Hey, Big Bang's twitter is doing their December sales recap right now. They're usually pretty positive about most things, even Marvel. Let's see what...
... oh...
Hey, Big Bang's twitter is doing their December sales recap right now. They're usually pretty positive about most things, even Marvel. Let's see what...
... oh...
Other urls found in this thread:
They haven't been positive about Marvel for a few months now.
>NOVA #1 sold the exact same number as the series before the relaunch. No extra orders for it, no bump.
They haven't had a reason to really be postove. Having to pay for shipping of unsellable Marvel comics. Ike getting rid of digital codes. High prices for Marvel comics. Constant relaunches and number ones. Non-returnable books. Books nobody wants. Handwaving all criticism are racists/sexists.
>Shame for FoolKiller, as I thought that was quality.
>There is a thing going on here where quality Marvel stuff is getting ignored because it IS MARVEL!
>(which is different from back in the day when people would buy Marvel books because they were Marvel books)
I love retailer talk.
Is it surprising? They're marketing it the same amount as the last volume.
Yeah, like I'm going to pay money for brown outing white characters with diversity quota replacements, shitty social justice storylines and dumb fucking reboots.
Marvel's movies are pretty OK but their comics are almost uniformly shit.
Only if you read the sales tweets. They usually promote a bunch of Marvel stuff in their other tweets.
That's pretty much what I do read of Big Bang. It's what I look for.
There shit doesn't even go through Diamond
Another retailer (in Seattle) said that customers are having event fatigue.
Go read Foolkiller. The only brown there is Shit King.
Except this time there's Rich Rider. What happened to those millions of Rich Rider fans?
They don't and have never existed.
> I like the creative team, but it's not an A list character
This isn't the only store reporting that these books have failed. My friend works at a store in a decently sized city and they can't even give away copies of Solo.
Is it finally happening Sup Forums?
Are comic readers no longer buying like idiots?
>And TRANSFORMERS LOST LIGHT #1 sold out because our customers fecking love a good Nick Roche cover.
Probably also because that book and its predecessor are better than they have any right to be.
how big/important is big bang comics in terms of retailer stuff? I mean, I known midtown comics is kind of important...right?
they are still buying variant covers like crazy, ask the guy how much money is he making from variants and if he is getting the 1:1000 variants too.
The thing is that on judging individual titles, going by a handful of stores isn't enough if their accounts vary. But if a handful of stores (the ones on Bleeding Cool, along with Big Bang and Ryan Higgins and Brian Hibbs and the other retailers tweeting) are all similarly saying "DCYou isn't doing well" or "Marvel isn't doing well, then there's a problem.
They're not as big as Midtown of course, but it's fun to read these reports. Especially since multiple other retailers chime in to give their experiences as well. So you get a good spread.
I'd pay 3.99 for Slapstick if it was good.
Unfortunately, it isn't.
Considering Marvel keeps giving retailers big orders of books they don't want because they know they won't sell (Mosaic, Champions), I feel like you'd be hard pressed to find a retailer who feels positively about them right now.
If anything they're more idiotic than ever, refusing to try new things.
Where's my Blue Lantern Didio?
Nigga pls, many are reading more indies thanks to Marvel.
I remember that thread. It's a shame because I liked DCYou
People don't want to pay $4 plus for a book about a character they don't really care about that's only going to be 20 pages of actual content with an ad on every other page.
Sorry, busy at the gym.
Nooooo all those stores just hate Marvel! L..look at the the digital sales list Marvel had one book in the top 10, they're doing great!
I remember Sup Forums being so happy about that but then going nuclear when they saw the sales charts. Bunch of hypocrites, if you ask me.
I thought no one counted digital because there was no reliable way to do so?
Yeah, there were some decent books out of it. But some of it I wished had been launched during the start of the New 52, which would've boosted its profile more.
>DC is able to do a 6 issue event in 6 weeks
>Marvel takes over 8 months
Why even defend these people at all ?
You will never know how many copies sold but it's a good way to see what is selling, if you know what I mean. Marvel has Civil War II but the rest of the top 10 is mostly DC with the token walking dead or saga every second week
I really don't get why the fuck people buy event comics instead of the lesser books. We live in the digital age; if something important happened you can read it online.
>You will never know how many copies sold but it's a good way to see what is selling
Euh... nope.
Didn't they try that though? They didn't order what they knew wouldn't sell and Marvel sent them huge orders as "freebies" anyway?
So does that make them immune to the regular Marvel shenanigans like overshipping?
Because people are stupid and think something big will happen that will change history if they miss it (not knowing it will be back to normal in a year).
If most normie readers just pirated books like CW2 before they buy, the world would be a much better place.
Capefags in a nutshell. I wish they had a containment board.
I think it does. I saw my LCS get it's order here in New Zealand and it was all in boxes from Diamond
Marvel's conditioned their flock to think events are the only thing worth reading right now. Everything else is either filler or buildup until the annual event and the-world-will-never-be-the-same-omg relaunch it creates.
>Doesn't want to buy a comic because it's $3.99
Normies have a tedious habit of only buying what's "important". I remember a con panel where people went "I love Ellis, but I don't buy his Moon Knight, because who cares about Moon Knight?"
