Why do anons like Marco dressed as a girl? Is it a meme or a genuine fetish?
Why do anons like Marco dressed as a girl? Is it a meme or a genuine fetish?
>tfw you will never have sex with an alternate universe genderbent version of yourself :(
I honestly doubt my gender bent self would want to fuck me and I honestly don't blame my hypothetical self because I probably wouldn't fuck my hypothetical self either.
>you'll never fuck the sake-sex alternative universe version of yourself
It's more of a meme, than anything. Of course, people do find it attractive, and what not, but it doesn't detract from it mainly something that people do because other people are doing it, and people liking trends.
I have an identical twin sister, is that close enough?
He makes a cute girl
Traps are cute
He makes a cute trap
shouldn't the mole be on the other side? that's how these parallel universes usually work
Should have goatee.
But it's gay and forced
like MLP
They are called faggots, user.
I can't go beyond the visualization that it's the same 3 fat girls spamming 'muh princess marco' on Sup Forums.
>Sarah Andersen was a mistake.
Sup Forums has liked traps and genderbends since the early days. No mystery to solve here.
I sexually identify as sake.
That's a dirty fucking lie.
Because it's awesome
you're objectively wrong
i still remember in the good old days when everyone jerked off to bridget
>Why do anons like Marco dressed as a girl? Is it a meme or a genuine fetish?
Because gay anons
Hey, you never know...
Also, although impossible, if genderbent me turns out to be hot, I'd try to hit it but the feeling would absolutely be non-mutual. If I were her, I wouldn't touch my ugly "everything" with a ten foot pole either.
2 steps user
>do something lewd with her
>come back and write a greentext
>although impossible, if genderbent me turns out to be hot, I'd try to hit it but the feeling would absolutely be non-mutual. If I were her, I wouldn't touch my ugly "everything" with a ten foot pole either.
I want to see different versions of hot me from other dimensions so I can cry and lament over how attractive i could have been and then kill myself
>I'm a newfag
traps are super popular on 4han and it also covers other fetishes like the big ol' ponytail, the beauty mark, and mexicans
At this point, there's no difference
Faggots are boy hungry. They don't mention it at pride parades but every faggot wants the age of consent to be like 8 so.
They have fantasies about turning the whole country gay by molestng our children.
I imagine the two of us would get along fine, but since neither of us are really interested in that sort of thing we'd probably just work together to figure out how we met and see if we can figure out how to cross dimensions because I'm boring like that.
>implying you even had sex
GB2/pol/ with your gay secret agenda redpilling.
You need to learn to love yourself before yourself loves yourself.
I know there'd be oral sex at least between us.
And also a mutual footjob, because we're both into that kind of shit.
It's because there's such a lack of detail put into Marcos design to make his boyish-ness stand out
So when he's cross-dressing, he basically looks like a r63
Since they're of equal attractiveness as me, on her best day I probably wouldn't give her anything more than a second look (and I'm allowed to say that because it's "me")