>“O God of Shape, O Twitching God of color, carve our bountiful flesh with thy beautiful razors.” -Unknown
>Fun fact: this was influenced partly by Juggernaut's original design
>“O God of Shape, O Twitching God of color, carve our bountiful flesh with thy beautiful razors.” -Unknown
>Fun fact: this was influenced partly by Juggernaut's original design
Other urls found in this thread:
so is juggs an anniemae pretty boy or also a girl?
either is fine by me
Angels don't have gender. Or sex, for that matter.
He's a big Angel
Oh no, now people are going to be waifuing Juggy even harder
Fun fact Abba said in one Patreon hangout that Juggs' voice would probably be Skeletor even though he said he sounded like a monster truck announcer before.
It would obviously be the two layered over eachother.
>if I pull that shell off would you die?
>no but I'd turn into an emo bishi
Has anyone else really gone off K6BD in the past few months? I remember I used to be really hype for every update and now I'm just... not.
>monster truck announcer
>le every villain must be redeemed trope
This makes Juggernaut Star the angel equivalent of a violent homophobe, right?
For you deviant.
Nah. I fucking love this comic. Maybe you just love exposition dumps. Try reading Game of thrones.
>Extremely painful
You're a big guy
People keep asking him for what he think the voices for the characters would be and he keeps changing it depending upon day and mood, everything is a lie
get hyped.
'>sounds like skelator
>rides a bike make of skeletons
>edgy as fuck
>only died 6 times
>metal suit made of spikes
>absolutely hates tea
>lovable fuckup
>is actually qt in the inside
I want to hug *her* an tell her everythings ok while *She* listens to linken park for the 1000x time
I want to make juggs homebrewed tea with herbs picked from my garden and watch *her* try to look apriciatve even though *she* hates it.
I never wanted an edgy nuclear powered cosmic golem as a waifu but here we are.
I feel ya man. I think the pace is moving too quickly.
Tickets on sale now! Myaaaaah!
At this point he's beginning to like like a self hater considering he thought White Chain's feminine appearance was deviancy
I mean I have read Game of Thrones, I'm not nuts about it. I can't place exactly why I'm less into it, just wondering if anyone else has been feeling the same.
More like a hypocrite or a closeted faggot for bullying ms.noface the humanboo about taking gendered form
Yes, that's what I mean. Juggernaut Star is actually like the people he/she destroys.
It kinda makes sense I guess
His whole rant about tea did sound like the equivalent of someone constantly playing a song and talking about how much they hate that song
I like it.
So is this what Juggs looks like beneath the Thorns self-mutilation/transformation effect? No wonder he hates White Chain.
>6 Billions Demons
I would love if all juggernaut wants to do is make tea. it fits with meti's idea that swords are nearly useless and maya's desire to be a noodle vendor.
I would prefer he was just an evil fuck, probably. But that's a good point about the tea.
two bane reference comic updates in like an hour
i like this
Juggernaut's a girl?
Surely the opposite. I do worry about this comic going the Paranatural way though.
shut the fuck up he could just be a very pretty man
which wouldnt be gay at all
So that's where the /u/ is going to come from.
And I doubt it's going to be pretty.
>faceless white chain x delicious's corpse x femjuggs
Get on it smutpeddlers
>Juggernaut's original design
Anybody have a link to what Abby means
That last panel is really funny to me considering how many wheel based puns I saw caused by the page before this.
I think he means in his own personal original designs while outlining the story and characters had Juggernaut in a lot more feminine state
>I do worry about this comic going the Paranatural way though
Not unless there's an 8 month story arc about dodgeball. Don't fool yourself into think "sjw" shit is where Pnat went wrong.
I don't think it's SJW shit at all but sort of - being overtaken by your audience? K6BD being fully plotted out gives me a lot of reassurance.
Maybe Juggernaut always sounds like they're yelling or angry because they're actively trying to suppress their actual appearance?
Also makes sense when they say "I'm tired" and the facade fades.
K6BD has always been about sisters doing it for themselves so this isn't a whole lot of anything new.
I was kinda disappointed when Abby said there would only be five books instead of the eight or nine I was hoping, one for beginning and ending as well as one dedicated to each of the demiurges.
Although I suppose visiting each unique territory in turn and defeating each boss would be too much like vidya instead of a vivid story.
Also, anyone else remember when Juggs told White Chain:
>You are impatient, like a Thorn, and like us your form imitates softer flesh.
. . .or something like that.
But I thought it was assumed juggs and the other thorn Knights all had those uniform soul appearances because their ability to really think individually to an extent was obliterated by hearing the word of Metatron
The deal with the Thorn armour is that it makes the angels true form look grotesque and spiky. This is what Juggs must have looked like before putting on the mask.
Is this a hint of what pre-Thorns Jugg looked like?
...I'm liking it.
>juggs saw himself becoming dangerously human as delicious embraced and white chain was succumbing to and was offered redemption by the burning word of Metatron on the forms of donning the first thorn armor
Crashing this palace with no survivors
Huh, I kind of like how even though Maya isn't really that damaged, at least not visibly, and despite how clearly powerful she is, she is still vulnerable and human and knows her limitations
So is this a show of mercy on Juggy's part, a show of respect for getting Royally chunked, or a show of disinterest in killing an enemy that can't fight back?
