So how is this going to do realistically?
I'm thinking something like Robocop 2014 tier, or even TMNT Out of the Shadows tier, but there's a small part of me that is afraid some idiots are going to think this is good
So how is this going to do realistically?
I'm thinking something like Robocop 2014 tier, or even TMNT Out of the Shadows tier, but there's a small part of me that is afraid some idiots are going to think this is good
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Wonder how Bulk&Skull will be portrayed, if they're in the film
$525 million worldwide. Enough for a sequel.
The trailer was moderately well-received, although they failed to build up on the hype since they've been on radio silence ever since. The plot so far seems good, I don't mind the designs, and it doesn't particularly overproduced in the sense if needs a billion dollar run to be considered successful.
>TMNT Out of the Shadows tier
I would place my money on the first Bay TMNT tier.
Where it has a cinematic tone to it but lacking in niceties.
I'm wondering if they'll still have the power to make grass explode by posing
I hope so
oh my.. something along the lines of Akibarangers.
Please user, what is this from?
>the pink one is dead
Movie in 2 months, where's the full trailer with the Rangers action?
Note that this movie comes out in 2 months and there's only been the teaser trailer
I think it's from the ToQger/Kyoryuger teamup
If the black ranger is not a black guy and the yellow ranger is not Asian I'm not going to pay to watch this
To the torrent bin it goes
ToQger vs Kyoryuger
Later this month, probably.
that's my fetish
The Blue Ranger is Black
The Black Ranger is Asian
The Pink Ranger is Indian
The Yellow Ranger is Hispanic
neato, thanks lads
>Trini has bigger tits than Kimberly
>Navel morphers.
I'm into it.
>Note that this movie comes out in 2 months and there's only been the teaser trailer
The only thing I have seen related to it is a Toys R Us Christmas commercial with that horrible Megazord.
Are you triggered user?
I wanted this to be so good.. but then you saw the trailer.. the suits.. the zords.. Alpha..
I mean, all I want is the green ranger being awesome, watching the dragon dagger and the dragonzord combo.
I don't want my rangers to be these edgy teens who don't care about the rules.
I want a sequel to the mighty morphing power rangers movie with Ivan Ooze that does not involve Turbo or magical space trolls
>Teenagers with attitude
>Surprised they have attitude
Really makes me think...
>TMNT Out of the Shadows
Says who? Inb4 muh sales or muh RT
>I wanted this to be so good
No, I wanted this to suck actually from the second I saw the teaser poster
Just this alone made me realize that they didn't know what they were doing.
They had better make billy gay as a big fuck you to the rest of the original cast.
It's not good user. It was so caught up in fixing the problems of the first Bay Turtles and appealing to nostalgia that it forgot to actually be a decent movie on it's own
Also that Casey Jone was just disgusting. It alone could ruin the movie for me if it wasn't enough that it was bad on it's own
And by the way, I was talking about how it would do financially, not quality wise
>fixing the problems of the first Bay Turtles
Didn't watch it.
>appealing to nostalgia
And this is bad because you hate anything that is older than you, right?
>I was talking about how it would do financially, not quality wise
I believe you, Sup Forums.
why do they need to give the original cast a big fuck you?
Does that mean they should kill Trini in a car accident too?
>some idiots are going to think this is good
So you've already seen the movie?
Wow that's amazing.
Have you seen power rangers?
those guys and girls had no attitude. They were boring regular teens with no personalities except:
>Team Leader
Where were the attitude?
This new movie is all "I am a lone wolf who disrespects the law BECAUSE I CAN!"
"Yeah me too", "Me three", "Yeah nobody knows what it's like to be me", "Yeah nobody except us rebels"
This is a lot of assumptions you're making here
>"I am a lone wolf who disrespects the law BECAUSE I CAN!"
Where in the hell?
>disgraced football player
>bullied autist
>former cheerleader
>new girl wallflower
>loner kid
>Robocop 2014
It will be shit
>TMNT Out of the Shadows
It will be good.
