But they probably won't come back.
Characters you want back
one day...
I need a Marco Checchetto & Jerome Opena drawn & Alex Ross covered Ares God of War book in my life so much right now.
>2010 was 6 years ago
Nah, Opena should stick with Seven to Eternity. Fuck your meme character.
How is he a meme?
What's that? You want a female Quasar? OK then!
Ares is back but he's not being used anywhere.
I know that Phyl.
Why is Marvel Ares so low powered anyway?
He came off as a mid level stonr guy, and not a tough one either. While Thor and Loki are still top of the hero/villain heaps.
I'm baffled by this. I just don't see what she brings to the table that Wendell or Phyla don't.
Wendell is a blond cishet male. Meanwhile Phyla is too tied to the confusing Mar-Vell mythos which contradicts the narrative where Carol is the only Captain Marvel to ever matter.
It's for the best with him, he had a good send off.
Although I wouldn't pit it past shitty Marvel Comics to bring him back as Carol's villain ala Ben Reilly as Jackal.
Bill Foster
Nope. Not muh Quasar.
Gods are literally memes, user.
>Phyla will never date your daughter
Lack of Moondragon trying to bang her.
I liked her relationship with Drax, it was cute.
OH YEAH, I completely forgot.
Thank user.
Hell, now that Bendis is finally leaving GotG, it might be worth it to hope again.
She's just Spencer's OC nothing more.
Once he leaves she's going to be forgotten.
That's what ya'll said about Loeb's son
Years later and Sam is still around
Static maybe, if Milestone is still coming back.
I'm confused how she can exist yet Wendell still has his arms? Is it going to turn into a complicated Kobik tricked Wendell to lose the bands cause new chick is easier to control?
We will never get a series about Phyla guiding Teddy through the intricacies of intergalactic politics despite having no idea what she's doing.
We will never get a series that's a travelogue of Phyla and Moondragon crisscrossing the universe in the sprawling style of 70s Eurocomics.
We will never get a series about Phyla trying to retire from from everything only to get dragged back into every single mess that crops up.
i forever miss her
The original quasar
Wasn't Novachu a projection of Rich's subconscious fighting the Phalanx?
this qt
Loeb has a lot of pull at Marvel still.
My personal one would be something like C but turning into a sci-fantasy roadtrip as she makes her way from the most backwater end of the galaxy back to Knowhere, getting involved in a ton of adventures across a universe rife with violence and brutality after the fall of the great cosmic empires. And all through the universe, the wicked and the corrupt shall learn to fear...
The Savage Sword of Phyla-Vell!
Might get to Pikanova fighting off the Angled Ones inside Rich.
Yeah, their interactions were great.
>"your daughter calls me daddy too"
DnA were freaking savage.
Literally any/all of Kaine's supporting cast from Scarlet Spider
All of the Imperfects in general. We even have a thread about.
Yes, You can see one of the Phalanx in that pic he posted.
He's alive dude.
all i want is cosmic adventures of adam, heather, and phyla! is that so hard, marvel???
but being it phyla wouldn't she fail cosmically hard first?
About it*
He's hiding from current Marvel writers and his AU version is the Living Tribunal.
Just Blue Ear in general though since he has a bit of potential.
Wasn't he killed by Master Order and Lord Chaos?
'Tis the guy who was specifically created because of a deaf kid, right?
We haven't seen the fall out yet, but probably.
Yeah, you've mentioned it before and it's a great concept. You should try getting into comics just so you can make that pitch.
>All-New All-Diversity Marvel
>completely ignored
Phyla-Vell was a shit-head and an idiot. Not to mention absolutely useless. I don't know why she has a fanbase beyond lezfags.
Hey she was okay before she sold her brain to Oblivion and had it replaced with the Idiot Ball.
Her being a huge fuck up is endearing.
That's a great costume.
She's fucked up enough for two lifetimes, she can have one story where things go... well, not well, but OK-ish.
Yea. Then they made a comic with him & another made character later.
Has his entirely identity. Works under Stark, & recreated Klaws work. Which you saw above. As well as technically gave him 'Super-hearing'.
But I imagine they could do more with him than a measly four part one page 'mini-series' they are making every other month since last year & posting on twitter.
