>user, w-what do you mean i'm a shitty, irrelevant character that hogs screen time? What do?
Kayden Gutierrez
>Not Emerald edition
One fucking job.
Nathaniel Sanders
>Roman possessing Ruby to fuck Neo
Jack Rivera
Nolan Young
>who the fuck are you
Aiden Reyes
Because she was born a homosexual.
Jaxson Anderson
>This isn't a cinder edition...
One fucking job
Robert Harris
Aiden King
We don't want the crusty cum rag again
Jack King
Robert Lewis
Look at Emerald smirking here. She's delighted to be feeding this poor girl to Cinder's hand bug. It's just too much. Is Emerald really that thirsty?
Parker Robinson
Cinderbro you have to stop you've been doing this since /trash/
Mason Diaz
I love you all too!
Should I have skipped past two then?
Lincoln Stewart
>Is Emerald really that thirsty? The answer to that is always yes when Cinder is involved, and if her Cinpei wants to have Maidens fed to her Bug in a Glove, then that's what will happen
Mason Cooper
Doing what?
Wyatt Lewis
It looks like they are holding her down so Cinder can bully her with a pink belly or something
Kayden Smith
You know what
Jeremiah Gray
Cameron Miller
That exact scene has played in her head before, except with her instead of Amber.
Levi Foster
>He'll never hug you like he did Ren
Angel Young
Cameron Reyes
What do you think Neo's true form is
Josiah Allen
>Letting a filthy nigger anywhere near Jaune
Lucas Brooks
I want Emerald and Mercury to hold me down while I suffer indignities at the hands of Cinder!
Tyler Russell
Thomas Williams
Grayson Diaz
>Jaune's probably lost all five of his virginities by now Kid is a slut
Benjamin Martinez
Who took his virginities?
Angel Rogers
>Jaune x Sage
Logan Richardson
There are 5 of them?
Justin Bennett
>all five What
Mason Ortiz
Perhaps the nostrils and ears are counted with the usual three?
Blake Hall
You mean loving and posting cinder?
What kind of cinderbro would I be if I stopped that?
Tyler Anderson
An even more colourful and excitable Neon.
Juan White
Roman Torchwick
Matthew Sanders
Fairy grimm
Joseph Turner
Pyrrha, Pyrrha, Ren, Cardin, Ruby or Maybe Neptune, I can't recall.
Robert Long
Blacked Knight is endgame
Angel Russell
>Pyrrha Yeah no she was too beta to even try to fuck him
Carter Howard
Lips, aura, semblance,hands, Anal
Brayden Robinson
>Pyrrha user, the only virginity she's ever taken was her own
Matthew Torres
Ruby is loyal to her one true love Crescent Rose
Aaron Perry
The shopkeep's daughter
Jeremiah Reyes
Gee Neon sure is great
Meme dream meme dream meme dream
Ethan Murphy
Fuck him right in the semblance
Aiden Wright
You can't hold yourself down, Emerald.
Clearly, your frenzied lust for Cinder is making you lose all sense of reason.
Ethan Ortiz
With her semblance she can hallucinate herself holding her down
Aiden Wilson
You've got that right, Neon is a very fun character. Here's hoping we see her again, someday. She would look great in Maya.
Alexander Hughes
A 90 year old and Torchwick's mom
Brandon Collins
> forcing yourself to hallucinate yourself holding yourself down so your mentor/crush can absorb your power through her hand bug Freud would have a field day with Emerald.
Levi Morris
But I'm not Emerald!
I just want Cinder to violate me!
Connor Barnes
>People still think Ruby has a thing for CR or gives a damn about CR Lel. When was that last referenced?
That thing looks like trash compared to Nora's which is even a fucking hammer.
Jason Baker
Hush it's just being silly
Henry Bell
>But I'm not Emerald! And by process of elimination, we can safely conclude that you are Misa.
Your mastery of English fooled me at first, but it makes perfect sense that you would obsessively learn your waifu's mother tongue.
Noah Kelly
Imagine going to visit Emerald in their offtime and you walk in on her lying on her bed twitching with a glazed over look in her eyes
Carson Russell
Do you think Misa self-inserts into Emerald?
Levi Anderson
I don't even know who Misa is!
Colton Lopez
We missed a beat on one of the recent thread numbers, and now it's thrown everybody into confusion. RWBYg may never recover fully.
Carson Ross
I wonder if making yourself hallucinate on your own semblance fucks you up a little.
Matthew Morgan
Liam Martinez
more like Emerald self-inserts as Misa
Charles Jones
Nah, she just wants to self-insert into Cinder
Levi Adams
That reminds me of how much Ruby's character has bogged down. Barely any character traits left.
All that remains is her being a "simple soul" like every other MC out there where the only difference they have is feeling bad/good and getting motivated to do something.
I guess you could say it's the character regression.
Evan Wright
>It's a WoR week
William Reyes
Aaah them thick hips. I miss MILF Cinder stories
Adrian Bell
Liam Gonzalez
Dear god, what would a pregnant Cinder be like, in terms of temperament?
Brody Gray
I swear, I just want Cinder to defile me with her bug hand!
Samuel Adams
Whatever her final form is I hope miles and kerry steal a good fight scene from another anime for her fight
Carter Phillips
What if Ruby got into memes from 2009
Cameron Perez
source ?
Christopher Perez
Literally no one but Misa and Emerald wants anything to do with Cinder
Josiah Lopez
Discounting the Thanksgiving WoR, the entire season has been three episodes per one WoR
Wyatt Hall
Not him but the final episode is suppose to air during rtx Australia so by process of elimination were due for more world of who gives a fucks
Aiden Martinez
Sexy af.
Jacob Green
>Emerald starts having trouble discerning what it and isn't real >Starts getting a little too touchy feely with the real Cinder when she thinks she's in a fantasy >Cinder's still to weak and helpless to do anything about it >Still dependant on the minion who is molesting her
Alexander Howard
What about that cinderfag who is always talking about wanting cinder threads
Lucas Thomas
RIP Roman, peace be upon him
Dicks out for the fallen
Hunter Davis
The finale is being aired early in RTX Sydney, so with only 3 episodes left and 4 weeks to go its safe to assume we're getting a WoR. That and it fits the established pattern of three episodes then a WoR
Ryan Jackson
On the internet, no one knows you're secretly Emerald
Robert Howard
Luis Murphy
That's obviously Cinder who has taken up shitposting to vent her malice now that she's crippled and impotent.