Can we please have a redrawn, HD, remastered edition of Scooby Doo Where Are You? And with better animation of course. Who doesn't want this?
Scooby Doo Where Are You? Remastered
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double bump
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What's with all the Scooby threads?
why not bump
Thanks for the bump
Because Scooby Doo is good and it's the year of Scooby
Let's plot a course
>This series have been milked so dry that not even scooby-fags have what to talk about
fuck off
super bump god super bump
>Scooby-Doo Kai
What filler episodes would they cut to streamline the narrative?
The ice cream ghosts episode?
The hell? Dyno-mutt? Is that from Mysteries, Inc?
>>Scooby-Doo Kai
>What filler episodes would they cut to streamline the narrative?
That just means we'd have to get to the Scrappy-Doo Saga even sooner.
But the sooner we finish the Scrappy Doo saga the sooner we can start the What's New? and A Pup Named Scooby Doo sagas!
>he wants a digitally drawn remake of where are you
There goes the fucking atmosphere
So which movies are canon and which are alt universe?
I know the one that introduces the Hex Girls is canon, but what about the one where Kid Shaggy gets his sword? The continuity of that one is all messed up.
Yeah that's obviously noncanon.
Zombie Island, The Witch's Ghost, Alien Invaders and Cyber Chase are canon. Thhe Arabian Knights movie is not.
And pretty much every movie that came out in the 2010s is canon.
>Phantom Space Man?!
>Now in High Definition?!
Classic animation vs """"modern improved"""" animation
Zombie Island:
Cyber Chase:
Same studio
The Johnny Bravo crossover is canon.
The One Piece crossover is not.
There was a One Piece crossover?
I don't think you guys are getting the joke.
I think this guy got and was just carrying out the joke a bit farther
This guy just didn't get it
>There was a One Piece crossover?
Yeah. "Scooby-Doo X One Piece: Zenkai Treasure Hunt - The Weak Spot is the Scooby Snak!"
It was alright, but too fanservicey. The Scooby-Doo Meets KISS movie was a lot better. Or at least on Par with the Scooby-Doo/Dr. Slump OVA.
>Zoinks Scoob, we gotta, like, call a napalm strike on all these fucking zipperheads
How did they get away with this?
>yes kids they one time used one of the scariest monsters from the original to make them fucking ice cream
The red shirt movies from the 80's I'd say are alt universe.
>Mysteries Incorporated = GT
>Be Cool = Super
But which one is the TRUE canon continuation? Has anyone asked Joe Barbera or William Hannah?
I don't know man.
Scooby-Doo is almost like the the Sup Forums equivalent of Zelda in this regard.
The 13 Ghosts Saga was so much filler. It wasn't even in the manga.
Bump x4
which was the better prequel series, Mystery Incorporated or A Pup Named Scooby Doo?
Mystery Incorporated cause of sassy/thirsty Velma and Fred's obsession with (traps).
>zombie gives shaggy vine
Holy foreshadowing
Haven't seen MI yet.
I loved Pup back in the day.
>Muh animation cels
>Muh 100 times forged classic secret animation technique
I really liked Cyber Chase though even back then I remember wishing it was as high of quality as the previous movies animation wise. It would have been amazing.
Saying muh doesn't invalidate the point it looks a million times better