Reminder that Star Wars is shit for babies with no taste.
Jaxon Peterson
Dooku sucks!
Ryder Ramirez
James Ortiz
I considered making it myself but figured if there was nothing to talk about besides Anakin's lovelife might as well wait and see how long it took a new thread to arrive.
Pic related.
Joseph Kelly
>"You have disappointed me _______... for the last time" >Orders ________s death
Count Dooku was more of an evil dictator than I expected in TCW, but I suppose that was the point of the whole Clone War. Sheev and his apprentice set up two sides in a civil war, and then play-fight as they also try to kill each other like Sith must do.
I think the whole Rako Hardeen caper stopped the assassination plot that Sidious didn't even know about, right?
>A new friend becomes a new foe in "Warhead." Airing Saturday at 8:30pm ET/PT on Disney XD.
Infiltration Recon droid confirmed for Good Friend!
Liam Jones
>Crix Madine tries out the Rebellion's new Suck-o-Matic 9001 >ends up in the hospital requiring Ackbar to take over We salute you, Madine. You suffered so progress could be made on the true dream.
Owen Powell
Fun and Canon Fact: Saw lost his leg testing an older model Suck-o-Matic. Pablo said so.
>Save the Rebellion >Save the Dream
Jonathan Edwards
My headcanon is that Cody became an Imperial Guard.
Connor Allen
>I think the whole Rako Hardeen caper stopped the assassination plot that Sidious didn't even know about, right? Pretty sure he knew, since the entire thing turned out to be a long setup for having Dooku, Anakin and Sheev in the same place at the same time.
Nathaniel Hernandez
Is there a list of reccomended/essential episodes of rebels like that old chart for clone wars?
Not the first clone to be so honored. We had one in LOTS. Poor bastard didn't make it.
Juan Gomez
It wasn't an assassination plot, it was an attempt to kidnap Palpatine. He clearly knew about it, since he used it as an opportunity to pit Anakin and Dooku against each other (which according to Lucas was actually his first try at an Invisible Hand DEWIT scenario)
Carter Butler
It doesn't really work with Rebels. Clone Wars was arc driven, even jumped around in time from episode to episode (later seasons toned that down). Rebels is a slow build, each episode containing pieces of a larger puzzle.
Some people don't like it but ever episode is important. Yes, even meeting Ketsu.
Ian Garcia
who among you ITT would abandon the Jedi Order for pic related?
Jonathan Turner
Didn't make it any less risky for Sidious. You can't rely on your Apprentice not taking advantage of a perceived weakness and Dooku HAD plotted his own ascension once before. He may have even acted on it once. I cannot imagine the CIS would have approved a plot to take out a naval conference including Tarkin and key members of the Jedi Council without going past Dooku's desk. Nor can I imagine Sheev, if he'd known about it, allowing Anakin to attend after he'd invested so much in perverting the kid's future.
If that plot hadn't been discovered by Artoo and Meebur Gascon the war could have ended in a CIS victory with Dooku ascendant over a new Empire with Palpatine declared public enemy #1.
Dylan Mitchell
There's barely enough episodes for one Most of season 1 is pointless filler Season 2 has a couple worth watching Season 3 has a few more worth watching also Basically all the episodes are made to be watched without prior knowledge so Disney can randomly air an episode over and over There aren't any real multi episode arcs a couple are two episode stories but it never feels like much has changed if the episode isn't a season end or begin
Gabriel Wright
Does anyone know the music that played when the Death Star appeared over Scarif? Or even have the scene itself?
Joseph Ramirez
And then Palpatine would have deserved everything, as the Rule of Two dictates. When the Master can no longer show strength to the apprentice, the apprentice seizes control.
Ethan Jones
>XD Get out
Adrian Foster
That being said I do like the show and where it's going
Ethan Gray
I can understand why they went with the terminator foot, but I wish he'd been forced to graft on a Battle Droid leg to himself. There's so much delicious irony in that.
You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become your old villain.
Blake Jackson
Angel Martin
Why weren't they at Endor?
Sebastian Cooper
You can thank Tarkin for that. Leveled the entire facility where they were trained and housed as part of the special weapons group.
Easton Russell
At least make it a Droid Commando leg, that way the normies wouldn't recognize it and go on an autistic rage fit.