3rd page is supposed to come some time soon I guess with the final probably months later, but this was 2 years after the debut comic, & that in itself was 2 years after concept was shown.
My interest for him came when they expanded on the Idea though.
Has his entirely own identity.*
Wow, today just isn't my day.
Fuck you Penders
A good day for Phyla should be best described as better than expected, worst than hoped, and only partially her fault.
It really is, though I like it better without the full-face mask.
>all of this talk about the inferior Vell
We all know who needs to come back.
I doubt we'll ever have the Vic Sage we knew from O'Neill's run and if they do bring back The Question then the current vogue would bring Montoya in.
I want a series about Phyla and Moondragon living together in West Hollywood and they tell everyone that Phyla is from Europe to explain her weird space accent.
Think you replied to the wrong post there bud.
I like Phyla, but she was one of the the biggest fuck-ups I've seen in comics. When she was on the Guardians, 2/5 of their problems were made worse or caused directly by her.
She was the best part of Flashpoint until Johns forgot about her... and then the exact same thing happened with his run on Justice League. They introduced her, she had an interesting dynamic with everyone and then she vanished into the New 52 Doom Patrol who made one more appearance.
I would draw that. There's something really fun about Phylla's design.
I like Space Ghost, too.
I still hope one day someone will storytime some core Phyla stories. I love her look but still don't think I have seen more than a few pages of her.
Glorious Marko Djurdjević goodness, the same guy that gave us gasmask and helmet Star-Lord.
It'd be something like...
>The last dozen or so issues of PAD's Captain Marvel
>The main Annihilation mini
>Annihilation: Conquest
Or just Conquest in a pinch.
Do you honestly want Phylla back in Marvel's current climate? They'd problably give her to Kate Leth to write about her going shopping for clothes or some shit while also mentioning she's gay every 2 panels.
Sam's pretty decent now at least though
I honestly miss the when gang from the initiative.
Cloud 9, MVP, and the rest.
I think she was in the crowd here.
Different Adam Warlock. 616-Adam was brought back at the end of Infinity Entity by THAT Adam Warlock, asking Thanos what the fuck happened.
I miss Superboy. i know that the new Chinese Superman is exactly the same character as Kon-el (except he's kinda funny as well) but it just doesnt feel the same. Oh and I want new52 Superbro back as well
Didn't Wendell die in the Annihilation storyline?
The question isn't how the new Quasar has the bands, the question is how is Wendell still bopping around in physical form.
I'm assuming he has been chosen as the beloved of Infinity, kinda like how Death chose Thanos (until giving him the boot).
(Personally, I'd like to see Wendell elevated into the role of Eon/Epoch and serve as the Quasar mentor that way)
She cameback in shade
Wendell got brought back in GotG/Nova, post Conquest, right before War of Kings IIRC. Then he got an awesome redesign and later joined the Annihilators.
Me too
Genis-Vell as Captain Marvel.
X-man too tho.
X-Man sucks.
>Didn't Wendell die in the Annihilation storyline?
When has death ever stopped Wendell?
X-Man is Cable without the badass.
You could do interesting things with him, though, he's from a dystopian universe, styled himself a shaman, had some weirdly Oedipal thing going on with Maddie, he was with the New Mutants, there's a ton to build off of.
Scarlet (Iron) Spider is never coming back. Even though the MVPs were a brilliant way to dekill the guy they created to kill, and to show how crap the SHRA was.
You suck
I wanna see Azrael come back and actually out-do Batman.
No nefarious plans
No plot twists.
Azrael just doing Bruce's job better and much more efficient.
The sister was cool but Genis was like one of the first comics I read. Dude was cool.
Wasn't quite sure why they killed him off so hard because it was way before the whole mega push for Carol thing.
Not long is too long.
Not bad.
You are good people, with good taste
i am a bad man with bad taste
I asked Ewing about it. He seemed open to the idea.
They already did. AvX.
616 Mayday
>which contradicts the narrative where Carol is the only Captain Marvel to ever matter.
Oh, the narrative they upend in every one of her comic runs?
>flat tail
>falling for the cliffhanger meme
Like fuck is he dead.
>and his AU version