Reminder that dual wielding is overused and overrated, just like reverse-grip sabers.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Reminder that dual-wielding in SWTOR means upgrades always cost twice as much.
Hudson Murphy
Why couldn't they even get her face patterns right?
Robert Morgan
Dual wielding is also completely impractical
Nathan Hughes
>literally one user of reverse-grip
Logan Adams
They probably actually changed with age. Note that they look different when she was a baby.
Samuel Myers
They only give a shit about money and making their OC's sooper stronk.
Or maybe puberty, I don't know.
Juan Stewart
She grew up and covered part of it with a headband, user.
Cooper Green
>Ashoka >Revan >Starkiller
Three of the biggest Mary Sue characters, and two of them also dual-wield!
Thomas Bailey
>Mads action figure Oh my
Lucas Morris
Like I said.
Literally one user of reverse-grip.
Robert Perry
Doesn't Ventress use a reverse grip several times in the show?
Levi Thomas
>hot glue time
Charles Phillips
Reminder that Han Solo survives Episode VII and will save the entire galaxy in Episode IX.
Aiden Walker
I don't really understand why people like this guy.
Hunter Evans
Thank goodness Krennic never found out about Galen's amazing creation the super mega zipline gauntlet. If he'd had that he could have escaped the Death Star laser in Rogue One.
Jordan James
And thanks to advanced CGI technology, he will gain a new partner!
Blake Gray
And it'll be worse than Dark Empire.
Tuck me in.
Jaxon Reed
Josiah Garcia
she has such a long neck for a toddler
Leo Young
What would Filoni/Lucasfilm have to do to make you walk away from Star Wars forever?
Evan Bennett
Logan Mitchell
If TFA basically rendering ROTJ pointless didn't do it, I'm not sure anything will get me to outright quit Star Wars
Brody Myers
Rey is the reincarnation of the feminine deity representing the light side of the force
Mason Hernandez
Disney would have to sell Lucasfilm to OT purist fuckups who decide to purge canon again and get rid of the Prequels.
Zachary Taylor
>reincarnation of the feminine deity representing the light side of the force ............... Cher?
Evan Harris
>TFA basically rendering ROTJ pointless
ep 8 is gonna be full of Jedi flashbacks so.... not to mention Snoke is some spooky TOR era monster
Brandon Stewart
>flashbacks ahh the shitty writer's crutch.
Cooper Gutierrez
Purge the canon even more than they already have. IE have Marvel make Old Republic shit which takes place during parts of the existing EU, like TOTJ or the NSW.
>Snoke is some spooky TOR era monster So he's Abeloth? If he's Vitiate then I'll quit Star Wars forever.
Jace Lopez
But they would have made the OT so much better!
>Obi Wan hands Luke Anakin's lightsaber >Cross dissolve to "I hate Sand"
Jackson Rivera
>Purge the canon even more than they already have How do you get rid of something more than getting rid of it?
Zachary Sanchez
"Rey! You must use the Force to peer into the past and see the Jedi Masters of old. Study their movements, learn their great tricks!" "I-I'll try, Luke! Yes! I can see it!"
Asher Price
Kevin Jenkins
Xavier Smith
Make something that takes place at the same time, therefore further invalidating it.
Like having a comic made about the spooky statue Bane from Yoda's vision in TCW that supplants the Bane Trilogy, where it happens alongside Revan or something.
Liam Neeson would make the Sequels a little bit less absolutely terrible.
Charles Gray
Makes you wonder why Anakin didn't just leave Obi-Wan to die.
Owen Hill
>therefore further invalidating it. But it's already invalid. How can you make something less valid than not at all? Also is this not the entire point of the ST?
Henry Wright
It's hard to explain, but I have a harder time looking at Thrawn or Labyrinth of Evil now because of the ST and TCW.
Jack Campbell
Julian Mitchell
Not that they're less good in my opinion, it just saddens me. They're good works that have been replaced with crap.
I think you should go outside user, they're just stories, they don't actually mean anything.
Benjamin Bailey
I know they're just stories, but now there's that knowledge that someone scrapped this for something far worse that makes it feel like I can't enjoy it fully. Yeah, and I still like them, but it just annoys me, you know?
Oliver Russell
Look at it this way, user. That story you liked is still just as canon as it always was.
So you're just doing it to yourself because you're probably retarded.
Andrew James
I know it is, that's not the problem.
The problem is that people who's opinions are objectively trash are running the franchise into the ground.
Eli Gray
It's been that way for 33 years
Connor King
It's been that way since the beginning.
Also a lot of the nu-canon stuff is good. A lot of it is garbage, but that's how it's always been.
Anthony Morales
He has learned well from Jar Jar
Lucas Cooper
At least he let other people do what they wanted.