Joseph Reyes
Tarkin made a lot of really dumb decisions, I don't know what Vader saw in him
Lucas Parker
>no grandmothers in Rogue Squadron
We didn't get a badass granny. This annoys me a lot more than I thought it would.
Christopher Morris
i hope you get cancer in the balls forced meme poster
Nathan Diaz
Obviously we have yet to really see anything in nu-canon, but did Leia and Anakin ever talk post ROTJ in the old EU?
Hudson Barnes
>Nor can I imagine Sheev, if he'd known about it, allowing Anakin to attend after he'd invested so much in perverting the kid's future. Sheev's doing Anakin no favors as far as his safety is concerned, though. He WANTS Anakin to be in constant danger, up to and including the threat of being killed by Dooku, because he views all of these obstacles as a test of Anakin's power. If he's truly worthy, he'll be strong enough and clever enough to come out of danger. If not, then he's a disappointment and a waste of time.
Ryan Robinson
He was a good friend.
James Morales
are the Sith allowed to have friends?
Matthew Price
How powerful are those pikes of theirs?
Joshua Walker
Yeah, they did. Anakin's ghost came to her and asked for forgiveness. She told him to fuck off.
Later she started learning more about him and started seeing him in a slightly more sympathetic light, but I think by then Anakin had "passed on" (since in the EU, the ghosts didn't stick around forever).
Jackson Nelson
A lot of the music used in the movie wasn't in the OST. We probably won't get a "fully fleshed out OST rip" until the DVD/Blu-ray comes out and someone takes time to do that.
Aaron Hernandez
>A lot of the music used in the movie wasn't in the OST. why is this allowed?
Robert Torres
Ah dang.
Henry Jenkins
Noah Russell
but aren't friends a threat to unlimited powah?
Lucas Watson
What a cunt.
What was it from?
Jackson Harris
Fool! The power of friendship is the greatest power of all!
Blake Richardson
>implying that someone who killed your whole planet deserves forgiveness >implying that Vader deserved to be redeemed
Jackson Butler
Not always.
Colton Wood
Why does everyone say the first season of The Clone Wars is bad? I've been rewatching it and it's pretty solid.
Angel Moore
I don't get it, Tarkin never came back as a ghost to ask Leia for forgiveness.
Colton Jones
Truce at Bakura, IIRC Can't really blame her though, given how much he'd made her suffer
Andrew Young
>What a cunt.
Would you be willing to immediately forgive someone who personally tortured you for hours just because they apologized?
Henry Smith
>watching opening scene of TFA >"without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force!" -- 2nd thing ever said in the film uhh... then what was the point of Anakin destroying the Sith and bringing balance to the Force if the Force just gets unbalanced again so fast?
Tyler Lopez
Blood is thicker than water. Not forgive, but telling them to fuck off and never speak to you again is shitty, especially when they're immortal.
Adam White
Vader approved
Jordan Brown
well let's hope you feel so charitable in the event that your dad rips all your fingernails out one by one
Bentley Moore
>Anakin who? >The prequels, what are those? >Silly user, don't you know only A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back are canon? >No user, not those crappy rereleases, only the theatrical versions! :^)
Levi Gomez
When did Anakin ever do that to Leia.
Hunter Cooper
he tortured her personally on the Death Star, and Vader is very good at his job
Carson Brooks
Why does he have a double chin on his nose?
Jaxon Rodriguez
You think someone would actually make a Star Wars movie where the Sith weren't the villains? You fool!
Prepare yourself for sith lord after sith lord after sith lord, shitting death stars and red lightsabers
Juan Rogers
The internet, let alone these threads, would have a field day with all that potential edge
Jose King
Double jew
Easton Wilson
(((J.J. Abrams)))
He used a mind probe, he didn't torture her.
Bentley Cox
And a demon in the sack
Adam Young
user he had the torture droid right there
Oliver Russell
Barriss or Ahsoka?
Blake Thompson
This is a mind probe droid, not a torture droid. It just injects you with a "truth" serum type thing.
Blake Stewart
Both, fuck you.
Jordan Collins
Not that many Jedi around anymore to help rebuild thanks to Kylo.
Christopher Baker
Rebel propaganda was surprisingly effective.
Daniel Phillips
Hey dooku...
why the long face?
Jace Parker
and the pincers and electrical connectors?
Grayson Hughes
Seeing a Sullustan speak English is actually kind of unnerving.
Takes it from "weird alien" to a much less settling place.
