Well lookie lookie here
Well lookie lookie here
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I can smell the fanart from here and porn most likely
I unironically want these. I kove cursey dolls, especially in this pop anime calarts artstyle
Sooo... Porn when?
>love cutesy
Im fucking drunk
>especially in this pop anime calarts artstyle
Famicom being triggered by this when?
Cute. I've always wanted a cartoon based on the awesome colored landscapes of those Lisa Frank school supplies, and this is probably the closet I'm gonna get.
Sweet fuck there's a vore episode
Never change Sup Forums, never change
This feels like they played Mario Galaxy and tried to rip it off.
>I'm noticing a complete lack of balls in this room
I thought I recognized this her voice
I'm also seeing elements of Rainbow Brite and Inside Out.
My first thought was actually the Rainbow Brite reboot, except not shit
Wew, fan artists where?
Oh, and I guess the Lantern Corps, too, if we're equating colors to emotions.
This is a ripoff Loco Roco.
Yeah I guess it's cute. It's no Pirata & Capitano but nothing is.
>cutesy fantasy space.
Yesss!! YESSSSS!!! Somebody give me a fitting reaction with sparkles in my eyes.
There only 9 episodes out right now or am I missing any?
Anyway, I like it, it's pretty cute and has decent enough waifu potential.
does this work?
They're attempting another cutesy show? What happened to Rainbow Brite and Littlest Pet Shop?
Eh fine, this seems better anyway. As long as Mike Vogel or any of the retards at Dhx or the executives at Hasbro Studios don't start fighting over it and pandering to the retarded "I'm fat, ugly and disabled treat me like I deserve shit" geek demorgraphic. Then it's all good.
The execution seems better than LPS. They're not ruining and sabotaging their own show, at least. Seriously the fuck is up with this trend to ruin your own franchise.
Was, alright but it felt a bit empty and monotone, but I'm intrigued by the opening lore. Crossing my fingers it mimics the positives of WoY
>Seriously the fuck is up with this trend to ruin your own franchise
The problem is you have several people working on a show and they all spend most their time fighting over who gets to wear the captains hat.
This show is actually made by Titmous
as in "Magas XLR, Metalocalypse, Superjail, Venture bros., Black Dynamite, Motor City, Randy Cunningham, Moonbeam City" Titmouse!
Yeah, I was surprised too when Titmouse logo appeared.
Weird. Titmouse is animating it, but they're not using any thick outlines to go well with those flash designs. Ah well, not all of their shows can be Motorcity. They're the ones who animated Turbo.
>Episode 5
sometimes it is good to be afraid of things that are different
Looks comfy as fuck.
You're all welcome!
Ha, nice.
I don't trust anything with a Tumblr nose.
i love you zekrom lover
Now draw her with a pre-teen body with perky DD cups and child-bearing hips oh and cover it all in a black n white fullsuit bikini, clothes make it look sexier. You know, just like Pokemon where the 10-14 yr girls have overly developed body parts.
And then then...draw her as a full grown milf.
My god it has begun, the degeneracy will overtake even the sanest of us. Hide your children, hide your sanity. Make a secret club house and keep your mind inside it and all the degenerate heathens outside. Make sure the producers and executives don't find out about us or they will try to pander like mongoloid retards drawing caveman porn on the cavewalls.
not to sound weird but i love her legs
For some reason the thumbnail gives the impression that the girl up front was designed by lauran faust but that goes away when you open the image.
Cant be faust though or it probably would not have made it through production.
Alright yeah faust definintly was not involved with this
Hasbro has been putting out a lot of good stuff lately so i will give this a look
not even Animal Crossing?
Fine. I'll watch it. Can't sleep anyway.
>that exit could have been a lot worse
Holy shit is that toilet humor that is auctualy funny canada take notes
Translator's note:
Hanazuki means moon flower.
I recall this being mentioned in Hasbro's recent presentations.
This Hanazuki thing is apparently some toy/character a japanese lady has been pitching around for years in various networks and Hasbro got interested and gave her a full show. It made investors mad because giving a show to a person with like no experience or history was weird.
