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What is she, /swco/?

best lightsaber

posting a refined gentleman

Any HD Rogue One rips yet?
Please, /swco/, I'm desperate

here is the most famous and recognizable of all lightsabers

I'm afraid not

Not for a while, I reckon. Have to wait until home media release.

I'm still waiting for Lightsaber bayonets desu
The Lasat Bo Rifle is a decent enough substitute though

All lightsabers look the same in the movies.

Disgusting. I'd take this dumb thing over that any day.

Forgot about that auto-correct nonsense
>To be honest
There. Happy?

That's wrong tho

Shit if you look closely they didn't even bother to give Grievous individual lightsabers. He's just got copies of Anakin's and another copy.


Damn, I'm physically disabled and can't go out to a theatre to see it ;_;

Will she ever return?

maybe you should have thought of that before being a cripple, faggot.

she already did as Seventh Sister

she is unlikely to be causing trouble now, maybe she will end up as a blink-and-you-miss -it treat

Jesus Christ

I never asked for this.

Sheev had a flow going on back then

Well, based on TFA, I'd say March-April is when to expect it.

>tfw you find your squad leader watching a banned documentary about the Jedi

>when you catch the men buying Togruta porn after Commander Tano inspects the barracks

>to fight the enemy you have to understand them
>sometimes you need knowledge deemed unnatural by the empire

There was a never a time in his life that Sheev Palpatine was caught slippin

I'm sorry user, that sucks.

It'll be worth the wait though, don't go for a cam-rip, it's not worth it.

>that arm
my eyes, they burn

I-it was just for research purpose.
Y-you won't tell Lord Vader, right ?

>you're disgusted because they should prefer Shaak Ti

Lord Vader saw the whole thing

>not liking Shaak Ti the glorious mother of the clones
don't be such a separatist

but I said they should prefer Shaak Ti
I like Shaak Ti

really now?

No one should prefer anything other than a mirialan
All mirialan girls are futa and you can't prove me wrong.

So many imperial officers received full Vader treatment in new canon?

i dont have my episodes handy, can someone post some of sabines gratified trooper helmets?

Yep, she seems like a great master to serve under if you know what I mean


CG and Genndy's Shaak Ti are superior.

>when you realize that Vader choking people to death is him re-visiting what he assumes is the moment he killed his wife, over and over.

What a horrible monstrosity.
Thank goodness they're all dead.

what do he mean by this?

The guy lacking in faith
Ozzel's predecessor

what the heck is going on?

I mean I would honor the Jedi code and learn from her and not get too attached to her fantastic red titties and head tentacles

>what do he mean by this?

if I rub a Togruta's head tentacles will they cum?

That's the stuff I was looking for

You are a big Jedi

What does your heart tell you?

I would call being just chocked as Vader treatment but chocked to death as full treatment.

Not enough.

>This bitch is responsible for the deaths of billions of men, women, and children.

>Best Boy Edition
That is still not Ezra.

Watto was a hero


That Frodo is alive.


Why is he so smug and cute?

>That is still not Ezra
No, that is Luke, best boy.

I get the feeling we haven't seen the last of her.

Grand inquisitress.

>Cushing wanted to be in more Star Wars and was sad that Tarkin had to die so early
>decades later we have Tarkin all over the place and no Cushing

He would be delighted how things have unfolded, I think

when you talk about "the heros journey", you are talking about luke

She'll be an Inquisitor, I guarantee it. They're doing Maul vs. Obi-wan, Saw was in a live action movie. She'll return.

Another Desert planet

Is the creativity of the people who come up with these locations as dry as the locations they choose?

>Gets trips of truth
Welp, apparently my waifu has a dick now.

wht if she just ended up a moisture farmer, who doesnt want anything to do with the civil war

>the Han Solo movie isn't about him going to places like Florrum, there will be no Hondo, they'll completely ignore the pirate underworld and make it a story about how he met Chewie, did the Kessel run, got the falcon blah blah
>Greedo will appear

The world of Space Pirates is criminally underexplored in nu-canon. We have Hondo and that's it. Everybody's hot over Bounty Hunters when pirates are cooler.

I'd prefer some kind of space Tortuga instead. But that could work if they are going for more western vibe.

if you were to write a scum and villainy movie, what would it be about?

Villains. And scums. Duh.

>he would be delighted how things have unfolded
We can hope.

Barriss will be the new GrInky and it will be glorious

I've put some thought into that.

It would be a Star Wars adaptation of the Golden Age of Piracy. After the battle of Jakku, before the New Republic could fully get a hold of things, pirates banded together to hold a few systems and become an independent government. But it only lasts for a few years, like the real age of piracy.

You could have a few nefarious big-time pirates and underworld types hang out at a sort of Pirate Homeworld, like Nassau was.

Story would be about how they crumble once the New Republic starts getting itself together and the First Order becomes a threat too. Hondo is like Blackbeard or something.

The Canary Islands are also subtropical.
The location works well for both a desert planet and a tropical one.

Will she fill the Grinky shaped hole in our hearts?
Hearts, not dicks.

>a shitty, poorly trained padawan becomes the Grand Inquisitor

Well that's just fucking dumb

>reminder that even though it was a low-power blast, Jedha will not be inhabitable for millions of years

That's not how planets work in Star Wars.

How much radiation are those crew members sucking up? Goddamn their cancer would have cancer

dubs and trips dont lie
they can just slap some hab-domes on top of the rock

shhhh! if we dont tell them about it, they wont care

Radiation doesn't exist in Star Wars unless it's a plot point.

Was Mace such an asshole because he was the only virgin on the council?

I just looked it up on the Wook
Cancer has no canon page
Cancer is legends

>head tentacles
>Not Lekku
You casual scum.

Why are all alien women in Star Wars just normal humans with hats on?

We all know what they're called. It's like how Lucas still calls them laser swords. We all know they're called Lekku and of course they are a sexual organ.

It didn't look very habitable to begin with desu. Looked like the city that got blown up was the only one on the planet.

Does an Ithorian look like a normal human to you?

And we'd of course see more of Sidon Ithano, right?
Who is the Black Bart of Star Wars?


Has Kanan nailed Hera?

Of course we'd see Corsair, but he'd be just starting out in his career and might be a minor character. Depends on how far after Endor it's set.

I just think it's a rich area for them to go. Obviously Hutt Space would be semi-involved too since they're kind of the hub of smuggling and all.

The Black Bart of Star Wars would have to be a new character. I've ruminated on it a little and think I have a good idea but I'm not good at writing stories so it will die with me.

They're called lekkus for all species, not just twi'leks.

But they have head tentacles.

Not upwards like Twi'leks, but downwards.

>implying he wasn't pimpin' hard on the side
The purple lightsaber didn't clue you in?

Yes. Something bothering you?