Damn you Vincent Kennnedy McMahon!
It's freaking real folks.
Damn you Vincent Kennnedy McMahon!
It's freaking real folks.
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I cant wait for how Roman will be potrayed considering it might have been written mid-push.
unlike Scooby and Grand Dad, which had shit going for them (longevity for Scooby, Memery and vitamins/cereal for Flintstones), Jetsons has nothing going for them
What was the last thing produced even, the 1990 movie?
Why the fuck is Foxy the designated diva and why the fuck use the Usos instead of the New Day?
Whatever happened to the penguins?
One of my wife's friends is super into WrestleMania, he and his son know fucking everything about every wrestler there is.
Do you know how fucking unnerving that shit is? That there is a fucking multi-billion dollar industry that infects everything from cartoons to video games to movies, and you know absolutely fucking nothing about it because nothing about it seems like it should be as large as is?
>What was the last thing produced even, the 1990 movie?
Their appearance on Harvey Birdman?
But even that was 15 years ago.
Wrestling is steadily dwindling, only the lifelong fans remain as casual audiences have less and less interest in it.
John K did a Jetsons flash short a while back.
Well, that says more about you than anything else
They're still here.
Why are all these movies out of touch? Why do they push wrestlers who haven't had any thing meaningful for a year? Does long turm planning mean nothing?
>instead of the New Day?
They shoud've been in the Flinstones movie to make a Booty-Os vs Fruity Pebbles joke
Why is vince not a penguin?
Considering her and Alberto del Rio's Bojack Horseman-esque bender of cocaine through Mexico and Europe this is hilarious in hindsight.
Did WWE go bankrupt or something? What is with all these weird crossovers they keep doing with Hanna Barbera cartoons? How are the two in any way related?
The creative teams capable of long term planning actually work on the wrestling shows
I'm not sure if WWE even has a hand in the creative process in these things other than shove wrestlers into them
Both are equally grasping at straws to stave off the fiery pits of irrelevancy.
Yogi bear and WWE when?
They plan these things a little over a year in advance, hence why Paige was the obligatory diva in Surf's Up and Scooby Doo 2 and AJ in Scooby Doo 1 rather than it being Sasha or Becky. Although I got nothing for why Alicia was picked this time, you'd think it would be Nikki Bella or something. Maybe they had something planned for Fox when the movie went into production and it just got canned?
Can't find the source, but there was a recent interview with a past producer that outright said Vince doesn't like long term booking and wanted to put all the effort into making it the best possible show for the people at the arena each and every week, as if the WWE were a small time travelling carnival instead of a global billion dollar company.
>Why do they push wrestlers who haven't had any thing meaningful for a year?
The better question is do they think the way to appeal to kids is to use cartoons from the 60/80's? Scooby Doo at least makes sense since it's always getting new itterations
I mean John Cena REPLACED the Flintstones on their own cereal at one point
I can appreciate that as a goal even if it seems a bit odd but they dont even do that
Not really.
Penguins are weak
Wrestling is nowhere near big anymore. TV ratings are constantly falling. WWE is just trying to stay relevant long enough to gain enough new supporters for when TV finally goes wayside and the internet fully takes over entertainment. Hence why they have their WWE network.
Because Otters run all the sports in Surf's Up. Remember James Woods's Otter Don King character in the first one?
Blame the Rock for that he called Cena a fruity pepple
Triple H seems to have a good eye for long term investments with NXT and the international talents he's snagged for the company.
I'll be interested when he and his wife are straight up running everything
Judy's gonna fuck them all right?
That's surprisingly consistent world building, tbqh.
>Hiatch and Steph
Sure, let them run the company, just keep them off TV
Yes, but first put Haitch's colossal nose back on TV so Rollins can beat him already and end this dumb "feud", it's been MONTHS.
Haitch is the least of Raw's problems
The mainstream audience for wrestling is dying a slow death due to years of poor quality product from WWE, and the fact that Smackdown has been fantastic for 4 months isn't moving the needle much outside of giving SD ratings about on par with Raw's (granted this is with Raw having lost about half a million viewers every year for the last several years).
That said, the hardcore fanbase is strong and growing. Indie promotions are growing larger and running more shows, while YouTube and various dedicated VoD services are giving them the ability to showcase their product worldwide. In the UK the scene is HUGE right now, with several companies being able to draw thousands of people; Scotland-based ICW drew 6000+ fans this past November, and that wasn't even a good show. Not to mention that Japan has half a dozen companies that can draw thousands of people and Mexico sees lucha libre as a minor mainstream sport that can draw big crowds.
