I'm sure this question has been asked, but do you think a human military force exists in this world...

I'm sure this question has been asked, but do you think a human military force exists in this world? It must since guns exist and so do government systems as well. So why hasn't Sugar addressed this?

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Keep watching and find out.

No militaries.
There's no scientists either.

How else would you explain that every gem site has been untouched by humans for millennia or that no gem tech has been reverse engineered?

Did I miss something? My memories foggy of early seasons, but I'm up to date on the current episodes.

Maybe all the military died in SU because they all had shitty TD like onion lady in the OP and ND'ed themselves to death

Yes, military exists but it is irrelevant to this story, therefore it's not addressed.

Crystal gem already took all the tech that matters.

>How else would you explain that every gem site has been untouched by humans for millennia or that no gem tech has been reverse engineered?
I can't but then how do you explain planes, video games, and smartphones?

It's not a very well-thought-out world. Outside the Townie episodes I guess they don't think people care too much about the rest of the world.

In the kind of Narrative in a story like this, it doesn't need to come up until it has to. The story focuses on Ethos and not so much Logos if you could tell.

no military, just the Earth Self-Defense Force

>I can't but then how do you explain planes, video games, and smartphones?

they exist in real life so they're added into the show without the understanding the history behind their creation.

IIRC WWII didn't happen in SU's universe, so we'd be set back a great deal in terms of technology.

>Oustide the NETWORK-MANDATED townie episodes

They don't care about human civilization in the world they built, just the locations and Gems. Which is a shame, because really, I'd be down for a plot with an evil, man-made gem-human hybrid because there's literally no reason for humans not to try reverse engineering something by shoving it in someone's brain

I am sure military could destroy the crystal memes in seconds.
So it makes sense there is no military.

In terms of front-line fights sure. However, Gems have a massive advantage due to their space ships.

I think people in this world are pretty shit from being invaded by gems and having to deal with monsters for a thousand years.

>hear crashing
>go into room without being ready to fire
Didn't do a great job with slicing the pie but she must be involved with some druggies or something.

There are only three crystal gems though. Realistically, they'd be killed in no time by any force.

the US military was rapidly expanded to fill he needs of WW1, and later WW2, without it these events or similar conflict, the US military would a be a relatively small force, since the geographical location of the US makes it immune to attack by other countries

adversity typically produces stronger and smarter people.

Given the passive, cattle-like acceptance of everything monstrous and super natural, we should in-fact believe that the Gems have coddled humans for thousands of years.

>have open garage and kids
>They're fucking about there
>hear crashing
>run in finger on trigger
>accidently pull because of ridiculous length of pull on your shotgun
>whoops, onion is now a red smear on the floor now
If you aren't well trained enough to transition from the gaurd to the trigger hit the range more of you plan on defending your childrens' anal virginity.

TD is actually a pretty recent thing. Soldiers in WW1 and WW2 weren't taught TD, and you can see that in historical photos with their fingers all up in the trigger guard.

No, all focus has been on ethier on the crystal gems, homeworkd lore, town community, or a mixture of it.

Nothing on human anti-gem yet.
But it seems like helped the rebels... I guess

Nope. SU!Earth is an idyllic paradise where there's no war or suffering outside of petty squabbles.

Why didn't someone from some government, somewhere, knock on Steven's door after the giant hand in space thing?

I feel like this show has gotten past the point where someone in some position of authority would want to talk to the CGs, if for no other reason than to make sure that they have a handle on things.

I still like the theory that gems have tech that either make humans really oblivious or really stupid. Sort of like the Orb of Confusion on a global scale.

Because that cliche has been done to death so fuck it.

Mayor Dewey.

>Everyone on earth is retarded
>despite this people can make cars, cellphones and structures that don't fall apart
That's stupid

SU doesn't have cliches?

I think one of the world wars didn't happen in this.

It's a cliche because it makes complete sense. Because that's what governments DO when shit goes down on a large scale. Or at least it's what they're supposed to do.

It's really selective with the cliches it uses.

There's an episode that implies there's a cover up going on. World governments probably know all about the crystal gems and keep other people from bothering them so they can save the day all the time.

It's been stated that there are wars, dumb dumbs. Watch Ronaldo's first main episode.