And Ling Ling Cheese was pretty fair with canon.
Jose Parker
>At least he let other people do what they wanted. Because none of it mattered.
Thomas Wood
They change with age you immense faggot
Jackson Howard
The chink pretended it mattered at least.
Disney won't even let us do that, because this is their spacenazi fanfiction.
Can we talk about how much better the Imperial Remnant was than the First Order?
Kevin Thomas
Nope it is practical
Levi Howard
Did you really need to feed someone that obvious another (you)?
David Cook
No, its not
There's a reason soldiers rarely bothered doing it, because it isnt practical. When they did do it, it was usually with a sword and a parrying dagger, not 2 swords of equal length
Jason Morris
>The chink pretended it mattered at least. Like that matters.
The EU was never canon.
Aiden Hernandez
>The EU was never canon. Get outta here, Iger.
Anthony Roberts
>No, its not It is
>There's a reason soldiers rarely bothered doing it, because it isnt practical. Incorrect. While it's better to use a sword and shield, that does not mean that using two swords is impractical.
>When they did do it, it was usually with a sword and a parrying dagger, not 2 swords of equal length Nah, there's plenty of examples of two swords of equal/near-equal length.
Brayden Edwards
> we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions.
Soirry user, it's Lucas. Your shit was never canon.
Ayden Perry
We need JJ Binks back on the screen and not just behind the camera.
Caleb Martin
why would Jar Jar be hugging Han?
Christian Wright
Because there's always a bigger OTP.
Zachary Martinez
>we see the First Order's central headquarters >there's a huge statue of Jar Jar >FO reveres him as one of the fathers of the Empire
Adam Richardson
Yeah, Lucas always made it perfectly clear that whenever he came to do any new SW projects (like the prequels and TCW) he would ignore the EU. Anyone who blames Disney for the canon purge knows fuck all, even if Lucas had made the sequels he would have thrown the EU out just the same.
Kevin Morgan
>Snoke is actually the Apprentice of the true Sith Lord of the PT, Darth Bombad >his injuries are from a lifetime of barely surviving Jar Jar's constant stream of accidents
Oliver Cox
Fuck off JJ
Gabriel Morales
Matthew Turner
Hayden is cute.
Xavier Rodriguez
>We need clones with attitude!
Daniel Howard
Xavier Sanchez
He's Sel-Makor, finally escaped from the Dark Heart of the Voss Nightmare Lands.
Michael Garcia
>"When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves—and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences ... The further one branches away from the movies, the more interpretation and speculation come into play. LucasBooks works diligently to keep the continuing Star Wars expanded universe cohesive and uniform, but stylistically, there is always room for variation." - Chris Cerasi
Carter Perez
Ethan James
my sides, they hurt
Parker Cooper
Jose Morgan
Oh look, she has a Goldar, too
Wyatt Young
Ayden Parker
>dark lord BB-8 is the reason there are no more ball droids because he killed them all?
Andrew Fisher
Jace Perry
>double penetrated
Owen Mitchell
>tfw the '8' isn't because it's shaped like an 8
Last of his kind, first of his kind, only one of his kind.
Maul in TFA is Snoke so no he won't have the same beef with Ben Solo.
Ayden Sullivan
So I am about to do a re-watch of The Clone Wars in chronological order. The Wikipedia article about this series states "There is also an online comic, depicting story-snippets between the single episodes." But when I follow the citation I can't seem to find this comic. Can anyone help me with this?
Jaxon Torres
Is there a Star Wars character who could out-Dukat Gul Dukat?
No, its a shot of CHRISTOPHSIS A beautiful jewel of a world with immense crystalline formations, Christophsis was the site of repeated and heated battles in the Clone Wars. A blockade of Separatist vessels trapped a Senate relief mission behind enemy lines, necessitating a special Republic task force with experimental starship technology to scatter the blockade. This precipitated a full scale Separatist invasion of the planet, made possible by a traitor within the clone trooper ranks. In the end, the Republic was able to turn the Separatist invasion, and guard the planet from future incursions.
Charles Allen
Noah Robinson
Thank you user.
Owen Bell
Let's see. Dukat has himself surgically altered to infiltrate Bajor and sleeps with Sisko's worst nemesis, a pope that doesn't recognize he's the second coming?
Why I do believe that would be one-upped by Tarkin who dressed as his own wife to infiltrate Imperial High Command and have sex with himself!
Check and mate, sleemo.
Carson Bennett
I'll buy that for five bars of gold pressed latinum.
Logan Wood
Is there a Star Wars character that could defeat Sisko in baseball?
Besides Yoda.
Alexander Thompson
Easton Hughes
...technically, Sisko never beat anyone in baseball. >and here's the pitch