You got me confused
Why was I allowed to think that Ghostbusters and Fant4stic were going to be shit on arrival just from the trailer but no THIS is the one where "You haven't seen it yet, you don't know if it's bad!"
Pandering over storytelling is always bad for movies. Always.
I paid to be entertained, not to be reminded of something that once entertained me.
>Out of the Shadows
Mmpr-In Space (the zordan saga) had lots of lore but everything came out wack since they kept the story going by what footage they were given. They wanna make 6 movies and even since mmpr it's had a very alien theme going on (with the alien rangers and Rita being a space witch) hell look at the command center and alpha. They're going really sci fi with this movie and it could work on their favor for where they wanna take the story. Personally the sorts/suits/rita had to grow on me meaning I didn't like what I saw at first. The teaser trailer was pretty solid and I like where they're going with this. Having Goldar as the final boss of the movie is a good move on their part. Rita is def gonna pass down her power coin in the sequel
They break into a quarry at one point.
Clearly they're living on the edge.
>They wanna make 6 movies
Well, I've lost hope already
>yfw they only suit up for the last 30 minutes
>Pandering over storytelling is always bad for movies. Always.
And yet you love the MCU...
>Having Goldar as the final boss of the movie is a good move on their part
Not this Goldar
I 100% believe this is going to happen
That's confirmed to not be happening. It's pretty easy to figure out how the movie will be structured.
Bad, like seriously bad if the figures and the actually fun rejected script are anything to go by.
But In Space was great
I like the concept of this Goldar.
Not only is he an evil opposite of the Megazord, but he is pretty much an advanced Putty
Based on the trailer they are strong outside their suit, so it's probably going to be like that.
>Dino Thunder mixed with MMPR
No problem here
Thank you for speaking for me, fuckface.
Have your (You).
>fun rejected script
Get out, Max.
wew lad
Kyoryuger started off so well, until the third act when it turned into "The Daigo Red Ranger Show starring some other chumps"
Goldar is a bioweapon in the movie think of him as the zord he uses in the first season finale
>Pink getting fucked recked
I died
I don't know how we keep going through this song and dance every time one of these childhood franchise nostalgia reboots comes out
-The first pics are released
-Things look really different, to an extent that it doesn't even look good
-Trailer kills hype even further
-Nostalgia reboot comes out. It's predictably horrible and bombs (or it does good enough to get one sequel which then bombs)
-Everybody tries to pretend that they thought it was shit from the beginning
From Bayformers to Ghostbusters this keeps happening and the single only one of these things that was actually successful was Bayformers. Why do you keep falling into the same goddamn trap
>there's a small part of me that is afraid some idiots are going to think this is good
Why are you afraid that some people will find joy in something you will not? I don't think it looks good, but I don't see why we should denigrate others for differing in entertainment tastes.
Imma gonna be honest.. when I saw the transformers trailer with the robot dinosaurs I got somewhat hype.
Watched the movie and they are there in like.. 15 minutes including background appearances and such
Hey, the Fright Night remake was good.
That's the only one I can think of off the top of my head, though.
I'm waiting for another trailer with actual Ranger/Zord footage.
There is literally nothing about this film's aesthetic that looks pleasing. Even these suits are shit.
Frankly they should just use the originals but pad them out and have some more texture.
ONce again Brian Cranston will be the only one who escapes the power rangers curse and everyone else will die or get no work or go to jail
the japs are going to take jabs at this like they did with zilla, is it?
That's not really a childhood franchise, though it is a nostalgia reboot.
Also I thought it was kinda meh
It looks like The Breakfast Club meets Chronicle (or Fant4stic). I'm not really expecting it to be well received though it might make decent money off the nostalgia market.
>live action movie based on a live action show
>better go post about it on Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons
way ahead of you
>Power Rangers curse
You mean like Johnny Yong Bosch, Eka Darville, Rose McIver, Daniel Southworth and Erin Cahill?
In the case of Power Rangers in particular, I think the nostalgic appeal is strong enough that the movie will do moderately well... But only if the movie itself isn't abysmally bad.