>all of the water on earth stolen away
>no governments anywhere

WW1 was the defining moment of the 20th century, that or a similar event must have happened for the rest of history to even vaguely resemble what is happening today

in fact, 1914 is considered a real life singularity, where what happens after is literally impossible to conceive by the folks who came before

Do you know what a cliche is?

Keep banging that drum I'm just glad you aren't in charge of the series.

Government officials being inquisitive about aliens or whatever other thing a series might have as an equivalent is definitely a cliche.

they should when all the water on earth fucking shapes itself into a pillar that extends out into space.

>military exists but it is irrelevant to this story,
The second your story involves fighting aliens and/or monsters on a frequent basis and it ignores the Military entirely as an option or a possible factor without so much as an in-story handwave during those fights, is the second your story risks looking a bit silly because it leaves the questions of "why don't the Army help out here?" or "why aren't the Army trying to interfere here?" wide open and just hopes no one dares ask.

It also starts implying Our Heroes™ are literally the first, last, and only line of defense against the worst scum of the universe and the rude beggars don't even have the common decency to all wear nice shades and suits.

>wanting more human episodes instead of gem lore

To my defense, it was a while ago and it was a very brief clip. But thank you very much for this.

So now I think we can safely say that there is a military force, but now the question once again lies on why Sugar hasn't addressed them?

I want human lore episodes.

once the military gets involved it changes the dynamic of the story greatly, better to keep it gem v gem

sounds boring and pointless

also remember that the POV is only from Steven's, you cant have government meetings shown where Steven isn't present at all.

Connie and the Library

Honestly, I don't quite like SU in part because it makes the human race seem stupid.

This show shouldn't have ever pretended that governments exist.

Like at most, everything is a series of libertarian city states. Beach City, being its own independent town/governing body, with no government above it.


we only see the townies, who live in nowhere-town, Delmarva

they could be the equivalent of rednecks

The military would not be sent to hunt down wildlife, unless they're Australian. And the whole war thing is really downplayed and not really an active thing storywise, so giving focus to the military is unnecessary.

Think Buddy's Book, but in regards to more human events.

i hate faggots that complain about the human episodes.

Interesting way to look at it. WW1 was more or less a Temporal kickoff point. I don't think it was even avoidable, whether or not Archduke Franz Ferdinand died.

WW1 was probably shorter and less intense in their world though

Europe was a time bomb. Ferdinand's death was more or less an excuse.

That would be cool and would also be a logical difference between our world and SU's world, which should be PRETTY FUCKING DIFFERENT as things stand because of the presence of the Gems for all of human history.

As in, retelling human history?

can you blame us? they've spawned shit like Onion's Gang and Sadie's Song. If they don't include the gems interacting with them, they're often very boring.

I'd argue there have been several singularities, hell the American civil war was pretty much when the ground work was laid for both trench warfare, mechanized warfare and large military industrial complexes fighting wars of attrition

they've also given us episodes like Joyride and Lars And the Cool Kids

WW1 was caused due to increasingly agitated racial/national/stupid tensions building up due to the franco-prussian war, crimean war, and a half-dozend smaller conflicts that caused one side to hate another. this caused many secret and not-so -secret backdoor collusions and secret deals to make sure each side would have the allies necessary to win against their rival

this created an incredibly complex hate-web, like a shipping chart taken to its logical extreme, that all but guaranteed war

under normal circumstances, diplomacy should have handled the archduke affair, butdue to political meddling, it escalated until the big boys could muscle in

>No human anti-gem force wanting to REMOVE ROCK
>No radical experiments grinding gems to dust and injecting them into humans to grant them powers
>No open war between man and gem


Lars and the Cool Kids was kinda shitty. Steven is hardly that much more likable than Lars.

I don't think they've thought questions like that through.

I imagine they'll also never explain things like, why do gems look like humans when they take forms, or why do fools fall in love.

It's very simple, women can't into military industrial espionage fiction.

History is cool

he was pretty cool in that episode.

Both Lars and the Cool Kids and Joyride included the gems/Peridot's ship, etc.

Straight up Townie episodes where Steven helps solve menial problems are boring af.

>As in, retelling human history?