WWE dying =/= Wrestling dying, pretty much.
t. /wooo/
Vince funds what he wants. Hope you're ready for Surf's Up 2.
Too good for RAW
>Meet John Cena
>Nikki his wife
This. Authority figure bullshit is a huge reason why Smackdown blows RAW out of the water so much. Shane and DBry are there quite a bit, but not nearly as much as Steph and Mick hog the screen.
3 hours was a mistake.
>I'll be interested when he and his wife are straight up running everything
WWE might be dead by the time that happens. Unless Vince or whoever has a freak heart attack or something soon.
> making jokes about eating pussy to little kids
Give this man a cartoon
>Using animation to showcase current wrestlers whom no one likes.
>Not using animation to revive popular retired wrestlers who can no longer physically perform.
It's like Vince has no idea what he could really do with cartoons.
Problem with that many of those big stars are either dead, totally fucked, or blacklisted from WWE.
Andre is dead, Savage is dead, Piper is dead, Dusty is dead, Moolah is dead (and that's a good thing), Albano is dead, Heenan's voice is shot to shit because of cancer, Hogan is said "nigger" on his sex tape, The Rock is WAY out of the WWE Studios price range.
I mean, Stone Cold is probably available, so not having him do one of these is a huge oversight, I agree, but there's still slim pickings.
Sgt Slaughter can come back
They're in the process of working Hogan back in. Obviously they won't be putting him front in center for a cameo any time soon, but things have calmed down enough to where they're occasionally making reference to him again.
What WWF/E legends are even still breathing?
Iron Shiek? Ric Flair? Million Dollar Man? Big Boss Man? Bret Hart? Sting?
Most of them have been out of sight for so long, no one would recognize them even if they DID make appearances in these things.
Flair, Austin, and HBK are probably the big ones they should be using in these. Bret and Sting are available too. You could try to get the nWo to cameo as well, since they're all close with HHH, but you'd have to get Scott Hall when he's sober.
Of the current talent, I'm most surprised that they haven't gotten Orton, Ambrose, or Heyman on these yet. Dean in particular would probably be great at playing a cartoon character.
Orton is on Shooter the TV show
Ambrose is probably going for some movie deal
Heyman....I dunno if I want him in a cartoon form
This will be worth it for the "George getting cucked by ruler of the universe Big Show" rule34 that it'll spawn.
Just the black ones
What's next WWE and wacky races?
god I hope so
I never understood wrestling. Is it pretty much wrestlers playing a character and there's some kind of backstory going on and they fake fight?
>Roman is Pissed
That was basically the second WWE Scooby Doo movie
>get Scott Hall when he's sober.
I thought he got help from DDP like Jake the Snake
Yes, it's basically soap opera with stunts
Wrestlers discovered the secrets of the Hypercrisis and now they're travelling the Hannah Barbara multiverse to fight evil and become engraved in history.
It's all a story. Some companies keep it grounded and basically make like a rigged sport, others go crazy with continuity and magic and all that, and then there's everything in between.
The actual wrestling is all legit, though. You can use wires or stuntmen or whatever for a match, and the rings themselves hurt to bump in. Sometimes there's props for No DQ matches that are easier to break than normal like tables, but those still fucking hurt to go through.
It's a bit cliche to say among fans, but "It's not fake, it's predetermined" explains everything.
He's in better shape and isn't a hopeless alcholic anymore, but he's gotten drunk a few times since DDP helped him.
It's a range of stories. You have everything from "realistic" stories of WWE to ancient Mayan infinity gauntlet Lucha Underground to outright ridiculous Kaiju Big Battel
I can't believe it
I'm surprised more people on Sup Forums don't follow Lucha Underground. There's official tie-in comics and the lore is wacky as fuck.
Cage got a fucking Infinity Gauntlet 2 weeks ago. An Infinity Gauntlet imbued with the power of an AZTEC GOD that will apparently attempt to slowly possess him and use his body as a vessel.
>The Undertaker in his Herse, with Kane as his comical sidekick, not newer Kane, old Kane with the black and red mask.
Fund it, now.
Wasn't Benoit that turn WWE PG?
>Jeff Bergman as Bugs, Daffy, Sylvester, Tweety, and Foghorn on The Looney Tunes Show
>Fred in the Flintstones/WWE crossover
>George Jetson in this
He seriously sounds so out of practice with all these characters he hasn't played in decades.
Vince won't let him out of the penalty bubble.
Dude, WWE has been in a decline since 2001.
They weren't even the most talked about thing in wrestling, last week..
Yea it's why Vince nixed that unauthorised vid back in the 90s.
