcliff comickino?
No it's realitykino
This is like some BBC Sherlock's bullshit, isn't?
Impressive, please upload somewhere
>no folder for crops and edits
I want to see your social commentary folder.
I just have one folder, though my collection is probably much smaller than yours
Why do these threads and comics continue to amuse me.
Please never stop posting.
Please for the love of god zip this up and upload it somewhere because I need this in my life and, more importantly, in my hard drive.
Okay, i've been seeing heathcliff on Sup Forums for some time, and i still don't get what is amusing about it. Are these levels of humor and irony unobtainable for my little brain?
Just keep reading. You'll probably get it eventually.
>casuals unable to appreciate the intricacies of Garbage-do
Doesn't Heathcliff basically worship the Garbage Ape? Maybe this is a form of praise.
You just need to empty your mind and realize that you know by not knowing.
>he doesn't understand Heathcliff
I'll probably just onto them; releasing lesser-known strips in every thread and seeing people react to the ones they haven't seen before is a lot of the fun.
oops, for
Mega link please.
Sup Forums has also been fruitful in generating Heathcliff OC.
No masters, or gods. Only Heathcliff
>heathcliff is actually a stirnirian anarchist