Bits and pieces.
Showing the differences between our world and SU's world as told through Connie regaling Steven (who has no education of such things) with history books is much more interesting than the on-going drama of Lars, the meanest human in beach city.

absolutely not. amethyst fell from a mountain onto a sharp rock and simply cracked her gem. someone did the math, that's like a point blank shotgun blast. she alone would fuck any amount of humans as long as they were in range. now imagine sugilite or opal, who are realistically beasts

>implying humans would know about the gems when the last noticeable gem activity was approx 5000 years ago

Human militaries are biding their time, preparing for the Day of the Pick.

>as long as they were in range.
Why would they be?

Humans have firearms and artillery.
and Pearl poofed from being run through from a sword.

i suppose the US military could deploy crap like tanks or rocket artillery, but that would cause more damage than the gems on bad day

not to mention the political implications of deploying US regulars on home soil when DEFCON 1 has not yet been reached, diplomacy is simply the most efficient option with dealing with 3 powerful, yet friendly, entitites currently living on your soil

I was reading this fanfiction once about that time Pearl fought in WW2. And Rose forbid her from using her Gem powers because that just wouldn't be fair.

Knowing everything a Gem can do, as much as it feels like the writers have literally forgotten the earlier episodes, I feel like 3 Crystal Gems are enough to handle an small army of humans. Am I okay with that, hell no, but still.

By something that can cut down a tree with a balloon.

Humans have balloons too. Gems are fucked.

Humans can't cut down trees with balloons.

i tried cutting down a tree with a balloon, all i got was a popped balloon and a structurally sound tree

I like to imagine in this universe because of alternate history that the US military adopted the FAL as opposed to the M14 and M16. Also how would the Cold War happen if Moscow is basically a coastal city in this universe(Unless the Russian people developed in a different part of Europe in this universe)

well then either SU's balloons are better than our balloons our our trees are better than SU's trees.

What would be a good round for penetrating hard light constructs?

Governments probably gate off the major gem locations, where Corruptions gather as in the newest bomb episodes with the keep out gate

They most likely know of gem monsters but also like wild animals it's a principal of leaving them alone and they'll do the same.

Instead of wars driving progress it was most likely a result of gem intervention driving human evolution forward and old gem tech leading to industrial booms.

the FAL is a fitting gun for steven universe, a prolific gun that seen tons of brush fire wars and no major conflict, designed in the halfway point between the WW2 and the cold war, it is omnipresent and yet ignored.

designed for use by NATO, formed in the aftermath of WW2 to prevent another war from happening again, it was a gun designed for peace

7.62 Real Fuckin' NATO kills things dead just fine. .45 ACP also works because muh stopping power

Military forces certainly exist, but they just haven't bothered showing up so far.

Andy & Doug both seem to have military history.

It's probably like Korea, it's there, but we're not gonna see it until Sugar feels like tossing it out there.

>someone did the math, that's like a point blank shotgun blast

Is it just me or have the gems been nerfed? They seemed more absurdly powerful in S1. amethyst then feels about as strong as fucking jasper now. even Pearl, the physically weakest gem kicked a huge ass boulder clean in two. Now I could see myself being able to take Pearl if I got the drop on her with a rifle.

>and Pearl poofed from being run through from a sword.
A hardlight magic sword. Gems have shown they can take heaps of pysical hits, getting slammed around into the enviroment and stuff. I imagine they can take bullets fine.

What I want to know is if there are any human magicians out there.

they retconned the magic aspects of the series.

jasper was poofed by a metal rod moving at high speeds, but was able to resist numerous impacts that seem to contain more energy

this seems that whatever protective barrier is used by the gems protects against powerful blunt impacts but is less protective against small highly penetrating attacks, this would give reason as to why they wear protective armor despite their durability, since a rigid plate would stop a stabbing attack fairly well

>this kills the rock

Oh shit you're right. There's like no magic anymore.

It's incredibly inconsistent.

you know what would actually be interesting? seeing human militaries try to deal with gem monsters. less powerful than regular gems but way more dangerous and chaotic

of course SU writers would rather watch onion play with his less interesting autistic friends

>sending military to fight wildlife

>seeing human militaries try to deal with gem monsters

Fucking Aussies

What do you think we've been doing in the middle east for the last couple decades?