I'm sorta looking at it like the Batman v Superman effect. BvS probably would have made more money than it did just on the strength of the "this is a movie where Batman and Superman get in a fight" factor, but it was hamstrung right out of the gate by apocalyptically bad word of mouth.
For Power Rangers to succeed, it's got to be at least mediocre- if it's actually bad, I don't think millennial nostalgia is going to be enough to save it from tanking in the box office. From what I heard, the initial negative reaction to the suits has them backpedaling a bit and dialing up the more familiar elements, so maybe they're trying to learn from BvS's missteps.
Personally, I don't know why they don't just take a cue from the MMPR comic series that's running right now. It's visually close enough to the show to have nostalgic appeal, but written with more modern sensibilities and a mind toward capturing an older audience. If I'm not mistaken, that's EXACTLY what the movie's trying to do. No reason to go so far in the "Chronicle with Powersuits" direction, would have been easy to keep it simple.
Akibarangers are the best
>It's pretty easy to figure out how the movie will be structured.
Rita escapes
Cliched teen life intros
They find the coins
Cliched adjusting to powers
Rita attacks one of the girls
Fight out of suit?
Cliched relationship drama
Fight in suit?
Rita rebuilds Goldar
Red rallies the team, we're family now
Attack Rita's base or something
Zords and Megazord
Goldar dies again
Rita escapes?
How do I into Power Rangers? There's stuff on Netflix, right?
you mean the nobodies noone's ever heard of?
yes but it's called voltron legendary defender on there
I wish Kamen Rider had made it big in the US, maybe then we would be arguing over an edgy Masked Rider remake movie
looks like all the seasons are there, I got 20 results
To be fair though, the interpretation of Alpha looks neat. Like some out of the 50's War Of The Worlds film
Its gonna bomb horribly
I dont say that has a typical internet cynic asshole
No, its tracking horribly. The marketing is nonexistant besides the stuff for children
Alright. Now how do I into it? Start at the oldest one? Start with the "God Tier" ones in ?
>I've never heard of them so nobody has!
Do you know how many people watched Jessica Jones?
Nah the power of PR neckbeardism will give it a couple hundred million.
Just go in order.
If you wanna get really hipster about it just watch the original japanese sentai shows.
Wow salty much Japs? Biting the hand that feeds you.
>the world is filled with nobodies
This. If only we had a Kuuga adaptation and not the angst ridden shlock of crap that was Dragon Knight.
RPM is probably the closest we'll get to anything Kamen Rider-esque
Ishinomori was pretty edgy.
>not movies where The First/Next teams up with Amazons
God those new suits look like shit.
>Comes out and gets the whole "highest grossing ever in X amount of time"
>Reception is positive but not overly interested from general audience
>Dramatic drop in takings after hype dies down quickly
>Gets shit on more
>While not worse thing ever people agree it isn't great
If it is very lucky it may get a sequel
Their Ichimonji is dead.
>$525 million worldwide. Enough for a sequel.
You're god damn retarded son.
>maybe then we would be arguing over an edgy Masked Rider remake movie
Too late
the whole episode was more a jab at western media in general.
you know, like how western does to japanese
: Hibachi benihana teriyaki?
Nagasaki. Okinawa. Okaida. Yokohama.
Karate judo sumo samurai?
Nissan. Honda. Mitsubishi Subaru!
Harikari tsunami. Kamikaze banzai.
Yamaha. Nissan Kassio Iwa.
Minota. Hitachi. Sako. Toshiba.
Buddha! Shitake kimono!
Camcua. Sushi. Sanshimi! ]
: Fujitsu! [wait!]
"That's a lot of gold!"
Just watch.
>The First Amazon
The edginess or non-campiness of these films wasn't the real problem, they were just boring.
This is why Orientals can never be movie stars, they look too faggy.
>Comes out in three months
>only one trailer
It sucks.
You know, I actually liked the j-horror tone, but I do agree, Toku+J-horror is not a good combination.
The Next is a guilty pleasure