Jose Stewart
>"truth" serum Marijuana?
Easton Wood
>implying that they'd pay attention to you when they had each other
Colton Taylor
Leia smoked blunt in prison: execution issued.
Lincoln Morgan
Destruction on such a massive scale it gives even his burnt hotdog a momentary rise.
Scarif may have been incredibly important to them but kudos to the Empire for at least making backups. And I suppose in Tarkin's estimation he was using the pinnacle of Imperial weapons technology. What is a single world compared to such might?
Even the Vader comic points to Tarkin's hubris concerning the Death Star as an unforgivable failure. Tagge is promoted to carry on Tarkin's role in the Empire (after Vader shortly had the job but fucked up) because he'd challenged the wisdom of relying on any single toy, however powerful. Then he dun fucked up later on and got Vader'ed. Such is the cycle of bitchdom. It giveth and it taketh away and giveth again.
Parker Russell
>>"truth" serum >Marijuana? What?
Jeremiah Flores
Recharge sockets for their iPods and iPhones. The "i" stands for Imperial, of course. Later these technological marvels were the basis of streamlining the entire Stormtrooper corp for that super sleek cool look.
That fucker in the middle is so swank he carries a bunch of iDevices into battle!
Jason Campbell
Does Vader care about anything by the time of ANH? Does he even care about the whole "peace and order" thing anymore, or is he just a dead inside husk of anger carrying out orders because orders?
Bentley Hill
It's true but much weaker than spice which is why Leia was so resistant, not that her Imperial captors were aware of just how much tolerance she'd developed on far harder drugs.
Hunter Baker
Yes, but in the same way Sheev does. Pablo confirmed on twitter that the Emperor is all for peace. It's just the peace and order of a stormtrooper boot stepping on your face forever.
Adrian Peterson
How is Kylo Ren going to get his powerlevel upgrade for Episode VIII? He badly needs one if he wants to stay threatening as a villain, Rey already beat his ass once and he still has 2 movies to go. Is he going to have to train at 100x Coruscant's gravity in the Imperial Hyperbolic Time Chamber?
Owen Adams
He's gonna get a cyborg monkey sidekick who has a dual crossguard lightsaber and a blaster tail
Leo Ross
The Sith don't have a problem with peace, it's just peace on top of the pile and everyone fearing them.
Anakin really hates himself more than anything else before ANH. It's only after he learns Padme didn't die and the Emperor lied to him that he starts hating the Emperor even more than just the passing "I can't be in charge unless he's dead"
Jayden Hall
>It's only after he learns Padme didn't die
pretty sure she did die though
Dylan White
why would Vader hate himself over Padme and all his lost friendships? Sheev wanted him to purge all attachment to Anakin's past
Daniel Wright
Pabby also apparently got an invite to the Wook and was like, "Nah." They should have told him their secret meetings are called Mofferences, then he would have instantly materialized behind the guy asking and whispered, "I bid you Dark Greetings."
Hunter Bell
would ghost Anakin still have anger issues? did the Force ghosts help Luke train padawans before their school got BTFO?
Easton Jones
>Yoda gets used to not having to train annoying children and Padawans once the Order is destroyed >Suddenly the son of the guy that had a hand in killing all the Jedi makes his own Order and somehow gets Yoda to train children again >suffering even after death
Andrew James
No, Obi-Wan and Anakin have him on strict medication to control his emotional issues. Plus he's now living with his Dad, The Force, so he really doesn't want to sperg out too much or Daddy might not let him borrow the car to visit history when Padme was still alive.
Jace Cruz
>Yoda secretly helps Ben ruin the Order again >all so Yoda can give up on his eternal life and fade back into the cosmic force as he should have
Henry Watson
Or, Anakin's force ghost acts like Gollum and the others keep trying to suppress the evil half
Levi Parker
Nah man, they kicked his evil half out and it became Snoke!
Cooper Cruz
If I had a choice of staying with her or stick to the Jedi, I'd take the former every time.
Luis Lee
>Greedo >Speaking english >Being 40 years old by ANH I liked this episode but did it HAVE to be Greedo?
Jayden Long
>you will never do lines of blow with Carrie Fisher and John Belushi
Jack Mitchell
Tarkin's freakish height bothered me more then his CGI face in Rouge One.
If you compare him and Krennic to Vader Tarkin should be the same height as Krennic but he dwarfs him