>Mr Incredible has blonde hair
>Elastigirl has brown hair
>Violet has black hair
>Mr Incredible has blonde hair
>Elastigirl has brown hair
>Violet has black hair
>what are recessive genes
huuum rally mud mei twink
Most sub-urban moms tint their hair, also it's not uncommon to have differ hair color than your parents.
Damn mutants.
She's a goth kid. For all we know, she dyes.
They aren't exactly normal people, you faggot.
This. Hell, her hair was almost bluish in some instances, it wouldn't be that off for her to have died it to suit her moody bitch of an attitude.
Awkward does not equal goth.
But the unkempt hair and purple/black wardrobe suggest it.
Black hair isn't recessive, you stupid faggot.
She abandons her old clothing and hair style at the end of the movie.
Because she's a poser. duh
I never said they were, assmunch.
And regresses in those comics.
It's barely a few months after they beat Syndrome. You can't just undye hair that fast without it either looking horrid. And cutting it is out of the question as it's clearly the same length.
Or maybe it's just genetics and you dumb cunts need to stop with these "OH, Helen must have made a cuckbaby behind Bob's back!"
Do you really think Brad Bird is going to give a shit about the comics?
Helen isn't a natural brunette
>the Expanded Universe argument has even made its way to Incredibles canon
Holy shit
What is with Sup Forums/ insecurity about cuckolding? Kid doesn't look like an exact clone of the father and this place goes wacko.
It's more of a general Sup Forums insecurity about cuckolding. Sup Forums and Sup Forums are a fucking plague
Could be related to her powers. It's not unheard of for comic characters to change hair color when they get superpowers.
>Recessive genes
>hair dye
Come on, man.
Most of it is a bunch of memeing and then some of it is legit insecurity. I hate forced memes.
thank god she will gain those HEEEEEEPS in a few years time...
Am I in the minority if I want Violet to remain petite?
She couldn't be goth; that didn't start being a thing until the '80s and the Incredibles is set in the early '70s at latest.
>Wants to fuck the most popular guy at school
Fuck this whore
self-loathing guys desperately cling to anything that delegitimizes relationships between women and anyone dissimilar to themselves. Is the pretty girl with Tyrone because he;s athletic and passionate and respects the women in his life? no, clearly Tyrone has the dick of a kaiju and used his bbc voodoo to bewitch the pretty girl.
Reminder there's a deleted scene with Violet rambling about her flaws and including her curveless gangliness.
Even she doesn't want to remain petite.
Violet wasn't a Goth. She was Grunge at best.
They had technology that isn't even possible yet in our time. Who's to say they didn't have an anachronism like goths?
>Father has super strength
>Mother has stretchyness
>Daughter has invisibility
She's an angsty emo teen and probably colors it, I did at her age
>movie has a curvy milf character with fetishy powers
>all art and discussion is about her rail-thin daughter instead
Except the art and discussion is about the rail-thing daughter growing into a curvier figure rivaling her curvy MILF.
That is just stupid looking.
>Recessive genes
>Dyes her hair to be more individualistic
>Crazy side effect of super powers
Take your pick.
t. cucks
She's a moody teenager. She dyed it.
Why are cucks so insecure?
Why do you fuckers keep saying mutations? It's only in fucking anime where characters get hair color changes from powers, and usually because of the "it looks cooler" stuff. It's probably just fucking genetics.
Finally, this thread can begin...!
She's goth, she dyes it.
I mean you noticed how fake that color looked, right? That wasn't an accident on Pixar's part, they wanted to make her look like she had a bad angsty dye job.
When is the sequel coming out?
Not sure if you noticed, but it was high time somebody went up against the
>how can white boys even compete?
Sure, it goes against the rules, but mods did little to stop it. when you get the same identical images and posts in Finnish imageboard, you kind of are right to suppose a political/economic agenda behind it.
She was actually a shy girl, until she had risked her life and had an attitude change.
So is she really a blonde or brunette. Going by the siblings, maybe blonde.
yes, as notes, even Violet herself doesn't want to be petite
>implying haircolor represents simple dominance at all
This isn't 1920 grampa
We have a more nuanced understanding of genetics now.
I actually prefer her not being a hambeast.
Liberals from /leftypol/ on 8ch and Reddit falseflagging
I wouldn't put it past them, but don't neglect the idiots trying to fit in by screaming "cuck" at every shadow
White people don't have black hair. What is referred to as black is really dark brown. Violet's hair is jet black, therefore obviously dyed.
Having large hips, ass, and breasts does not a hambeast make.
Excuse me buddy, but I've been Gothic since before Gothic was popular.
By that logic blonde hair doesn't exist either, it's just really light brown
The consumption of thicc by the bbw lovers has confused the issue a great deal
no thats thicc
>Gothic didnt start till the 80's
Besides the world if the increibles is clearly about 30 years ahead in tech
>dad has super strength
>mom stretches
>children turn invisible or run fast
Makes you think.
So you've never, EVER crushed on a Stacey? You're just too morally just to ever want to have anything but the most introverted of introverts for a crush?
fucking muties
Superpowers aren't inherited.
Obviously that was posted by a girl. Girls can't understand why guys would like a shy girl, as most would never be interested in a shy guy.
fuck Stacey and her bimbo friends
I'm not sure what's hotter, Holy Hunter in this or the 1996 Crash
Stormweenies are the ones entirely behind that shit you massive fucking idiot
Maybe because she's a fictional character and her hair color was chosen by artists based on what would look good on screen ?
A lot of false flagging
Happens on Sup Forums all the time, even though now the DC shit is starting to creep up again
This. People underestimate how storm front cultivates their recruits. The numbers are scarily increasing.
Something clearly is since they have powers.
Neither of my parents are blond, but my sister was a natural blond until her 20s.
>We have a more nuanced understanding of genetics now.
Not the public in general, they don't.
Because anons are a self-loathing and very, very insecure bunch of betas that didn't get laid in high school.
No it isn't.
>All the Avengers busting into the chat.
That's great.
And when you smack that ass, the cup doesn't move.
>Girls can't understand why guys would like a shy girl, as most would never be interested in a shy guy.
Then you realize Violet probably has a beta male friend she ignores.
Until she sees his massive cock at some point and wonders if she could fit it inside her.
So what's the deal with Mr Incredible's backstory? They imply it sucked and that he's projecting it onto Dash, but do we know any details?
Where was this said?