Why does this guy get so much hate?
Why does this guy get so much hate?
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone who show so much love for everyone can only attract hate. Barney is a allegory to Christ
he's a cuck
Because some user was forced to be in special ed classes when he was younger where they only watched Barney and nothing else. It traumatized him to the point where anything Barney-related triggers him, even mentioning MLP because it airs next to Barney in Australia or something.
He looks like Drake Bell's autistic cousin.
>when he was younger
High school, actually.
Because he starts covert mlp threads just so he can complain about them.
Because Barney became popular as the Internet was going mainstream, and became fodder for shitty games like KillBarney and Barney in a Blender.
He helped create SJWs
>The show and its content is often cited as a contributing factor to the perceived sense of "entitlement" seen in the Millennial generation who grew up watching the show as children.[16][17] One specific criticism is:
>"His shows do not assist children in learning to deal with negative feelings and emotions. As one commentator puts it, the real danger from Barney is 'denial: the refusal to recognize the existence of unpleasant realities. For along with his steady diet of giggles and unconditional love, Barney offers our children a one-dimensional world where everyone must be happy and everything must be resolved right away.'"[18]
I wonder whatever happened to all the people who made that stuff.
You could say the same shit for Mr.Rodger.
This brings me back to when my homeroom teacher back in middle school went on an angry rant like this about sesame street and it's why we didn't enjoy the field trip to the Ballet.
They became sad IT admins.
One man's incredible autism. Lee Goldman does not have a whole lot else to do.
"It's okay to feel sad sometimes."
Nice try, shitbird,
Mr. Rogers and Sesame Street and stuff like that dealt with negative emotions and stuff fairly often.
Sesame Street had the whole death episode even. And early stuff was gritty.
Mr. Rogers seems to have avoided the hate Barney gets. The absolute worst he gets is the end of the Ultimate Showdown and rumors about him being a sniper or drill sergeant. Or that one Robot Chicken Sketch.
Basically, a lot of people are apparently convinced that Mr. Rogers was some kind of bad ass, when he was just a charismatic but quiet guy on TV.
>"You always make each day a special day. You know how: By just your being you/yourself. There's only one person in the (whole) world that's like you, and that's you. And people can like you just/exactly the way you are."
Mr. Rodger also say shit that you guys would consider special snowflake/sjw mentality.
I remember reading a webcomic/fanfic of one of the Primal Rage dinosaurs killing Barney.
In hindsight its painfully edgy.
Get away from the robot and go outside
found it
Checkmate, Atheists.
Barneyfag was born too late, these people could have been friends.
best I could find of the ending.
while looking at this decided to check what the creator was up to, found autism in its purest form.
That thread seems to be dead since nobody's posted in it since the 4th
This is simply sickening, and not at all due to the theme itself; It's just so cringe-worthy it makes me feel nauseous instead.
Why would there be new posts? Besides, all you need to answer OP's question is in that OP. While there's good info in the coments, there's over 2k posts there and it's all extra information.
Sesame Street was willing to show these sad ass feet
I like it.
The guy who played Barney is some kind of new age healer/prostitute now. 100% true. I met a chick he fucked. She fell in love with him.
He upgraded his edge. I'm happy for him.
Do you think he does the voice for her when they fuck?
I'm just surprised that Kiwi Farms with it's rabid trolls hasn't made Lee Goldson's life a living hell yet.
Im still waiting
I kekked
Who is barneyfag and why does Sup Forums hate him so much?
Nah. The guy is pretty balanced in what he says. He was a father figure for those who have none.
I seriously never knew the reasoning behind it. I missed what happened and then people just started shit posting and bitching about it one day. I was confused, but figured it was just another stupid meme bullshit.
lost my shit
>Those students are the future of the country
Here, read this. You'll love it.
>allowed to discuss infamous troll
>allowed to discuss the non-cartoon show he hates
>not allowed to discuss the cartoon he hates
This does not seem like the optimal way to run a comics and cartoons board.
lurk moar
The mods aren't smart here. We couldn't talk this despite the creator is a westerner.
Well, at least he got... better.
They're just jealous they're not as anti-reddit as he is.
That's how it should be though.
Lee is that you?
But it was completely justified.
>not being reddit
the bar for children's education hasn't been lowered so much since Elmo was created
>Americans can't tell the difference between "educational" and "entertaining"
>not having edutainment
huh, no red wavy line under that, I guess it's considered a real word
>Forced to watch Barney all day until his mind snaps
Clockwork Orange is real
Mr Rogers:
>Grant me the strength to be patient with and to understand my neighbors using my compassion and empathy even if I disagree with them
>Make all mean people go away by closing your eyes and covering your ears! Everybody wins! Now, dance around in a safe circle!
More like a shitty education system is real.
Is that really his fucking origin story?
>origin story
barneyfag superhero comic when
With the power to recognize anything even minutely or tangentially related to mlp by instinct.