Justice League sucks
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Is anyone surprised?
"Wonder Woman" still has a chance, though.
who the fuck is that? give me 1 good reason to trust what he says
>It was a fucking mess. There is a reason Patty Jenkins was dropped from Thor. Gal Gadot is pretty frustrated with the movie as well. Well for one, Jenkins cannot command the respect a director deserves. The director of a movie is the captain of the ship and needs to steer it. Jenkins is a total doormat and everyone walks over her. The production crew often supersedes her commands, she cant get the actors under control, and she's easily frustrated. Fucking Chris Pine on the days he was on set pretty much had to play Dad while she was Mom.
They said the same thing about BvS and that turned out great. Never trust negative DC reviews
Guy who goes to press screenings for movies. Gave the detailed breakdown of what WB changed about Suicide Squad from test cuts to the final cut. Also one of the first to say BvS sucked before it came out.
He was right about the drama behind the scenes of "Suicide Squad" and what the reshoots changed.
Guy that was right about Suicide Squad being a mess
To be fair, in these posts he's clearly seen the movie. In the OP he's just repeating what he's heard.
OH BOY HERE WE GO! Anyone got the cycle of snyder pic around?
Oh god no how could this have happened
I'm literally depressed now omg #tears
so theres some weight to his words then. fuck.
>Producers aren't sure how to fix it
>keep Snyder as director of the second movie
I'm not really surprised. It seems like rather than addressing the actual problems with Man of Steel and Batman V Superman, WB just decided to let Snyder make the same mistakes, but this time with more jokes.
Plus it sounds like the plot has a lot of characters and moving pieces and Snyder has shown time and again he can't handle that. He needs simple straightforward plots to thrive, with as little flashbacks, dream sequences and mosaic narratives as possible.
Why do people CONTINUE to have hope for DC movies?
They'll just be let down every damn time.
Wow I'm honestly shocked
there's no source but i choose to believe it
I guess that's why there aren't more women directors.
Interesting, but Thor 2 definitely had problems beyond just Patty Jenkins
Because ffs Marvel needs some good competition
>Female director can't direct anyone and gets walked over because she has no ability to command
I don't want to be sexist, christ
Stay edgy kid
They have some good competition with Fox now though, Deadpool was extremely well received and Logan will probably make a lot of money too.
They're still Marvel characters
Yeah the closest thing they got to competition is Deadpool
DC should have stopped Snyder from doing Justice League after BvS failed instead of giving him another chance
Doesn't matter, it's still competition because it's 2 different studios.
meant WB
That baffles me to this very day.
>#I'm with her
Can't we just get a decent DC movie
Yeah Deadpool was great but it was more or less a parody of the genre and I'm certain subsequent films will do the same.
Logan is the ending to a rather disjointed trilogy
X-Men: Apocalypse was really fuckin bad so unless this 90's X-Men film is really good then I don't really have hope when it comes to Fox.
He's right, if I remember correctly Elizabeth Banks had to leave Pitch Perfect 3 because she had a child. Studios don't want directors that can't be reliable, that's why not a lot of women direct huge blockbuster films
Similar thing happened to Fifty Shades, the original director and Dakota Johnson were catty towards each other which is why it took so long for a sequel to come out, now with a male director.
Should of stopped after MoS.
we never did before why start now?
>hand over the production to the Snyder's crew
>shitcan the Snyders
Yeah that wasn't happening
>tfw The Dark Knight Rises was a masterpiece compared to everything in the new DC universe
Of course
I honestly had fun with that movie.
Sure it wasn't as good as the first 2, but I found it entertaining.
>this 90's X-Men film is really good
They seem to be going for New Mutants now first.
One thread here claimed Fox wasn't happy with where Apocalypse left their series so they might be shelving the direct sequel for a bit.
Would Sup Forums had believed 4 years ago that 'Man of Steel' -as polemic and criticized as it was- was going to turn out to be the best thing DCEU had to offer?
I remember at the time thinking it was a rough start. I didn't think it would be a downward trend.
Makes this video more embarrassing in hindsight
so you are the kind of person who would enjoy beaing gang raped rigth
You can be sure they'll be shoving Deadpool in everything now, X-Force is definitely gonna happen soon.
It's a shame Jackman will be out after this.
>It's now edgy to think that women have a harder time than men commanding respect in an industry filled with massive egos.
I've heard tons of horror stories about directors being undermined by crew/actors throughout productions. I can only assume it's worse for female directors, given that some men are still incredibly uncomfortable taking orders from a woman.
Not four years ago but once the leak that Doomsday was going to be in what was then Man of Steel 2 I realized they had no fucking clue what they were doing.
The addition of Batman only made it worse because that's DC's blatant damage control tactic.
DAE: Marvel ((left)) vs DC ((right)) ???