DCYou had good new books but the main line was mostly dreadful. But considering it seems like the plan all along there was to mine the new talent for the main books maybe it served its purpose.
Problem is this time around it's only the event selling (and not that good compared to the original or even AvX) and it affected sales of books tying in.
This 2bh. DCYou books were good but sold like shit. Rebirth is trash but capefags slurp that shit up.
>fair weather fans
kek, if a book's writing suddenly takes a downturn for the worse, you drop it, otherwise it'll never get fixed.
I like that Carol fans are getting shit on.
>Rebirth is trash
>HULK #1 sold out. We based our order numbers on a mix of the old SHE-HULK series and the new TOTES AWESOME HULK. Had to re-order a few!
Neat. It's a shame Nova and Foolkiller bombed. If only all the good books would sell and all the bad books would burn.
>Nick is a cuck
>Nick is with her
You cant make this shit up!
Marvel told them all to fuck off.
They are all busy posting notes on tumblr
>fair weather friends
Because you're not a true fan unless you read the shitty comics too. And this is the all-new, all-better Miss Marvel we're talking about, it's not like she's going to disappear from the face of the planet if her book loses a couple of hundred or thousand readers. Unlike certain other books, character and teams...
>A book featuring Sam is doing poorly.
Dude, I liked issue 2, but this can't be surprising to you.
The art is not gonna sell it either.
Glad that it sold out in one store, I wonder if the book did the same in other stores, any got any data of that?
No wonder, since it's shite.
There already is a Deadpool.
Here, now, this I like.
Tell us about your superior taste in slice of life stories indie-fag. We /really/ want to hear what about how you think you're better than everyone.
I think it got another printing so it's presumably doing well.
Atleast third printing so far
As long as my eyes aren't being assaulted by Ramos or whoever was on USG, I don't give that much of a shit about art.
I get you, but I feel way differently.
Marvel waste so much shit by giving books to the stupidest fucking chracters.
Why did Solo need a book?
Why did Slapstick need a book?
Why did Foolkiller need a book?
Why did you give Luke Cage a book that looks like an all-ages book despite his recent uptick in popularity?
Wouldn't the best thing to do, given their nonstop diversity push, is to put him in the Avengers?
They have to go along with their "drop characters who are starting to become even slightly popular into limbo or the hands of a terrible writer" thing.
Good job, Dan.
Foolkiller had a good #1, don't know if it stayed good though since I didn't keep up on it. That kind of book was never going to sell but you put it out and hope the big titles can subsidize it.
>Why did Solo need a book?
>Why did Slapstick need a book?
>Why did Foolkiller need a book?
Notice how they got brought back and then put into Deadpool last year? They probably thought his association with Deadpool would help their sales. But the problem is they barely had time to let them establish. I mean I liked the Gerber Foolkiller and the new series wasn't bad (probably closer to Foolkiller than the MAX series was) but they didn't give time to have them be established to Deadpool fans. Were they just worried they if they associated them with Deadpool too long that Fox might try to call dibs on the characters?
Marvel has been trying pushes with groups of associated characters for a while. Before the Deadpool spin-offs they did Squadron Supreme. They have Kingpin spin-offs coming up.
they were always an extremely loud minority
Why is that? Not picking on you, it seems odd that people are suddenly happy a Marvel book is doing well, and one that could easily come off as pandering. Is it just really good or something? (I'm not saying it is pandering, I haven't read it.)
It's a charity book.
Love is Love ain't Marvel, it's a DC & IDW charity book. Marvel had nothing to do with it
>I haven't read it
Then shut up.
because this time, we swear, NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN
My oh-so-progressive Marvel refused to collaborate on a progressive comic book?
The Kingpin mini was super good
Some Marvel people like Bendis contributed but Marvel doesn't really do collaborations anymore at the publishing level. DC does multiple crossovers a year. Can't underrate the ease of doing something you are already structured to do internally at least.
>Marvel doesn't really do collaborations anymore at the publishing level
Too expensive for uncle Ike?
Probably, but I don't know if we ever got a proper reasoning for it publicly. Just not their thing apparently.
MTMTE started getting shitty towards the end, you cannot possibke think the DJD arc and resolution was any good especially with the build up it got.
Also Roberts likes to jerk himself a a lot when he thinks he's been clever. I mean yeah he writes some good shit but at the same time he drags a story, he wastes comic pages just to try and be witty but instead just has nothing happening, and his meta wank just got stale.
I know why: now that Ike is buttbuddy with Drumpf, he doesn't want his company to appear in a book about sexual degeneracy.
>Roberts is IDW's Peter David
That doesn't explain the lack of meme crossovers though, like DC has JL/Power Rangers this year.
Because Ike doesn't want to share benefits with other publishers?
It might be more of a Disney thing. There was still a New Avengers/Transformers crossover before the Disney buyout.
Not a lot of people liked Nova #1 and a lot of peoole still didn't know Rich was back.
But judging by how some people reacted to Nova #2 both older fans and newbies I hope the sales are better for that.
Why does Sup Forums care about Ireland?
Foolkiller's being cancelled. Marvel cancels anything that isn't pandering garbage. It discourages people from reading in the first place.