Why is DC so, Alpha?
Why is DC so, Alpha?
Who’s Alpha?
Had to make it trigger free by censoring it
>BvS had less audience than PETS and is losing DVD and blueray sales to Deadpool.
They are pretty beta.
We're fucking, whilst you're busy making false stats on the internet.
You're pretty beta
>its another DChad thread
I mean i like the meme in of itself but we don't have to constantly push the Company War threads
You can check it now mate.
>user starts a DC thread
Hit the gym sometime, fatso; it's very good for the mind too.
>Black Adam cast before Green Lantern
What are they doing
>Surprised a movie made for kids has a bigger audience than a pg-13 film
Are you dense?
Anyway, when do you all expect the justice league trailer to drop?
The rock was cast as shaman over 3 years ago. That's before flash, aquaman, shazam ect
So why does GL bother you?
...they're doing it on purpose, aren't they?
Deadpool was rated R and had a bigger national income.
Not sure if Hypercrisis.
D C h a d s
They don't care about GL at all
They also haven't cast Billy yet
>Black Panther that much of a manlet
No wonder he had to make his own country and Storm divorced him. When will they learn?
Pretty much.
Deadpool made more on USA than Batman, Superman and WW together for the first time, and it had a smaller budget less star actors and was rated higher.
They just care for SS spin-offs, fucking Flash still has no director.
>Alright Teth-Adam, this ends today! Just renounce to your evil plans, or face the consequences!
>Good day Dormammu, I've come to bargain; just bargain, as in bar and gain.
Gotta love Dwayne the rock the tooth fairy Johnson.
I hope the Shazzam movie is good.
t. Marvelfag
>hella diverse
>90% is black
I never understood people who misuse "diverse" for the sake of an argument.
>tfw DC gonna make a better Captain Marvel movie than Marvel
Why is DC so, doomed?
>why doesn't the Rock smile while playing a dark scary cosmic-level threat?
>DC is le doomed
>it's a Superman gets bullied by brown meatheads episode
>you can't smile for pictures if you will play a vilain
Are you autistic?
>Superman gets bullied by brown meatheads
Well, WB has the track record of making 3 shit super hero movies one after the other...
>Why is DC so, Alpha?
Hey, this is the 2010's. Being a gay robot isn't so bad these days.
Get a room you fucking fujoshi bait
I don't have my glasses so could someone please tell me what movie is ranked at #3.
desperation mostly
Bravo, sir.
Why is it ranked at #3? Because people love CGI airports, user.
Opinion discarded, sorry.
>fake smile
>eyes screaming "get me out of here"
>New Year's
>having fun
>fake polite smile
>playful face
>ordinary "say cheese" face
>also dat musclechick at the front
>DC fun film
>plays along, trying to look cool and "villainous"
I don't see a problem here, user
Here's a superior Youtuber with a superior opinion:
We love our gay here on DC.
YOU get OUT.
>fun film
Pick one
Is there anyone who didn't know that Batman was the top already?
>Because people love CGI airports, user.
Apparently more than watching the movie with the trinity in it.
>still thinks youtubers' opinions are worth anything
Sadly, I agree. You know you fucked up when a movie with Cap, Tony, and Spidey doesn't work.
I'm sure that people remember plenty of moments on that fight, like Spider vs Falcon and Buck, or Spider vs Steve or Giant Man.
Unlike BvS where people only remember "martha".
>people remember plenty of moments on that fight
It's hard to forget when the editing makes you puke.
>BvS where people only remember HYPERCRISIS
Feels guid, cheil.
I found the DC films fun so fuck you
Comicfags are the only ones that can actually use the DChad meme with anything to back it up. Sup Forumsfags that try it end up looking patethic because they are always on third place and the people responsable for the movies have no idea on what they are doing.
Power stance
user, here the definition of fun is DUDE RACCOON FARTS LMAO XD
That post is actually beta as fuck.
>We're fun now guys. FUN, just like Marvel. Please don't stop seeing are movies. Please, we'll change, we'll be just like Marvel, quips and all. Please don't leave me.
They just reek of desperation at this point.
>Dr. Sivana, I'm magiCIA
>we need some terrible actor who is loved because he is "charismatic"! pick that ex-wrestler who is in a lot of terrible comedies and movies for normies like Fast And Furious!