>isn't that damaged
>the only human around who survived juggsy going nuclear
She's probly all fucked on the inside from the blast
You sure about that? I was under the impression that, like the deal with Chains and Delicious, the Thorns' appearance reflected their mindset.
Most angels are distant, eldritch beings concerned only with the Law, which in its fullest sense is beyond mortal ken.
White Chain and delicious became sympathetic to mortals, and became different as a result. Their new femininity is probably related to them becoming distant from their angelic origins, which came from the cold, "masculine" white flame.
The Thorns are more fanatical, and pared down to just combat murder machines that seek out and purge everything else. Naturally, they look more frightening and aggressive, but also human-like for some reason (or perhaps they imitate Metatron). Their spiky forms can probably be considered "masks", but I don't think they come from the armor so much as the ideology.
I think he might be losing power by projecting his nonphysical form in the physical plane rather than just simply getting emotional
Well yeah, she took a nuclear blast to the face and a fall from several miles in the sky and not only is only her face really messed up, but she was able to stand up and move pretty quickly, and even asked for her booze, she's not even bleeding and the most she'd uttered was a simple grunt of discomfort when she sat up. So if she is all fucked up on the inside she is EXTREMELY good at hiding it and ignoring it.
luckily for her, she's in a universe where not giving a shit about damage actually helps.
And yet we've seen 3 angels (4 if you count Michael's birdman form as being distinctly masculine in appearance) who take on some kind of gendered personality. Maybe it's catching on, due to the Angels' more active role amongst the races of Throne? Outside influence making a mark on their identity?
>If I cut off your shell, would you die?
>It would be extremely painful
And yet, despite her apparent lack of wounds, she thinks that she's now weak enough for Juggs to fuck up.
True, or it very well could be a lie, and she intended to cut Jugg's down if he tried to finis her off. Won't really know till next update probably
>apparent lack of wounds
She's bleeding and her face is smashed in
I was referring to the post I was replying to mentioning that she was comparatively uninjured considering her situation. She's obviously hurt way worse than she appears.
No shes not
>Face smashed in
Shes got a black eye and some scratches
>implying that isn't an average Saturday night
It's cause the writing is bad.
Im getting impatient because I consume the pages too fast. I need MORE dammit! Feed me!
>juggs looks hot
It's because they change their own armor. That does nasty things to you, when you're an angel.
>Next page will be the start of the new K6BD
>6Juggs and Maya open up a restaurant and battle to serve the best tea and noodles in all of Throne.
>juggs becomes uncle iroh
It's Skeletor if Skeletor smoked 1,000 packs of Devil-made cigs a day and pissed molten lava.
Also you should know that Abbadon just has a raging hardon for Skellyposting.
He can say what he wants. I'll always read Juggs lines in Vhailor's voice from Planescape: Torment.
Agreed. Too much anime bishie lesbo nonsense. It used to be all about action, high fantasy type craziness or whatever with only a hint of lesbo nonsense. Now I don't really care for it.
-And yeah, writing's getting pretty crappy.
That makes sense, I guess. Still seems fuggin' annoying as hell. It's an angel! What is this "I am le tired" bs?
I paid for the whole seat, but something tells me I may only need the edge.
I'll keep reading them sounding like Scarecrow with the fear toxin spreading through the air in the climax of Batman Begins instead of a cheesy-ass monster truck rally announcer or fucking skeletor.
Juggernaught is pretty...
Yeah, honestly. I can't quite pinpoint why. Maybe it's the pacing, or the increased focus on character interaction.
Abaddon's writing is a lot better when he's writing about more fantastic shit.
Also Cio is an inherently shit character and her getting more focus drags the comic down.
Now imagine them kissing
Isn't it because her sword's broken?
Her sword's been broken. She's just so adept at the Art of Cutting that she really doesn't need a blade to do it.
>when your oc makes it into the end of that gif
I cum everytime
I'm still loving it. Maybe try taking a break and coming back in half a year or so for a big refresh. Worked for me and Gunnerkrigg.
Just started reading this comic. Please tell me someone made this into an actual song. I will pay physical money for a rendition of this.
this is great and you are great
angels reject gender but seem to not be very fond of the idea of white chain being a girl
Most feel gender is a pointless thing but there are a few deviants like White Chain, and 23. Juggs seems to be in the closet though.
please abaddon give me more women
Nope, and it's a consequence of the holiday hiatus. Readership always drops during that time, but it'll pick back up again.
Is this from SA?
Probably so tired of existence that Juggs joined the Thorns to just destroy everything.
I've been waiting for this page since Wielder of Names 1-10.
>Woe be he that mistakes the rider for the steed
>ywn be a thorn-knigh suboordinate of Juggernaught
>ywn slowly grow closer to him through many battles, slowly building a bond that trancends the understanding of mere mortals
>she will never one day reveal her secret, and break down in your arms, the spikes melting away
>ywn comfort her and reassure her that she's beautiful
>ywn make sweet nuclear love to her angelic form
kill me bls