ITT: shitty villains

ITT: shitty villains


Personally, I respect a villain who takes pride in making their mechanical army.


No love in it, I want a villian to slowly destroy my mind and body to become her loyal pet



I agree.

Didn't a lot of people pair her with Sylvia? Do those people still do that?

H's crazy nutso, I remember him impressing me when they get dragged into a valley of dragons and ending up winning against them.


Domiator was okay in a sense that she served as a perfect villain for Wander, an individual who loved being evil just as much as Wander loved helping people. Although she is responsible for a fourth of the second season being relegated to Hater doing fucking nothing but chasing her and not being particularly funny. I also hate that they tried to somewhat redeem her by making her look sympathetic near the end.


I like her though and am hopeful for her development. Protecting her race's prosperity and being bitter about losing her sister to some rebels from Earth feels like fairly realistic motivations.

Did they? She sure didn't seem sympathetic in the end.

Eh, we only got two episodes to know her. Give her some time to come in and wreck shit.

Who on this board has such a hate boner for Ruber?

Any villain from the PPG reboot that isn't Him.

I might be misinterpreting it, but the way they showed how Dominator acted alone and when she was defeated sure seemed pitiable.

>Completely alone with nothing but bots for friendship
>It's shown that she does crave companionship, but she doesn't quite grasp how friends are supposed to work.
>Ultimately fucks off even though Wander was willing to forgive her for all the shit she pulled
>A bit far fetched, but I thought her taking the orange at the end was supposed to show that she had the potential to be redeemed

She was still an evil bitch, but they showed that she had a isolated life. Not to mention we got fuck all back story for her, which could've expanded on why she was such an asshole, but I guess we would've needed another season for that.


Trying to make Dominator sympathetic destroys the purpose. She is evil. She is a malevolent psychopathic force of carnage and destruction.

Worst decision in the whole show.

>an individual who loved being evil just as much as Wander loved helping people.

It's a good idea, just executed poorly in my opinion.

He's so pissed off at the situation in general he goes all pragmatic and just straight up punches them in the face. And then they roast the beast on a spit!

Oh fuck you, he was amazingly silly

>Ultimately fucks off even though Wander was willing to forgive her for all the shit she pulled
Didn't really follow the show, but didn't she leave because she'd eventually join in the cycle of villains that Wander redeemed?

Literally can only do anything because heroes are retards.

She also tried to penetrate Sylvia in front of a whole crowd of people.






Kneel before me!

He´s always better as the lesser of two evils.

>Can fucking disintegrate people
>Uses it on non-mutant enemies once

First thing that popped into my head was "Morlun."

*insert most of the MCU villains here*

>Hater doing fucking nothing but chasing her and not being particularly funny
That gave us The New Toy, The Cartoon, The Show stopper and My Fair Hatey. Some of the best episodes in the series.

I'm honestly surprised nobody responded with "delete this"

Well no shit, the movies suck.

She isn't a villain though, she's just a bully who wants a hug.

I wonder who could be behind this post?


>wants more land
>doesn't get it
>better create a mechanical army and graft a sword to my arm


Slightly more effective than petitioning an uncaring monarchical bureaucracy

>he is made of 666 most evil people in history's shit

Wanted was a mistake



I was more disapointed with Wonder who would have let this happen to still be a pacifist.
I hoped we would have got a smal glimpse at his true powers as an ancient intergalactic entety

But does his plan include YOU?

>those fingernails

well ,technically ,nah

They're jealous of his sweet improv music skills.


Shere Khan was basically Scar but better and a lot more underrated.

Have you ever tried a disguise?