Yet again showing that they are embarrassed of the source material.
>FUN, just like Marvel
>The Rock sucks if he isn't working for my favorite corporation
>they are embarrassed of the source material.
Like Sup Forums?
It could be worse. I could have to keep smiling that fake smile as DC keeps putting out ever increasingly worse movies and I have to go see them 8 times to keep the numbers up. There were people doing crossword puzzles during Soooicide Skwad.
Okay but I'm Batman so go lay down and your Super stomach and I'll be over in a minute, beta.
People using fun as a descriptive term always irks me, whas fun is different for each person
Nah, reports say that the JL movie WILL be everything that snydercucks accuse MCU of being. We already saw some cringy Flash.
>It could be worse
Yeah, you could be a marvelfag who gets angry because DC doesn't die : )
>it's only fun if Marvel does it
But user, Marvel was never fun. You just liked it ironically.
What a retarded thing to type
Of course no one has seen Supercuck's costume yet, but these rest of those costumes are pretty bad cosplay. Batman of course rocks as usual.
I don't want them to die. Watching Direct Cucks squirm and fail is much more fun.
>You just liked it ironically.
Said the DCEU fan. Seriously, how many layers of irony are you on?
>What a retarded thing to type
Well, at least you admitted it. At least you can still count to potato so that's something.
Autism: The Post
He does it for a living. Respect.
See? He just made another cent.
Your tears: delicious.
>he doesn't remember the piss jar
The Rock sucks period, he is a less talented and charming Arnold.
He is only put in movies because normies and nu-males find him appealing.
>Watching Direct Cucks squirm and fail is much more fun.
This. BvS turning out to be absolute shit was the funniest thing that happened last year, and last year a reality TV star was elected president. So, it was a pretty hilarious year, all in all.
So me, saying what you are typing out is retarded, equals to me being retarded? Okkkkkk bud, good luck with life champ
This thread needs more superman x batman gays.
Post more.
>oh, actually I never liked him, like ever
>Marvel shills support Drumpf
>despite the fedoras
>See? He just made another cent.
Why would WB pay me to talk shit about BvS?
I was talking about the fight.
It was forgetable as fuck.
>good luck with life champ
Says the DCEU fan.
It's like raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain on your wedding day, It's a free riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide when you've already paid, It's the good adviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice that you just didn't take. Who would've thought, it figures
>Still using failed propaganda
Because they don't. You prefer shilling for Marvel, which is much cheaper for Ike.
This entire universe depresses me. Any chance of seeing a B list hero or below has been shot straight to hell thanks to WBs fuckups.
You come off as such a rational and well adjusted person that I don't even need a retort
You seem pissed.
Calm down, The Rock will beat the shit out of Snyder until he leaves. Them we will have good movies.
>lets get classically trained and award winning actors for our movies
>duddeee wouldn't it be so cool to cast that hot chick from fast and furious and the rock as one of our characters???
Why do you let fiction affect you so much?
Um....I wasnt that other guy user
Mamoa and Galgot as fucking JL members.
>read some news on Marvel comics sales
>the publisher has been giving away comics for free and filing those comics as sold
>as a result, the sales are artificially inflated and aren't to be trusted
>wonder if Marvel Studios could be doing the same
It would be hilarious anyway.
Why thank you. It's nice to see you being such a cuck as usual. Maybe Ben will give you a reach around next time.
You belong to the Merry Marvel Hivemind, user.
>classically trained and award winning actors
Literally whos, you mean.
Because his real life is shit.
So super cool
Should have said "disappoints" instead of "depresses", but fuck you, you know what I meant
don't forget
>man remember that really awesome buff dude from game of thrones? man he was soooo cool, lets get him to play aquaman! wouldn't that be so funny?
Why isn't black Adam quipping?
>Moves goalposts as soon as she start losing the argument.
Sorry the universe doesn't cater to your needs and wants
>I called him mad
You wish, permavirgin.
>losing the argument
What argument? I just see marlelfags crying.
Nice buzzword faggot. But its both true and disappointing, because its a waste. God forbid that I want something outside of Batman or the main 7. You think after Green Lantern, Jonah Hex, and their struggle with A listers is encouraging? Far from it. Best to scrap it and start again