Showed that while highly scripted people still get fucked up.
And so there is that suspension of disbelief they want to cater to that "its all fake and nobody is really getting hurt." mystique.
Even when Stephen Amell did his short bits it fucked him up a bit since he's not trianed to "sell" as it were.
They really need to have more wrestlers in DC shows. Bring back Atom Smasher.
When's Wacky Races and WWE?
He is much older and has not needed to do the characters in the same context in a long time, that should not be surprising at all.
So when do we get The Jetsons meet the Flintstones 2 WWE Crossover.
He only put his name on it, he was busy fucking around in Canada at the time. Its more of a young Gabe Swarr trying to imitate John K. John hates the Spumco Jetsons stuff.
Basically their second Scooby-Doo movie as has been noted.
Does anyone really care about The Jetsons anymore?
All I want is a live action Jetsons movie. I've been wanting one since live action Flintstones came out and came out again.
What about Captain Planet and Wrestlemania?
It was Benoit, Linda running for Senate, & them getting some sponsors like Mattel.
Basically, a combination of many things.
Been kicked around just as long but nobody can ever get an idea what to do with it.
Thank god they can't do WWE Swat Kats.
Also blood related health concerns so none of that now. Or at least nobody walking away a red mess.
This. The puro scene especially is doing pretty well, with NJPW, Dragon Gate, DDT, AJPW, etc.
Funny enough, despite it being in a different language, they manage to do storylines, characters, & wrestling better than WWE.
As you mentioned, WWE's mainstream appeal is dying, but outside of WWE, wrestling's pretty alive, despite not being as popular overall as they used to be.
They actually dialed that back some late last year. They now don't have doctors rush the ring and deal with a cut if they recently passed a blood test. It ruined a match between Finn Balor and Samoa Joe when Joe got a cut and the match got really hot, but they had to keep stopping it to clean Joe up.
I think better story arcs and mantle passing to more fit younger wrestlers could work.
Undertaker ascends and some unknown from training that has great technical prowess but no gimmick that's standing in the crowd is dragged in and "sacrificed" by a new Paul to be the new vessel of the Undertaker.
Stuff like that.
But why would they want to promote someone you can't see when you tune into Raw or Smackdown or whatever? Plus if you want to use a wrestler that's dead you have to do legal shit with their estates/families.
>Iron Shiek?
Given the current political climate I don't think they could use him for anything even if he was willing and able to come back.
They tried to push Bray with the voodoo cult gimmick but they fucked up
Maybe, Wyatts are kinda turning around
Better storytelling, more consistent character arcs, would definitely help. But sadly, Vince don't give a shit anymore.
All I know about wrestling is things that don't have to do with it directly. Like Cena having the record for granting most wishes for the Make a Wish Foundation. Also someone tried to explain to me that he's basically the Anti-Hulk Hogan? As in that he's a great guy playing a horrible character. All I know about Hulk Hogan is that gawker shit Sup Forums was going on about and them calling him the savoir or something. Never heard of him before that. He's got a nice theme though.
>Better storytelling, more consistent character arcs
Smackdown since late August has been this. It's been fantastic. Thank fuck for the revival of the brand split.
You can't be a champion until you can beat a bear.
Despite its flaws, SD has been doing it more & better than RAW. Why WWE won't do it across all their shows beats me.
>Kaiju Big Battel
I remember seeing that shit on G4, for some reason they played it with GI Joe.
Hulk Hogan was a hero for a good part of the 80s into the early 90s. He was a "Face" as its called. The good guy in the ring before he turned "heel" .
Hogan was a self-serving prick that beat everybody and never lost clean barring like one time, but he was a great promo that got kids excited and had that crossover appeal. Cena is as good of a talker and a MUCH better wrestler, but he's only booked to beat everybody and be a superhero because Vince wanted another Hogan. The difference is that Hogan was booked how he was because he wanted to be, Cena was because Vince wanted him to be.
It's a real weird company. Super obscure, but still runs shows now and again. They got Kota Ibushi for their show last Spring during Mania weekend, but that's because Ibushi is a fucking MADMAN who would rather wrestle giant monsters and anime characters than get a big-money WWE contract.
Maybe Trump can tag him for an arts position under Stallone.
Vince is an incredibly stubborn man who refuses to budge from having total creative control.
>Captain Pollution is brought back and powered up for whatever reason
>despite help from Commander Clash he's able to put Planet on the ropes
>about to finish him off when suddenly youtube.com
Has a wrestler that was still doing it and was an playing a big part of the current story ever die unexpectedly and if so how did the story adapt to that?