When she first turned red i got a little mad because i assumed they were saying she was wrong to get mad about those faggots fucking around.
Hasbro can afford to make investors a little mad all that post movie money is sure to calm them down later this year
They also seem to have allowed wizards to abandon chase mythics in mtg
god i love hasbro
Also i am glad to see they are willing to take that risk
If this gets popular how mad will Sup Forums get that all the jap studios passed up the chance
>flame princess vs sora takenouchi
digging the voice actors
Poor rabbit
Nipples seem a little off but otherwise pretty good
>No goop for you!
[Spoiler] Seinfeld soup Nazi[/spoiler]
They're changelings.
>the degeneracy will overtake even the sanest of us
Why would it rainbow brite did not cause much degeneracy why would THIS be any difrent
Didn't they make a Sugar Rush cartoon out of Wreck it Ralph? This reminds me a lot of it.
When you take a seat over there.
Isn't that the same singing voice from the 3 episode Rainbow Brite special?
Hey dubs man, weren't we suppose to learn from history, not repeat it?
Speaking of western cartoons heavily inspired from Japan/France ideas and culture.
Can any of you Sup Forumsmrades finds english dubs or at least subs for Dreamstar Button Nose? It used to air on Foxkids back in Europe in the 90s. For a good while now I thought it was strawberry shortcake, due to the strawberry crown on her head.
So, thoughts?
>If this gets popular how mad will Sup Forums get that all the jap studios passed up the chance
Sup Forums doesn't really care much about cartoons for kids, user.
They tend to watch stuff aimed at teens and above.
/m/ does watch kid shows but they are antique kid shows.
So overall, neither of them would be watching it even if it worked out for her.
I saw episode two:
You´ll never get flattened by Hanazuki´s butt.
Now all it needs is more shading, lightning and smooth animation.
Oh and better writing, almost forgot that part.
She blew him too
I want to like this but it's pretty boring
no wonder the voices sounded familiar
It's pretty cute. Two episodes in and it's comfy so far. No real complaints.
I won't say it's anything special, and for all I know it gets annoying as the episodes go on, but so far it seems like it's just a harmless, innocent cartoon for kids (and new merchandise), and that's totally fine.
There´s still no porn.
>hasbro releasing dub in every fucking language at once
so who got the best dub?
>"the fuck is up with this trend to ruin you own franchise."
Now I'm curious what happened to LPS?
are we getting toys of this?
Shows potential so far
wonder when and where new episodes will show up
This looks like some shit Speedy jerks off to.
>Jessica Diciccio is voicing
Now it's hard to not see that it's Lynn in a wig and dress who black ink from lucy.
what language do latin americans speak?
Spanish and Portuguese for the most part
also some French
>Lisa Frank
but there is also a spanish dub
theres already a french dub and brazil covers portuguese
from what i can tell comparing he latin american dub with the spanish dub, the latin american dub must be another spanish dub which is also better than the spanish dub in my opinion
You don't need outlines in flash.
From what I understand, Hasbro bases the longevity of their shows off of how well their toys sell. In the case of LPS, Hasbro kept releasing toys of characters that either didn't appear in the show or looked nothing like the show at all, thus meaning the toys didn't sell, forcing them to cancel the show.
>not being a footfag
I'm a sucker for feet, and this is no exception, either.
I´ll bet she get´s all rainbows in bed.
>lynn loud and sora from digimon in the same show
they have some pretty good voice acting
>eng>russian>latin american>french>german>>chinese>italian>spanish>korean
latin americans hate spain spanish for the accent like how steven universe has an england dub, but its mostly because we think their expressions are silly
>I was explaining to orange here
But that's yellow
>steven universe has an england dub
i did not know this
any links to the England dub?
I have to see it
Kinda interesting the mc and rival have the same color scheme.
Why does this cartoon feel so much like a farmer simulator video game? It reminds me of Pikmin.
it was bullshit I got confused because UK gets the episodes later than US
I wanted it to be more Japanese
>Episode 2 intro sung my Miku
Oh god
I would have liked it more probably if it were a Japanese studio making it but I probably would have never heard of it.
yes yes
i love it