How do you course correct when adding Batman isn't an option?
dude lmao marvel is like, so cool? i love how all the films are identical and totally lacking in any sort of creative vision or originality.
but brah, dude, DC is like, where's the quips? why does DC let an auteur director make original, engaging films that have emotional depth and impact? like, where's the quips? where's the sitcom cinematography? where's the taken-esque editing?
i chose to belive snider give the best head in all holywood and that is why he got to keep his job
The DCEU would be so much better if they stopped fucking panicking like retards.
Every movie since MoS is like this, they either go in full damage control mode and chop everything up in the editing room or they look at what the competition does and try to emulate it (and fail). I thought it would get better with Johns at the helm, but it's pretty clear that it was just a PR move and he has no control over anything.
>emotional depth and impact
i vote reboot
He means memes
It feels like story after story broke today of "DCEU IS FUCKED"
Watch, in like 2 hours, we're gonna get "James Wan left Aquaman because 'creative differences'"
Maybe Snyder should just BE a cinematographer and let other people write and direct.
and in the end it won't matter
nigga, if BvS was a succes we would be talking of the tons of DCEU projects instead of hearing of the delays of Flash and the chance of even fucking Batman backtracking
>The DCEU would be so much better if they stopped fucking panicking like retards.
This is why people shouldn't have gone all gung ho about "BUT THEY SAID THEY'LL BE DARKER THAN MARVEL AND IT'S MORE DIRECTOR CONTROLLED".
Speaking of directors leaving movies, aren't they under some sort of contract? Most actors can't just walk away from these franchises, how come it's so easy for directors? Flash already lost 2 directors.
You know that comic of McDuffie working at DC and everyone keeps cucking him? I imagine that's what it's like for Wan right now
>Gave the detailed breakdown of what WB changed about Suicide Squad from test cuts to the final cut.
I think there was one difference breakdown that was debunked. I don't know if it's this person's though.
>[BvS] turned out great.
>one female director out of many is shit
>thinks that means all females are shit
don't be an idiot. American Psycho, one of the creepiest and best depictions of a sociopath, was directed by Mary Harron. She had to deal with braindead so called feminists who think showing violence against women somehow means condoning it, and not simply showing off the character as the utter bastard he is
That doesn't make sense. If anything BvS is the Clinton of movies.
Because they lost
Christ again? This is the third time today an unsorced rumour has baited Sup Forums.
How long till this gets debunked like the others.
This is an insult to Trump.
Kill yourself.
DCEUfag post this, but act like Hilary when people criticize the DCEU.
Shouldn't Suicide Squad be the Donald Trump of movies?
A movie everyone hated yet won anyway?
Clinton allegory honestly makes more sense, the film ends with an immigrant dying to save the country he decided to live in while an irrational and angry racist batman sees the light in his death
Nigga whatched and pointed out each reshot and alterarion made on SS.
I know that you are an admited shill, but he has 100% track record regarding the DCEU.
man Disney is going all out
Consider the DCEU. On paper they have more of the qualifications to win but a completely botched campaign, a total lack of charisma, and constantly blaming the competition for your failings while failing to connect to people leads to shitting the proverbial bed So now, in their defeat, they've taken to saying the entire world is ignorant and wrong and that history will instead vindicate them..
That's not Trump. That's Hilary.
BvS is better since it marked the death of the franchise like trump marked the death of american values.
reminder that if prefer right over left you are a redditor tourist
snyder is and always will be /ourguy/
"i hear"
Its just as valid as Faraci was with his sometimes correct but mostly false reports were.
>an admited shill
The fuck?
>mfw i see tourist capeshitters on my board
>My comic book directors directors don't look like guys that read comics books! Take that you casuals!
At what point did being a chad become something praiseworthy around here?
I've always wondered how many of the Snyder apologists are genuine and how many of them are trolls.
Going by the track record of DCEU, I would say that it is likely.
Okay wait wait
I forgot
the quips
I forgot about the quips
Every superhero movie needs the quips
Otherwise there might be some actual emotional tension
Interrupt all scenes that might have some emotional impact with stupid joss whedon quips
do this for 15 movies in a row
and never change
>a Chad
In what fucking world? He's a manlet
I understand the panic about JL - it's the launching pad for at least two new potential franchises - but I hope they at least loosen up about WW and just let the cards fall where they may. It may be a mess but it'd be a more coherent mess if there was less last-minute flailing.
ill admit that last tweet does seem ominous
>he says, while posting on r/dc_cinematic
You have to go back.
when did being a chad become something negative around here?
the answer is when redditor retards like you invaded
He's been proven to have insider connects at this point
Damn, I just feel pity for you at this point
>anime reaction image
So it's like X-Men: Apocalypse
bin al-Flecki's in pretty good shape. He must get a lot of protein from sucking Muslim cock all day.
>DC isn't like Marvel
>DC is too much like Marvel
Or maybe everybody's just in denial about how Marvel's movies are 6/10 tier and not the 9/10 that everybody wants to believe.